Letter from Dr. Neal Lane, Issues in Global Education

Dear Friends:

Recognizing that the American Forum for Global Education has spent 30 years helping young Americans understand the importance of global issues in their daily lives, I appreciate this opportunity to highlight a phenomenon that may affect and interest young people world-wide -- that is, the globalization of science.  By the “globalization” of science, we generally mean the increasing opportunity -- and the increasing need-- for the world's best scientific minds to collaborate on new discoveries and on problems facing our global society -- poverty, disease, pollution, and sustainable energy production.  All people, not just Americans, share these concerns and international collaboration allows us to transcend national boundaries to develop common solutions.  As the Russian writer and physician Anton Chekhov pointed out, “There is no national science just as there is no national multiplication table.”

Moreover, international scientific collaboration supports our foreign policy goals and national security interests.  When relations between countries are strained, scientific cooperation surmounts political barriers to enable expanded communication and partnership.

To the many young people who will benefit from the American Forum's continued efforts, I would observe that you enjoy a great opportunity to advance international scientific cooperation.  Information technology is providing your “Internet generation” with the potential for communicating with counterparts worldwide.  I encourage you to nurture these possibilities and strengthen these ties as you search for answers to scientific puzzles throughout your education and your career.  I ask you to remember that science is our planet's common ground, and scientists from all nations must work together toward its advance, for the benefit of all its people.

 Neal Lane
 Assistant to the President
   for Science and Technology

Office of Science and Technology Policy
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W
Washington, DC 20502

Global Science and Technology Week - May 7-13, 2000

Examples of International Scientific Collaboration

President's Letter

Proposed Events

Teachers and students working in COMB's SciTech Center

Letter from Dr. Neal Lane, Issues in Global Education

The Explorers

About ASTC

A Message to the American Forum for Global Education

A Message to the National Science Teachers Association

Proclamation: Global Science and Technology Week, 2000

Building International Science & Technology Workforce Partnerships

Examples of International Scientific Collaboration

Global Science & Technology Week

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