Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
- Department of Education
- Hundreds of internet-based education resources from agencies across
the U.S. Federal government.
Application for Federal Student Aid
- Department of
- Electronic application for financial aid for post secondary education
institutions with a toll free help number to answer questions on filling out
the form. Guides to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs for
Apply for a Fellowship
- Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars
- Every year about 35 fellowships supporting advanced study in the
humanities and social sciences are offered through an open international
competition. A search service provides references to hundreds of books,
articles, and radio broadcast recordings reporting on research at the Center.
Information is also available on ordering books written at the Center.
The U.S. Coast Guard Online
Department of Transportation -- U.S. Coast Guard
- Browse publications, reports, regulation, forms, safety alerts and
the Sea Partners Program for community education and outreach. Research the
philosophy, programs, activities, and admission requirements of the U.S. Coast
Guard Academy.
The Entire World is Our Campus
- U.S. Merchant Marine
- The Merchant Marine Academy provides an accredited four-year college
program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, a merchant marine officer's
license, and a U.S. Naval Reserve Commission. Students spend one year at sea on
commerical ships.
Apply for awards in Science and Engineering
- National Science
- Apply for research and education grants online, retrieve information
about proposal preparation and funding opportunities, and search award
abstracts. Proposal preparation and award administration information . Fastlane
is an experiment with ways to use the World Wide Web to facilitate business
transactions and information exchanges between NSF and its' clients.
Social Security and You -- A Teacher's Kit
- Social Security
- A set of materials for high school students that explains the Social
Security system. Download five lessons plus an overview lesson that may be
taught as a separate session. A 25 minute videotape also is available for copy
when a blank tape is submitted.
Research the Peace Corps and their Initiatives
- Peace
- Get information about becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer, and about the
places and people where Volunteers serve -- download the electronic Peace Corps
application. The Peace Corps' global learning initiative, World Wise Schools,
offers lesson plans, study guides, and other educational resources.
Understand the Global Environment
- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment. Provides
science programs for students K-12 and GLOBE teacher training.
Enjoy our National Forests
- USDA Forest
- Provides descriptions of National Forests and information about
recreational, educational and volunteer opportunities.
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