Economic Adjustment Initiative

Helping people help themselves: the Economic Adjustment Initiative

While unemployment for the entire region is at its lowest level in two decades, there are still areas where changes in forest management practices have impacted many people and the communities they call home. The President recognized that these impacts would occur, and that's why the Economic Adjustment Initiative is aimed at providing both immediate and long-term relief for these people, businesses and communities.

The Initiative provides the funds needed for developing much-needed infrastructure in impacted communities, providing technical and financial assistance to rural businesses, creating new jobs through restoring the region's forested watersheds, and job training and retraining opportunities for dislocated workers.

So far, in just this year, the Initiative has distributed more than $92 million in grants and loans; millions more will reach the region before the year ends. That builds on last year's success, which saw more than $126 million assist more than 100 communities.