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Creation of the President's Council on Food Safety

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Office of Science and Technology Policy

For Immediate Release 
Contact:  456-6108
August 25, 1998 
    Remarks by
    Neal Lane
    President's Advisor for Science and Technology Policy
    Announcing creation of the President's Council on Food Safety

    Today's action is an important next step to protecting the safety of the American food supply.

    This Administration has given food safety top priority from day one. In 1993 we called for more preventive controls; we implemented HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) regulations in 1995 and 1996; and today, we have created the President's Council on Food Safety.   The President has steadily engaged in reforms to strengthen our country's food safety system—to make it more transparent, seamless, and science-based.

    Secretaries Glickman and Shalala have already mentioned the key functions of the Council and called on Congress to support important pending legislation and the President's food safety appropriations request.  With the support of Congress and the work of the Council we can build an even stronger food safety system.

    A robust science base has given us the safest food in the world, but we can do better.  Both the Administration and the National Academy of Sciences have recognized the need to improve the scientific underpinning of our food safety system.  The best science possible must be factored into our education programs and into our regulatory strategies for prevention and inspection.

    With this action we can link a comprehensive food safety plan to the budget process.  We can ensure meaningful stakeholder input for our education, research, and regulatory programs. And, we can strengthen our partnerships with State and local governments, industry, universities, and consumers.

    Progress in food safety demands strong partnerships.  The Federal government can't improve the safety of our food supply in isolation.  Food production is a global undertaking, involving an intricate web of responsibilities.  We must strengthen that web through partnerships leading to better science, education, and regulation and, ultimately, safer food.

    We all expect safe food. The President's actions today will help fulfill those expectations.

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