Office of the Press Secretary
July 15, 1994
The White House today released a major report outlining a strategy for strengthening the U.S. environmental technology industry to stimulate economic growth while working to solve the nation's environmental problems.
"We can create a future where both our economy and our environment thrive," said Vice President Al Gore, speaking at the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energies Laboratory in Golden, Colorado where the report was released. "By promoting and investing in environmental technology, we can enhance our economic growth."
The strategy document released by the Vice President, Technology for a Sustainable Future: A Framework for Action, was developed by a task force of more than a dozen federal agencies working under the direction of President Clinton's National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The report outlines a series of broad policy initiatives intended to spur the development and commercialization of a new generation of "green" technologies to monitor the environment and clean up existing pollution, as well as to reduce waste and prevent pollution in the future. The report also focuses on increasing U.S. exports of environmental technologies and promoting the transfer of environmental technologies to developing countries.
The Vice President called for the federal government, U.S. industry, state governments, academic institutions, and environmental organizations from around the country to work together over the next six months to implement this environmental technology strategy. "World markets for environmental technologies are expected to exceed $400 billion per year by the end of the decade. Japan, Germany, and other countries are making determined commitments to capture those markets. America must not be left out; we must move aggressively," the Vice President said.
John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology,
announced that the Administration will establish a competitive cost-shared
grant program to aid U.S. industry in developing commercial technologies to
meet environmental needs, and stated that the Administration will place a high
priority on reducing regulatory barriers that currently hinder the deployment
of many innovative technologies. "This Administration is fundamentally
shifting U.S. environmental policy. We will work with Congress to create tax,
regulatory, procurement, and trade policies that encourage technological
innovation and favor efforts that link environmental and economic goals," Dr.
Gibbons said in a briefing to industry officials.
Progress Report - New Generation of Vehicles
Press Release - National Science Policy Report
Statement by the Press Secretary
Joint Statement - Space Station Partnership
Convergence of U.S. Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
Statement of the Vice President
Press Release - Strategy for Strengthening the U.S. Environmental Technology Industry
Statement on National Space Transportation Policy
Announcement - Science & Technology Advisors
Fact Sheet - Statement on National Space Transportation Policy
Recipients of National Medals of Science and Technology
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