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- * Interagency
Assessment of Oxygenated Fuels - June 1997, 239 pp.
- Prepared through the NSTC Committee on Environment and Natural
Resources, Interagency Oxygenated Fuels Assessment Steering Committee.
- The Interagency Assessment of Oxygenated Fuels presents current
understanding of critical scientific issues related to the winter oxygenated
gasoline program. Air quality, fuel economy and engine performance, and the
potential health effects of oxygenated fuels are addressed in the report.
Printed copies may be obtained through GCRIO User Services using
any of the following:
- Telephone: (517) 797-2730
Fax: (517) 797-2622 email:
help@gcrio.org00 World Wide Web: http://www.gcrio.org (see Document Request
For additional information, contact:
- Environment Division
Office of Science and Technology
Policy Executive Office of the President Washington, DC
20502 Telephone: (202) 456-6202 Fax: (202) 456-6025
- * Investing in Our Future: A
National Research Initiative for America's Children - April 1997,
64 pp
- Prepared by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
Committee on Fundamental Science and Health, Safety, and Food, this report
explores the Federal investment in research focused on the biological,
cognitive, and social development of America's children. This report recommends
interrelated research themes requiring multidisciplinary approaches to fill
important knowledge needs.
- For further information, contact:
- Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of
the President Washington, D.C. 20502 Telephone: (202) 456-6130 Fax:
(202) 456-6027
- Available on the NSTC Home Page via link from the OSTP Home Page.
- * Integrating the Nation's
Environmental Monitoring and Research Networks and Programs: A Proposed
Framework - March 1997, 101
- Prepared by the NSTC Committee on Environment and Natural Resources
Environmental Monitoring Team. Report highlights ongoing Federal research
efforts in this science and technology (S&T) field and identifies new and
promising areas where there might be gaps in Federal support.
- For additional copies, contact:
- Environment Division
Office of Science and Technology
Policy Executive Office of the President 443 Old Executive Office
Building Washington, DC 20502 Phone: (202) 456-6202 Fax: (202)
- * Computing, Information and Communications (CCIC) Brochure:
Technologies for the 21st Century - April 1997, 12 pp
- This publication highlights representative accomplishments, key
research and development areas, and the HPCC budget crosscuts, demonstrating
their contribution to the new Program Component Areas. Further information can
be found on Federal, academic, and industry web sites.
- For further information, contact:
- National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and
Suite 665 4201 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, Virginia
22230 Phone: (703) 306-4722
- Internet: www.hpcc.gov
- * Natural Disaster
Reduction: A Plan for the Nation - April 1997, 44 pp
- Prepared by the NSTC Committee on Environment and Natural Resources,
Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction. Report highlights ongoing Federal
research efforts in this science and technology field an identifies new and
promising areas where there might be gaps in Federal support.
- For additional copies, contact:
- William Hooke, National Weather Program
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Phone: (301) 713-0460 Fax: (301)
- For additional information, contact:
- Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Division Phone: (202) 456-6202 Fax: (202) 456-6025
- * 1996
Accomplishments of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) -
March 1997, 26 pp
- Prepared by the NSTC Executive Secretariat. Presents the
accomplishments of the NSTC during calendar year 1996 by Presidential science
and technology priorities.
- For additional copies or information, contact:
- National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
Secretariat Office Old Executive Office Building Room 435 17th St. and
Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20502 Phone: (202)
456-6100 Fax: (202) 456-6026
- * Program Guide to Federally Funded Environment and Natural
Resources - February 1997, (R&D) 80 pp
- Prepared by the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR)
as an update to the June 1996 Program Guide. Provides a single reference for
use by colleges, universities, and other research institutions on federal
agencies R&D programs in the environment and natural resource areas.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- *The Health and Ecological Effects of Endocrine Disrupting
Chemicals: A Framework for Planning - November 1996, 15 pp
- This document establishes a framework for considering the issue of
endocrine disruptors. It categorizes major research activities into three
groups: methods development, model development, and laboratory and field data
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
Additional copies of this docoument may be obtained from Office of Science and
Technology Policy's Environment Division, (202) 456-6202, fax: (202) 456-6025.
- *High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Advancing
The Frontiers of Information Technology - November 1996, 57 pp
- This book presents a condensed view of some of the Federal High
Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Program's FY 1996
accomplishments as well as additional achievements posted on the World Wide
Web. Presents FY 1997 plans, describes the new organization for Computing,
Information, and Communications R&D (CIC) Programs, summaries the goals and
objectives of these new CIC R&D programs, and includes a comprehensive list
of government personnel who are involved in the HPCC and CIC programs.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
Additional copies of this document may
be obtained from: National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and
Communications 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite #665 Arlington, VA
22230 Voioce: (703) 306-4722 Fax: (703) 306-4727 e-mail: nco@hpcc.gov
- *1995 The Federal Research and Development Program in Materials
Science and Technology -- November 1996, 193 pp
- This document is a comprehensive look at the current Federal
materials R&D effort, the role of materials in industrial competitiveness,
and an assessment of how materials R&D relates to national priorities.
- Additional copies of this document may be obtained from: Materials
Technology (MatTec) Secretariat
NIST Materials Building, Room
B309 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 Phone: (301) 975-5655 Fax: (301)
926-8349 e-mail: samuel.schneider@nist.gov
- *Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Brochure --
September 1996, 8 fold
- Short brochure outlines CENR's Philosophy, Accomplishments,
Publications, and Membership.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- /1996CENRBRO.html
- Additional copies of this document may be obtained from:
of Science and Technology Policy's Environment Division, (202) 456-6202
- *Our Changing Planet: The FY 1996 U.S. Global Change Research
Program -- September 1996, 162 pp
- An annual report prepared under the auspices of the President's
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) as a report to Congress
supplementing the President's FY97 budget, pursuant to the Global Change
Research Act of 1990. This report describes the structure of the program, its
goals and objectives, the specific contributions of participating agencies, and
the proposed budget for component elements of the program.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- Additional copies of this document may be obtained from:
Change Research Information Office User Services 2250 Pierce
Road University Center, MI 48710 Phone: (517) 797-2730 Fax: (517)
797-2622 E-mail: help@gcrio.org Internet: http://www.gcrio.org
- *Environmental Technologies Testing and Demonstration Sites: A
Federal Directory -- September 1996, 155 pp
- Prepared by the Environmental Technology Working Group under the
auspices of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR). Contains
information on more than 100 sites on Federal facilities where the private
sector can potentially partner with the government to test and demonstrate
technologies for environmental remediation, monitoring, pollution prevention,
or pollution control.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- Additional copies of this document may be obtained from:
C. Burrow Office of Science Policy U.S. Department of Policy 1000
Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 E-mail:
richard.burrow@hq.doe.gov Telephone: 202-586-1709 Fax: 202-586-5342
- *Program Guide to Federally Funded Environment and Natural
Resources R&D -- June 1996, 46 pp
- Prepared by the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources
(CENR). Provides a single reference for use by colleges, universities, and
other research institutions on federal agencies R&D programs in the
environment and natural resource areas.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- CENR/proguide96/toc.html
- For additional copies or information, contact:
Committee on
Environment and Natural Resources Executive Secretary National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Office of Policy and Strategic Planning U.S.
Department of Commerce Washington, D.C 20230 Phone: (202) 482-5917; Fax:
(202) 482-1156
- *Technology in the National Interest -- July 1996, 87 pp
- Prepared by the Committee on Civilian Industrial Technology. Released
at a 1996 National Medal of Technology event, July 25, 1996. Highlights the
important role technology plays in the American economy and the challenges we
face in an increasingly competitive, technology-based global economy.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page
- For additional copies, contact:
Office of Technology Policy, U.S.
Department of Commerce Publications Request Line (202) 482-3036
- For further information, contact:
Cheryl Mendonsa, Office of
Technology Policy U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4814C Washington,
D.C. 20230 (202) 482-8321
- *Assessing Fundamental Science -- July 1996, 24 pp
- Provides a consistent set of general principles and high-level goals
for the assessment process in fundamental science
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- For Further Information, Contact:
Science Division, Office of
Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President
Washington, D.C. 20502 Telephone: (202) 456-6130, FAX (202) 456-6027
Dr. Eileen L. Collins, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson
Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230 (703) 306-1772 ext. 6932, (703) 306-0508 - fax
- *Human-Centered Transportation Systems Brochure -- May 1996, 8
- Description of the Human-Centered Transportation Initiative of the
NSTC Interagency Coordinating Committee on Transportation R&D;
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
Paper copies available from: Department of Transportation, Volpe Center, Don
Sussman (617) 494-2413 Email: sussman@volpel.dot.gov
- *NSTC Calendar Year 1995 Accomplishments Report -- May 1996,
15 pp
- Summarizes NSTC and related PCAST accomplishments for calendar year
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
- /NSTC/html/CY95accomp.html
Limited paper copies from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100
- *Strategy for National Earthquake Loss Reduction -- April
1996, 41 pp
- Prepared by the National Earthquake Strategy Working Group,
recommends a National strategy for reducing loss of life, casualties, property
losses, and social and economic disruptions from future earthquakes
- Available: Internet: NSTC Home Page or
- /NSTC/html/USGS/index.html
- Available: Paper copies available from:
FEMA Tober Volland,
(202) 646-2767, (202) 646-4387 (fax)
- *United States Antarctic Program -- April 1996, 67 pp.
- A Government-wide review of the U.S. policy of maintaining an active
and influential presence in Antarctica, including an examination of options to
reduce the annual operating cost, in response to a request by the Senate
Appropriations Committee.
- Available: Internet:
WWW NSTC Home Page or NSF Home Page
Limited paper copies available
from: National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, Brenda Williams,
(703) 306-1030
- *Interagency Assessment of Health Risks Associated with Oxygenated
Gasoline -- February 1996, 84 pp
- Interagency analysis of evidence on the acute health affects and
other health issues related to the wintertime use of oxygenated fuels. The
assessment focuses on exposures to oxygenates and oxygenated gasoline which
occur through inhalation and focuses primarily on methyl tertiary butyl ether,
reflecting its widespread use.
- Available: NSTC Home Page or
- /NSTC/html/MTBE/mtbe-top.html
- Available: Environmental Protection Agency, Mary Nichols, (202)
- *Meeting the Challenge (A Research Agenda for America's Health,
Safety, and Food) -- February 1996, 55 pp
- A strategy for continuing to improve America's health, safety, and
food developed by the Committee on Health, Safety, and Food. Reflects public
input provided at a national forum in November 1994.
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
- /NSTC/html/challenge/challenge.html
Paper copies available from: Office of Science and Technology Policy's Science
Division, (202) 456-6130 Note: Five page Executive Summary available.
- *Building a Scientific Basis to Ensure the Vitality and
Productivity of U.S. Ecosystems -- December 1995, 24 pp
- Prepared by the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources'
(CENR) Ecosystem Working Group. The report is the result of deliberations aimed
at designing an effective plan for sustaining ecosystems that would integrate
CENR ecosystem research and development priorities across all relevant CENR
- Available: Internet WWW NSTC Home Page or
Paper copies available from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Ocean Office, Silver Spring MD 20910, (301)
713-3338 Limited paper copies from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100.
- *National Planning for Construction and Building R&D --
December 1995
- Resource document that provides insight into the direction and
strategy for construction and building R&D programs in support of the
National Construction Goals. The report provides background on each of these
goals, the measures by which progress can be gauged, and research needed.
- Available: Paper copies available from Department of Commerce,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn: Anthony Fowell,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, (301) 975-5900.
Limited paper copies available
from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100
- *Interagency Report on Orbital Debris -- November 1995, 69 pp
- Developed by an Interagency Working Group co-chaired by the NSTC
Committee on Transportation R&D and the National Security Council, and
drawing on the National Research Council's orbital debris technical assessment
study sponsored by NASA, this November 1995, report notes NASA and DoD actions
to date and offers five recommendations for ensuring the safety of human space
flight, protecting the economic investment made by U.S. industry in space,
protecting international space assets, and the long-term protection of the
space environment.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
Paper copies available from: NASA, Attention, George M. Levin, (202) 358-4478,
(202) 358-2949 (fax) Limited paper copies available from NSTC Secretariat
Office, (202) 456-6100
- *NSTC Accomplishments (November 1993 - September 1995) -- October
1995, 7 pp
- Summarizes, in talking point format, key NSTC accomplishments since
its establishment in November 1993.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
- /NSTC/html/accomp-novsept.html
Limited paper copies from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100.
- *Forum on Future Directions in Transportation R&D - October
1995, 172 pp
- Conference proceedings from the March 6-7, 1995, forum co-sponsored
by the Transportation Research Board and the NSTC. Input in developing an
effective Fedeal transportation plan was solicited from industry leaders, state
and local government officials, and representatives of environmental and other
public interest groups at this forum.
- Available: Paper copies available from:
- Transportation Research Board
National Research
Council 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20418 (202)
- *National Security Science and Technology Strategy - September
1995, 71 pp
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Paper copies from OSTP's
National Security and International Affairs Office, (202) 456-2894
- *A National R&D Strategy for Toxic Substances and Hazardous
and Solid Waste -- September 1995, 25 pp
- A strategy prepared by the Committee on Environment and Natural
Resources' Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Solid Waste Subcommittee,
presented within a risk assessment and risk management framework, that
identifies research needs for evaluation and managing risks associated
particularly with toxic substances and solid wastes.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Paper copies available
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Research and
Development (RD-8105) Washington, D.C. 20460 Attn: Fred Blosser (202)
260-6979, Fax: (202) 260-6932
- *Infectious Disease--A Global Health - September 1995, 56 pp
- Highlights ongoing Federal research efforts regarding emerging and
reemerging diseases, identifying new and promising research areas where there
might be gaps in Federal support.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Paper copies available
- The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of the
Director National Center for Infectious Diseases (404) 639-2603
Very limited paper copies from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202)
- *Goals for a National Partnership in Aeronautics Research and
Technology -- August 1995, 14 pp
- Prepared by an interagency working group of the NSTC, in cooperation
with industry and academia. Presents the Administration's vision and goals for
future Federal investments in aeronautics and aviation research and technology.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Very limited paper copies
from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100
- *Setting a New Course for U.S. Coastal Ocean Science -- July
1995, 211 pp
- Final Report of the Subcommittee on U.S. Coastal Ocean Science of the
Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. Includes Phase I: Inventory of
Federal Programs and Phase II: The Strategic Framework that recommends future
Federal coordination activities.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
Paper copies available from:
- NOAA Coastal Ocean Office
1315 East West Highway Silver
Spring, MD 20910 (301) 713-3338
- *Biotechnology for the 21st Century: New Horizons -- July
1995, 89 pp
- Highlights ongoing Federal research efforts in biotechnology and
identifies new and promising areas where there may be gaps in Federal support.
The report is intended for internal planning purposes within the Federal
Government and as a mechanism for conveying to the science and technology
community the types of research and research priorities being considered by the
Federal agencies.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or
- GPO, publication # 038-000-00590-1
Very limited paper copies from
NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100.
- *Interagency Federal Laboratory Review Final Report -- May
1995, 24 pp The findings of an interagency review of the three largest
Federal laboratory systems--Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, and Department of Energy-- aimed at evaluating options
for change for the purpose of cutting costs and improving research and
development productivity.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Very limited paper copies
from NSTC Secretariat Office (202) 456-6100
- *HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communications) -- May
1995, 140 pp
- FY 1996 Implementation Plan Report #NCOHPCC 95-03 covering in detail
agencies' plans to implement the overall HPCC initiative.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
- National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and
Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax: (301) 402-4080
- *Bridge to a Sustainable Future -- April 1995, 87 pp
- Proposes a national environmental technology strategy, building on
ideas and recommendations of "Technology for a Sustainable Future."
- Available: Internet:
For 1 copy:
- Interagency Environmental Technologies Office
955 L'Enfant
Plaza North, SW Suite 5322 Washington, DC 20024 GETF
- *National Critical Technologies Report -- March 1995, 197 pp
- Presents results of Third Biennial National Critical Technologies
Review. Includes information about the state of development of 27 critical
technologies and the U.S. competitive position relative to Europe and Japan.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page or Available in paper for
purchase from: NTIS, publication # PB95-255758 or GPO, publication #
- *NSTC Strategic Planning Documents -- March 1995
- Nine plans - one from
each NSTC Committee:
- 1. Civilian Industrial Technology R&D, 24 pp
2. Education
and Training R&D, 33 pp (A Strategic Planning Document for Meeting the 21st
Century by the Committee on Education and Training) 3. Environment and
Natural Resources Research, 103 pp (Preparing for the Future through
Science and Technology) 4. Fundamental Science, 45 pp 5. Health, Safety,
and Food R&D, 44 pp (Meeting the Challenge: A Research Agenda for America's
Health, Safety, and Food) 6. Information and Communication R&D, 43 pp
(America in the Age of Information) 7. International Science, Engineering,
and Technology R&D, 19 pp 8. National Security R&D, 30 pp 9.
Transportation R&D, 50 pp
- Available: Internet:WWW NSTC Home Page and White House Electronic
Publication Service
Very limited paper copies from NSTC Secretariat Office,
(202) 456-6100
- *National Science and Technology Council Accomplishments (1994) --
March 1995, 7 pp
- Provides a general summary of the activities and accomplishments of
the NSTC in calendar year 1994.
- Available: Internet: WWW NSTC Home Page
Limited paper copies
from NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100.
- *Science and Technology: A Report of the President 1995, 39 pp
- 1995 Biennial science and technology outlook report transmitted to
Congress as required by the National Science and Technology, Policy,
Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976. Summarizes OSTP accomplishments.
- Available: Internet: WWW OSTP Home Page
Limited paper copies from
OSTP, (202) 456-6004
- *HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communications): Foundation
for America's Information Future -- 1995 138 pp
- Supplement to the President's FY 1996 Budget. A report by the
Committee on Information and Communications.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
- National Coordination Office for High Performance
and Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax: (301) 402-4080 E-mail:
- *Brochure: National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and
President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) --
September 1994
- Offers general information about the function, organization, and
membership of NSTC; brief description of PCAST.
Available for distribution
from the NSTC Secretariat Office, (202) 456-6100.
- *Brochure: Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) --
September 1994
- Offers general information about the functions and organization of
the office.
- Available for distribution from the NSTC Secretariat Office, (202)
- *Science in the National Interest -- August 1994, 31 pp
- Prepared by OSTP's Science Division under the guidance of the NSTC.
Released by Vice President Gore on August 3, 1994.
- Available: Internet: Fedworld: "w-house" library; filename "sci94"
STIS gopher: gopher to stis.nsf.gov, then /nsf/news; filename "whrpt941" STIS
ftp site: ftp to stis.nsf.gov, /pub directory; filename "science.txt"
For 1
or more copies, publication # 0-16-045186-8
- *Technology for a Sustainable Future: A Framework for Action --
July 1994, 154 pp
- Prepared by OSTP's Environment Division under the guidance of NSTC.
Released by Vice President Gore in Denver, CO, 7/15/94.
- Available: Internet:
For 1 copy: Technology for a
Sustainable Future Helpline:
- 1-800-ENV-6676
GPO, full report publication #
061-000-00815-2 Note: Exec. Summary: 30 pages, GPO #061-000-00816-1
- *Partnership of a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) Program Plan--
July 1994, 35 pp
- Represents a consensus position by industry and government. Released
at a symposium sponsored by Vice President Gore.
- Available: U.S. Department of Commerce, PNGV Program, (202) 482-6260
- *HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communications) Program
Successes -- June 1994, 31 pp
- Report # NCO HPCC 94-03 supplementing the President's FY 1995 budget.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
- National Coordination Office for High Performance
and Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax: (301) 402-4080 E-mail:
- *HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communications) FY 1995
Implementation Plan -- April 1994, 140 pp
- Report #NCOHPCC 94-02 covering in detail agencies' plans to implement
the overall HPCC initiative.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
- National Coordination Office for High Performance
and Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax: (301) 402-4080 E-mail:
- *High Performance Computing and Communications: Technology for the
National Information Infrastructure -- 1994, 62 pp
- A supplement to the President's FY 1995 budget. Report by the
Committee on Information and Communication.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
National Coordination Office
for High Performance Computing and Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax:
(301) 402-4080 E-mail: nco@hpcc.gov
- *High Performance Computing & Communications: Toward a
National Information Infrastructure -- 1994, 176 pp
- A supplement to the President's FY 1994 budget.
- Available: Internet: http://www.hpcc.gov
- National Coordination Office for High Performance
and Communications, (301) 402-4100 Fax: (301) 402-4080 E-mail:
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