Global Science and Technology Week Proposed Events Proposed Events
Global Science and Technology Week
May 7-13, 2000

Proposed Events

1.   Dr. Lane's Participation at the Opening Ceremonies of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair - May 8, 2000:

The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) brings together over 1,200 high-school students from 40 nations for a prestigious, international science competition, and will attract 2000 additional representatives from business, industry, the sciences and academia as well as several Nobel Laureates. Dr. Lane will deliver remarks on the international nature of science and the importance of international scientific collaboration.

2. NASA Learning Technologies Channel live Webcast and Chat from the International Space Station Mock-Up and Training Facility at the Johnson Space Center

Details to Be Confirmed

NASA Learning Technologies Channel live Webcast and Chat from the International Space Station Mock-Up and Training Facility at the Johnson Space Center. JSC is the home of America's astronauts.  In this role JSC has the responsibility for training the astronauts and flight controller teams that support human missions.

The audience will be given a LIVE tour of the International Space Station trainers, Space Shuttle mockups, Underwater Neutral Buoyancy Labs and Centrifuges. You will get inside the Living Quarters where Astronauts will spend their work,  play, rest and recreation time aboard the ISS. Besides being the most advanced laboratory for research and science, the International Space Station will be a launching point to destinations across the solar system. For instance, after sustaining autonomous space operations for 30 days explorers will be able to leave the space station for a journey to the moon and possibly set up a lunar outpost. After autonomous space station operations for 3 years explorers will be able to journey to Mars.

3. St. Louis Children's Aquarium Tours

During the week of May 7-13, 2000, the St. Louis Children's Aquarium will be giving tours from approximately 50 different schools from the St. Louis community.  The museum has suggested having the proclamation on display for the tour guides to make as a “stop” on the guided tours.  The tour guides will talk to the to the students about the messages the White House, and their President, hope to send to young people throughout the United States.  In addition, each teacher will be given a copy of the proclamation to post in his or her classroom.

4. Special Publication by the American Forum for Global Education

An article for Global Science and Technology Week will appear in a publication distributed by the American Forum for Global Education.  The article focuses upon: 1) the globalization of science and benefits of international scientific collaboration, and 2) how the U.S. is preparing future generations to participate in the global scientific community (i.e., through strengthened S&T education and encouraging greater diversity in the S&T workforce).  The publication, "Issues in Global Education," will be distributed to 70,000 secondary school educators throughout the United States.  The American Forum is also developing educational activities to accompany the article that highlight the "international nature of science," and will provide teachers with useful classroom exercises during Global Science and Technology Week.

5. Reception at the National Museum of Natural History

The American Forum for Global Education is hosting a reception at the Smithsonian Institutions National Museum of Natural History for 100 prominent educators, representatives of the education press, and corporate and foundation executives.  Dr. Lane will deliver remarks focusing upon the importance of pre-college science education in a global age.  He will also receive the American Forum's "Global Apple Award" for his efforts regarding Global Science and Technology Week.

6. University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute's Virtual University Education Program (VIRTUE) - International Videoconference – May 10, 2000:

The University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute's Virtual University Education Program (VIRTUE) will sponsor a videoconference between students in the Baltimore area; Bergen, Norway; and Stockholm and Goteberg, Sweden.  During the videoconference, high school age students from the three nations will discuss their ongoing and future collaborative science projects undertaken within the VIRTUE program.  The students have been collecting data samples from the Chesapeake Bay, the Norwegian Fjords and the Baltic Sea and analyzing findings via the Internet and by videoconferences.

7. Article in National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) publication

An article regarding the international nature of science and the importance of international scientific collaboration and efforts regarding Global Science and Technology Week will be featured by NSTA and disseminated to 55,000 science teachers across the United States.

8. GLOBE Program Web-chat with K-12 Students (Date to be confirmed):

The GLOBE program has monthly web-chats between K-12 students and a special guest, often a prominent scientist.  Featured guests in the past have included Secretary of State Madeline Albright in February 1997, NOAA Administrator Jim Baker in April 1997, and Director of the National Hurricane Center, Jerry Jarrell in May 1999.  Participation in the web-chat is available to any student from GLOBE's 8,000 schools in 85 countries.  During Global Science and Technology Week, they will feature a prominent international scientist to discuss the international nature of science and the importance of international scientific collaboration.

Office of Science and Technology Policy
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W
Washington, DC 20502

Global Science and Technology Week - May 7-13, 2000

Examples of International Scientific Collaboration

President's Letter

Proposed Events

Teachers and students working in COMB's SciTech Center

Letter from Dr. Neal Lane, Issues in Global Education

The Explorers

About ASTC

A Message to the American Forum for Global Education

A Message to the National Science Teachers Association

Proclamation: Global Science and Technology Week, 2000

Building International Science & Technology Workforce Partnerships

Examples of International Scientific Collaboration

Global Science & Technology Week

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