Susan Gaddy Greene
Conference Speaker Biography

Susan Gaddy Greene
I.S. 218 in New York City

Susan Greene teaches dance for the New York Public Schools at I.S. 218/Children's Aid Society Community School, where she is also the director of the SUMA/C.A.S. Dance Company. Opened in March 1992, I.S. 218 is one of four community schools run by the Children's Aid Society in Washington Heights in partnership with the New York City Board of Education, the local school district, and many community-based organizations.

Community Schools are open six days a week, 15 hours a day, year-round. The comprehensive services provided include medical and dental care, mental health, recreation, supplemental education, youth programs, family life and parent education and weekend and summer camp services. The schools perform health and dental screenings for 96 percent of students plus their siblings, preventing many absences related to medical appointments and illnesses. Examples of extended-day programs include individual tutoring, the student-run school store, "Peace Teams," which pairs students with police officers for cross-cultural learning and a student-initiated day care center at a local welfare office. Average attendance rates are over 90 percent and reading and math scores are 15 percent higher than comparable schools.

Ms. Greene received her B.A. in Dance from the University of Maryland and her M.A. in Dance Education from Teachers College at Columbia University. In 1998, she was selected for Who's Who Among American Teachers, and she has recently published an article in AAHPERD, an international journal, titled Mourning Into Dancing- The Transformation of Lives, A Personal Journey.

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