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Appendices: Table of Contents

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Appendix A

Department of Defense Department of Defense
Department of Education Department of Education
  Department of Health and Human Services
  Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration
  Health Care Financing Administration Health Care Financing Administration
  Health Resources and Services Administration Health Resources and Services Administration
  Indian Health Service Indian Health Service
  National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health
  Office of Population Affairs Office of Population Affairs
  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice Department of Justice
Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs
Corporation for National Service Corporation for National Service

Appendix B


Department of Commerce Department of Commerce
Department of Defense Department of Defense
Department of Energy Department of Energy
  Department of Health and Human Services
  Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
  Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration
  National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health
Department of Justice Department of Justice
Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Treasury Department of Treasury


Appendix C
Care and Services

Department of Commerce Department of Commerce
  Department of Health and Human Services
  Administration for Children and Families Administration for Children and Families
  Health Care Financing Administration Health Care Financing Administration
  Health Resources and Services Administration Health Resources and Services Administration
  Indian Health Service Indian Health Service
  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice Department of Justice
Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs
Corporation for National Service Corporation for National Service
Social Security Administration Social Security Administration

Appendix D
Civil Rights

Department of Justice Department of Justice
Department of Labor Department of Labor
US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission

Appendix E
International Activities

Department of Defense Department of Defense
  Department of Health and Human Services
  Office of International Health Office of International Health
Department of State Department of State
Department of Treasury Department of Treasury
Peace Corps Peace Corps
US Agency for International Development US Agency for International Development
US Information Agency US Information Agency


Appendix F
Translation of Research Advances into Practice

Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Health Care Policy Research
Agency for Health Care Policy Research
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Health
Appendix G
Appendix H
Members of the Interdepartmental Task Force on HIV and AIDS
Members of the Interdepartmental Task Force on HIV and AIDS
Appendix I
Summary Budget Table
Summary Budget Table


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Appendices: Table of Contents

Appendix A: Prevention

Appendix B: Research

Appendix C: Care & Services

Appendix D: Civil Rights

Appendix E: International Activities

Appendix F: Translation of Research Advances