University Research Partnership

January 27, 2000 – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Low Library Faculty Room and Rotunda
Columbia University
535 West 116th Street
New York, New York

Hosted by Columbia University


Co-Sponsored by

The Association of American Universities, The Association of American Medical Colleges, Cornell University, New York University and Yale University

This hearing will consider Renewing the Federal Government-University Research Partnership for the 21st Century, the National Science and Technology Council's review, conducted under the guidance of Presidential Review Directive – 4, of the partnership in research between universities and the Federal government.  The hearing is the last of four regional meetings arranged to address the findings and recommendations of the report.  It is the only discussion to focus on academic medical centers.

The report is available at: /WH/EOP/OSTP/html/rand/index.htm.

The format will be short panel presentations followed by discussion from the floor. There will also be an opportunity to submit written comments.

 8:00-8:30   Registration – Continental breakfast provided

 8:30-9:00   Welcome

Dr. George Rupp, President, Columbia University
Dr. Arthur Bienenstock, Associate Director for Science, Office of Science and Technology Policy, and
  Chair, National Science and Technology Council Task Force on the Government-University
  Research Partnership
Dr. Jordan J. Cohen, President, Association of American Medical Colleges

 9:00-10:15   Panel 1:  Roles and Responsibilities with respect to the academic medical center.
What fiscal and other Federal policies are needed to sustain and grow the partnership in research and education?

Moderator: To be announced
Mr. Jerry G. Fife, Director, Contract and Grant Accounting, Vanderbilt University
Dr. Wendy Baldwin, Deputy Director for Extramural Research, The National Institutes of Health
Dr. David Hirsh, Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, and
  Acting Dean, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Dr. Samuel Silverstein, John C. Dalton Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology &
  Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Invited

10:15-10:30   Break

10:30-12:30  Panel 2:  The partnership and clinical and population-based research and education.
What Federal policies are needed to best support and assure the vitality of these growing areas of activity?

Moderator: Dr. Stephanie S. Spangler, Deputy Provost for Biomedical and Health Affairs, Yale University
Dr. Gilbert S. Omenn, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, University of Michigan
Dr. Karen Antman, Director, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbia Presbyterian
  Medical Center
Ms. Mary McCabe, Office of Clinical Research Promotion, National Cancer Institute
Dr. John R. Feussner, Chief Research and Development Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs
Dr. Dr. Henry Ginsberg, Director, Irving Center for Clinical Research, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center

12:30-2:00   Luncheon Address -- Lunch provided
Reflections on the problems and prospects of the partnership from both the university and Government perspectives.

Introduction by Dr. George Rupp, President, Columbia University
Address by Dr. Herbert Pardes, President, New York Presbyterian Hospital Invited

 2:15-3:45   Panel 3:  The partnership and the future.
What Federal research and education policies are needed to prepare the partnership to deal with the challenges posed by leading-edge biomedical and health services research in the 21st century?

Moderator:  Dr. Robert M. Glickman, Dean, NYU School of Medicine
Dr. Stephen Shea, Director, Division of General Medicine and Hamilton Southworth Professor of
  Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Dr. Robert R. Rich, Executive Associate Dean for Research, Emory University School of Medicine
Dr. Gregory Siskind, Assoc. Dean for Research and Sponsored Programs, Cornell Medical College
Other speaker to be announced

 3:45-4:30   Open Discussion of Principles

Discussion lead by:
Dr. Jordan J. Cohen, President, Association of American Medical Colleges and Dr. Michael M. Crow, Executive Vice Provost, Columbia University

 4:30-5:00   Summation and Closing Remarks

Dr. David Korn, Senior Vice President, Association of American Medical Colleges

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