Africa Trip Speeches

April 1

Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with President Abdou Diouf

March 31

Remarks by the President to African Environmentalists and Officials

March 30

Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity

March 29

Remarks by the President at Regina Mundi Church

Remarks by the President at Reception in his Honor

March 28

Interview of the President by the Discovery Channel

Remarks by the President at the Opening of the Ron Brown Center

March 27

Interview of the President by BET

Remarks by Mr. Kathrada, President Clinton and President Mandela

Press Conference by President Clinton and President Mandela

March 26

Address by the President to the Parliament of South Africa

Remarks by the President and the First Lady during visit to Victoria

March 25

Remarks by the President at the Entebbe Summit for Peace and Prosperity

Remarks by the President Upon Departure

Remarks by the President to Genocide Survivors, Assistance Workers, and U.S. and Rwanda Government Officials

March 24

Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with Village Business Owner

Remarks by the President to the Community of Kisowera

Remarks by the President at FINCA Women's Project

March 23

Remarks by President Clinton and President Rawlings at Photo Opportunity

Remarks by the President to the People of Ghana

Remarks by the President at TechnoServe Peace Corps Project Site


Videotaped Remarks by the President to the People of Africa

Remarks by the President at the Africa Trade Initiative Event (June 17, 1997)

Statement by the President on the Africa Trade Bill (March 11, 1998)


Remarks by the First Lady at Makerere University

First Lady's Speech at December 31st Daycare Center


Remarks by Secretary Albright on her trip to Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. (December 8-15, 1997)

Remarks by Secretary Albright at the USAID Conference on Assistance to Post-Conflict Socities (October 31, 1997)

Statement by Secretary Albright at the United Nations Security Council Ministerial on Africa (September 25, 1997)

Remarks by Secretary Albright following UN Security Council Session on Africa (September 25, 1997)

Remarks by Secretary Albright to the Southern Africa Development Community (September 25, 1997)

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