Laura Sessions Stepp
Conference Speaker Biography

Laura Sessions Stepp
The Washington Post

Laura Sessions Stepp is a journalist specializing in the coverage of teenagers and the adolescent years for the Style Section of the Washington Post. Ms. Stepp has written about children and families for more than a decade, and her work has appeared in such publications as Parent, Child, Working Mother, Reader's Digest and Nieman Reports of Harvard University.

Ms. Stepp served as a member of the U.S. Surgeon General's Healthy People 2000 Panel on Adolescence in 1998 and 1999 and chairs the board of advisors of the Casey Journalism Center for Children and Families at the University of Maryland. She authored Our Last Best Shot: Guiding Our Children Through Early Adolescence, which will be released in June and has already been highly acclaimed by experts in the field.

After receiving her bachelor's degree from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, Laura Stepp was awarded a masters degree by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. From 1996-98, Ms. Stepp was a visiting scholar at the National Academy of Sciences' Board on Children, Youth and Families.

Conference Speakers

Kathryn C. Montgomery

Michael D. Resnick

Kathleen Sylvester

Karen Johnson Pittman

Nicole Salinas

Robert D. Putnam

Kathleen A. Lee

Sarah Austin

Zoë Baird

Susan Nall Bales

Peter L. Benson

Robert Wm Blum

Gene Bottoms

Stanley J. Botts

Jim Browne

Jeffery L. Brown

Sarah S. Brown

Geoffrey Canada

Ken R. Canfield

J. Ben Casey, Jr.

Brandi Chapple

Gabriella Contreras

Danny DeVito

Angela Diaz

Jacquelynne S. Eccles

Jay T. Engeln

Ellen Galinsky

Latoya Gardner

Jay N. Giedd

Kenneth L. Gladish

Susan Gaddy Greene

Talmira L. Hill

Larry Hurt

Harold S. Koplewicz

The Malone Family

Emily McDonald

Judith A. McHale

Milbrey W. McLaughlin

Carole Morris

Justin Newland

Katherine Newman

Rhea Perlman

Lan-Anh Phan

Michael Preston

Robert S. Rivera

Andrew Shue

Edwin Speaker

Edd L. Speaker

Laurence Steinberg

Laura Sessions Stepp

Dorothy Stoneman

Amy Swisher

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