"Landing of the Pilgrims" (c. 1803-07) (at right), by Michele Felice Corne (1752-1845). Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr and Mrs. John P. Humes. (1984)
"Mouth of the Delaware"(1828) (at left), by Thomas Birch (1779-1851). Oil on canvas. Gift of the White House Historical Association. (1962)
"City of Washington From Beyond the Navy Yard"(1833) (at right), by George Cooke (1793-1849). Oil on canvas. Gift of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, 1976.
Lake Among the Hills (Lake Mohonk) (1858) (at left), by William M. Hart (1823-1894). Oil on canvas. Gift of the White House Historical Association. (1976)
"Farmyard in Winter" (1858) (at right), by George Henry Durrie
(1820-1863). Oil on canvas. Gift of the Richard King Mellon
Foundation. (1971)
Landscapes of the White House Art Collection
Landscapes of the White House Art Collection, II
More Landscapes of the White House Art Collection, III
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