Commerce Committee Hearing Room, Room SR253September 17, 1998
AGENDA2:05 P.M. Perspective from the House of Representatives:
Representative Vernon J. Ehler's (R-MI) Discussionof the
Nation's Science Policy ReportRepresentative Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI)—S&T
Budget Considerations, Planning for the FutureRepresentative George E. Brown, Jr. (D-CA)—S&T
Budget Considerations, Planning for the FuturePCAST Discussion
2:45 P.M. Perspective from the Senate
Senator Bill Frist (F-TN) – S&T Budget Considerations,
Planning for the Future, S-2217Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV – S&T Budget
Considerations, Planning for the Future, S-2217PCAST Discussion
3:30 P.M. State and Local Perspective on S&T – Making PartnershipsWork
Gary Bachula, Acting Under Secretary, Technology
Administration, U.S. Department of CommerceFormer Governor Dick Thornburgh, Co-chair State Scienceand
Technology InstituteState Practitioners' Panel:
Delbert J. Schuh, II, President, Indiana Business Modernization
Technology Corporation
Dr. Carolyn Sales, President, Oklahoma Center for the
Advancement of Science and TechnologyEdward A. O'Connor, Jr., Executive Director, Spaceport
Florida AuthorityPCAST Discussion
4:20 P.M. BREAK
4:30 P.M. Report on National Academy of Sciences, Study of S&Tin the
Department of State: “Science, Technology, and Health Issues
and U.S. Foreign Policy.”Dr. Robert A. Frosch, National Academy of Sciences Study
Chairman, (Senior Research Fellow, John F.Kennedy School
Of Government at Harvard University)Dr. Glen Schweitzer, Director, Office for Central Europeand
Eurasia, Office of International Affairs,National Academy of
SciencesPCAST Discussion
5:00 P.M. PCAST Study of International Cooperation in Energy
R&D – Dr. John HoldrenPCAST Discussion
5:30 P.M. Public Comments
5:45 P.M. Adjourn the Plenary Session
Twelvth Plenary Session March 1998
Agenda September 17, 1998
Fourteenth Plenary Session September 1998
Fifteenth Plenary Session November 1998
Plenary Session Monday, February 22, 1999
Sixteenth Session February 22, 1999
Plenary Session on Monday, May 24th, 1999
Seventeenth Session May 24/25 1999 Minutes
Plenary Session on December 10th, 1999
Eighteenth Session December 10, 1999 Minutes
PCAST Plenary Session on February 17th, 2000
PCAST plenary session on, Sept. 16th, 1999
Nineteenth Session February 17, 2000 Minutes
PCAST plenary session on May 18th, 2000
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