Recognizing forests as a complex network of biological systems that are connected and dependent on each other, a team of hundreds of scientists and technical experts designed the forest plan on ecosystem management.
Riparian reserves: 2.2 million acres along streams and wetlands to protect and enhance clean water and to create habitat.
Adaptive management areas: 1.5 million acres consisting of ten areas intended for innovative forest management. Located near forest-dependent communities, these ten areas are living laboratories where experimenting with innovative, environmentally sensitive forest management techniques are being encouraged and developed.
Matrix lands: Includes 4.9 million acres outside of reserves and withdrawn areas which are available for timber harvest.
Congressionally withdrawn areas: 7 million acres of National Parks, wilderness areas,national monuments and other federal lands where timber harvest is prohibited.
Late-successional reserves: 7.1 million acres of federal lands where old-growth or late successional cutting is prohibited.
Administratively withdrawn areas: 1.7 million acres of federal land to be used for various uses such as experimental forestry, research, recreation, and scenic areas.
Economic Adjustment Initiative
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