Welcome to my web page! You will find links to a wide range of
information about my work as Vice President, the accomplishments and agenda
of the Clinton-Gore Administration and programs and policies that affect you,
your community and this nation.
Over the past eight years, we have been working hard to turn this country around.
Moving from a time of recession, debt and doubt, we now enjoy an unprecedented
era of prosperity, surplus and hope.
America is working again. Twenty-two million people have new jobs and economic
security for their families.
The biggest budget deficits in history have been transformed into the biggest
surpluses ever.
We are living in the longest period of economic growth ever experienced in
our country.
Crime is down. Welfare rolls have been cut in half. And our federal government
is smaller than it has been in 40 years.
The credit for these remarkable achievements belongs, first and foremost, to
the American people. The Clinton-Gore Administration has always pursued policies
that unlock the creativity, the ingenuity, and the hard work of the American
people. That is why we will not rest until every American can fully participate
in the remarkable economic success that so many have enjoyed in recent years.
I hope you'll browse this web page and learn more about the work we've done
together and how we can go about making the changes Americans desire in order
to secure a prosperous and peaceful future for our children.
Thank you once again for coming to my web site, and I hope you enjoy your visit!
Best wishes,

Al Gore