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PCSCB Meeting Agenda: January 30, 1998

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Commission to Study Capital Budgetting
The President'sCommission to Study Capital Budgeting

January 30, 1998
Friday, January 30, 1998
Senate Budget Committee Hearing Room, Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 608

9:00        Senator Robert G. Torricelli (NJ)

10:00      Representative Robert E. Wise, Jr. (WV) and
               Representative James L. Oberstar (MN)

11:00      Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ)

12:00 - 1:00      Buffet lunch in anteroom (604 Dirksen) for Commissioners

1:00        Senator Pete V. Domenici (NM) (tentative)

2:15        Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) (tentative)

3:00        Senator Michael B. Enzi (WY)

3:30        Edward G. Rendell, mayor of Philadelphia and Chairman, Rebuild America Coalition, with
               James Lebenthal, Vice Chairman, Rebuild America Coalition, and William Bertera,
               Executive Director, Rebuild America Coalition

4:00        William R. Buechner, Director of Economics and Research, American Road and
               Transportation Builders Association

Saturday, January 31, 1998
White House Conference Center, Truman Room, 726 Jackson Place, NW
(open to the public)

8:00        Conference Center Opens

9:00        Review of Minutes of December 13 Meeting and Other Housekeeping Items (if any)

9:15        Orientation on the Federal Budget

10:30      Break

10:45      Discussion of Working Draft

12:30      Summary and Next Steps

1:00        Adjourn

President's Commission to Study Capital Budgeting

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Meeting and Hearing Agendas

May 8-9, 1998

June 26-27, 1998

July 24, 1998

September 19, 1998

January 30, 1998

November 13, 1998

March 6, 1998

December 13, 1997

April 24-25, 1998