Landscapes of the White House Art Collection, II

Landscapes of the White House Art Collection

"View on the Mississippi Fifty-Seven Miles Below St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis" (1858) (at right), by Ferdinand Richardt (1819-1895). Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Dayton. (1971)

"Crossing the River Platte" (c. 1871) (at left), by Worthington Whittredge (1820-1910). Oil on canvas. Gift of C.R. Smith. (1967)

"Sailing off the Coast" (1869) (at right), by Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904). Oil on canvas. Gift of The White House Historical Association. (1980)

"The Rainbow in the Berkshire Hills" (1869) (at left), by George Inness (1825-1894). Oil on canvas. Gift of The Rita and Taft Schreiber Foundation.

"Rocky Mountain Landscape" (1870) (at right), by Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902). Oil on canvas. Gift of The Barra Foundation, Inc. (1981).

Landscapes of the White House Art Collection

Landscapes of the White House Art Collection, II

More Landscapes of the White House Art Collection, III

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