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    The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), a cabinet-level council established by President Clinton to coordinate research and development activities of the Federal government, recently completed a review of the partnership in research between universities and the Federal government. The review was conducted under the guidance of Presidential Review Directive - 4 (PRD-4), an indicator of the importance placed by this administration on maintaining a vital and productive relationship with research universities and in recognition of their significant contributions to research, education, and national goals. The President released the NSTC report Renewing the Federal Government-University Research Partnership for the 21st Century on April 27, 1999. 

    The public release of this report marks the beginning of a national conversation on the principles proposed to guide the government and universities as their partnership enters the 21st century. Your comments are welcome in this conversation.

Using the buttons at the left or the links below, you can:

Report: Read the full text of the report, or a summary. See the proposed statement of principles and the list of actions recommended to strengthen the government-university partnership.

Background: Read the press release and other background materials. Follow links to Federal agencies which provide major support for university research.

Upcoming Events: View dates and locations of public meetings convened to consider the report and recommendations.

Your Comments: Provide your comments on the report.

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