9:00 Senator Robert G. Torricelli (NJ)
10:00 Representative Robert E. Wise, Jr.
(WV) and
Representative James L. Oberstar (MN)
11:00 Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ)
12:00 - 1:00 Buffet lunch in anteroom (604 Dirksen) for Commissioners
1:00 Senator Pete V. Domenici (NM) (tentative)
2:15 Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) (tentative)
3:00 Senator Michael B. Enzi (WY)
3:30 Edward G. Rendell, mayor
of Philadelphia and Chairman, Rebuild America Coalition, with
James Lebenthal, Vice Chairman, Rebuild America Coalition, and William
Executive Director, Rebuild America Coalition
4:00 William R. Buechner,
Director of Economics and Research, American Road and
Transportation Builders Association
8:00 Conference Center Opens
9:00 Review of Minutes of December 13 Meeting and Other Housekeeping Items (if any)
9:15 Orientation on the Federal Budget
10:30 Break
10:45 Discussion of Working Draft
12:30 Summary and Next Steps
1:00 Adjourn
January 30, 1998
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