One Year Progress Report [Statement by the Press Secretary, October 18, 1994], October 18, 1994
Statement on National Space Transportation Policy [OSTP, August 5, 1994], Aug 5, 1994
Statement on National Space Transportation Policy [Fact Sheet, August 5, 1994], Aug 5, 1994
Science in the National Interest [Statement by the Press Secretary, August 3, 1994], Aug 3, 1994
President Clinton Appoints Science and Technology Advisors [Statement by the Press Secretary, August 3, 1994], August 3, 1994
National Apollo Anniversary Observance [Proclamation of the President, July 19, 1994], Jul 19, 1994
Technology for a Sustainable Future [Statement by the Press Secretary, July 15, 1994], Jul 15, 1994
Space Station Redesign [Statement of the Vice President, June 29, 1994], Jun 29, 1994
Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems[Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994], May 10, 1994
Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy [Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994], May 10, 1994
Space Station Redesign [Fact Sheet, June 17, 1993], Jun 17, 1993
Recipients of the National Medals of Science and Technology, June 10, 1996, Jun 10, 1996
Joint Statement of the Space Station Partnership [Washington, D.C., December 6, 1993], Dec 6, 1993
A New Direction to Build Economic Strength [Statement of the Press Secretary, February 22, 1993], Feb 22, 1993
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