In April of 1999 the Subcommittee on
Biotechnology charged a task group of the Biotechnology Research Working
Group to prepare a report that would:
- Summarize the activities of relevant
federal agencies in microbial genomics.
- Identify each federal agency's areas
of interest in microbial genomics to identify gaps that could benefit by
interagency collaboration.
- Identify opportunities for and
limitations to research in microbial genomics.
Further elements of the charge
The report should contain summaries
of the activities and estimates of the investment of federal agencies in the
area of microbial genomics in the context of their investment in the larger
area of microbial biology. Genomics, in this report, should include both
microbial sequencing projects and post-sequencing/functional genomic
The report should outline each
agency's areas of interest in microbial genomics, e.g. plant or animal
pathogens, environmentally interesting microbes, technology development, etc.
The goal in this portion of the report should be to identify gaps and areas of
potential interagency collaboration.
The report should present areas of
opportunity for microbial genomics and current and potential limitations to the
progress or scope of this work. Issues of education, including short- and
longer-term challenges to the genomic workforce; access to information, such as
genomic or EST sequences or microarray data; and access to technology such as
microarrays and computational capacity/bioinformatics should be
The report of the task group
Mary E. Clutter,
Chair Subcommittee on Biotechnology
Report Contributors
Margaret Werner-Washburne, NSF,
coordinator Bart Kuhn, Eric Eisenstadt,
DOD Daniel Drell, DOE Kathie
Olsen, NASA Judy Vaitukaitis, NIH-NCRR Michael Gottlieb, NIH-NIAID Elise Feingold,
Bettie Graham, NIH-NHGRI Dennis Mangan,
NIH-NIDCR Marcus Rhoades, NIH-NIGMS Eugene Koonin, NIH-NLM-NCBI Linda Beth
Schilling and Gregory Vasquez, NIST Mike Perdue, Caird
Rexroad, USDA-ARS Peter Johnson, Michael Roberts, Ann
Lichens-Park, Sally Rockey, USDA-CSREES
With special help from Lynn
Fletcher, NSF
The age of microbial genomics
began four years ago with the publication of the complete sequence of
Hemophilus influenzae. Since then the number of completed
genomes has increased exponentially and, with the growth of high-throughput DNA
sequencing facilities, there is no end in sight. The federal investment in
microbial genomics has been instrumental in the growth of this field. It has
led to the sequencing of model organisms, such as Escherichia coli and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, moving researchers who work on these organisms
into the stage of functional genomics, where issues of access to technology,
reagents, and computational analyses become significant. Support for sequencing
of human pathogens has led to the identification of potentially new strategies
that Plasmodium falciparum uses for synthesizing antigenic variants. The
investments in sequencing microbes like Thermotoga maritima and
Deinococcus radiodurans have led to changes in our understanding of the
extent of horizontal gene transfer among prokaryotes and the role of horizontal
gene transfer in the evolution of genome structure. This has led to deeper
questioning of the nature of bacterial species and has driven fundamental
changes in the analysis of prokaryotic evolution.
The current effort in microbial
genomics in each of the federal agencies is based on the mission of the
specific agency. As a result, there are clear gaps or opportunities for
cooperation in the area of microbial genomics. Some of the gaps or
opportunities were identified by one or two agencies, but most were seen as
important by all of the agencies that participated in this report.
Gaps and opportunities that apply
specifically to microbial genomics include:
- genomic analysis of microbes whose genomes
are of scientific interest or practical importance but are not well represented
in publicly funded sequencing projects
- development of techniques for culturing
novel microbes
- development of techniques for in situ
genomic analysis of microbial ecologies appropriate to field work in extreme
environments, including the space environment
Gaps and opportunities that apply
to genomics more broadly include:
- infrastructure to increase the U.S. capacity
in computational biology and bioinformatics and to provide access to genomic
technology and reagents
- technology development for high-throughput
genomic research, especially in the areas of computational biology,
bioinformatics, and functional genomics
- technology transfer in the area of genomics
to the broader industrial community and more rapid access to these technologies
by academic researchers
- training in genomics and computational
biology at all levels
- development of uniform policies on issues
such as data release and reagent sharing
NCRR - National Center
for Research Resources
NHGRI - National Human
Genome Research Institute
NIAID - National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
NIDCR - National
Institute of Dental and Cranial Research
NIGMS - National
Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Library of
Medicine - National Center for Biotechnology Information
The DNA sequence that comprises
the genome of a living creature encodes the directions for growth and
development of the organism. It provides insight into how that organism is
built, responds to stimuli, grows, and reproduces, and, sometimes, even how it
dies. The field of genomics developed from the desire to know how differences
in sequence of four deoxynucleotides lead to synthesis of RNA and protein and
eventually the development and regulation of an entire organism. The analysis
of genomic DNA is providing new insights into evolution, pathogenesis, cell
organization, structure, and function, and interactions among organisms in the
environment- ultimately leading to the development and testing of models to
explain complex systems from host-pathogen interactions to nutrient cycling on
Microorganisms have played a
critical role in the development of genomics. Publication of the genome of
Hemophilus influenzaein 1995, the first complete genomic sequence
from any single or multi-cellular organism, heralded the advent of microbial
genomics (1). Since then, 20 additional microbial genomes have been completely
sequenced (including the eukaryotic microbe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
and many more microbial genomes are in progress and nearing completion. The
ever-increasing ability of researchers to study genomes and the way they are
organized has changed the way biologists look at living cells and fueled a
revolution that is reaching far beyond the life sciences. It has also led to
the realization that we know much less about the microbial life on earth than
previously thought.
Microbes are an amazingly
heterogeneous but relatively unknown group of organisms. Over approximately
3.8 billion years of evolution, microorganisms have managed to develop the
ability to survive and grow in an astonishing range of "extreme" environments,
including the extremes of pressure, nutrient availability, temperatures, salt,
oxygen potential, pH, ionizing radiation, and water potential. They have
developed the ability to grow as pathogens and symbionts that exhibit many
different and intricate connections with their hosts. They may live as single
cells, in colonies, or in intricately structured communities. Microbes have
found ways to make almost every type of environment "hospitable". Although we
do know about microbes from a variety of environments, genomic and molecular
research has led to the estimate that 99.99% of microbes resident in the
environment have yet to be discovered. Some explanations for our lack of
familiarity with most microbes are the challenges and difficulty of culturing
them and the fact that the vast majority have never been associated with any
human, plant, or animal diseases (2). Because of the unique properties of the
microbes that have been studied and the almost incomprehensible number of
microbes on earth that are yet to be studied, these organisms represent an
untapped and extremely valuable resource for the basic sciences, medicine,
biotechnology, and bioengineering.
While microbes have been known
mostly for their association with human, animal, and plant disease or their
role in production of wine, beer, bread, and cheese, the truth is that
microbes, both known and unknown, are essential to life on Earth. Microbes,
resident in the soil, in the oceans, in and on most life forms, are
increasingly thought to participate in global carbon and nitrogen management,
biotransformation and biodegradation reactions involving metals and other
elemental substances suggesting they play a major role in the global
"metabolism" of Earth. Paradoxically, the microbes, particularly the bacteria
and fungi, that comprise a relatively invisible biological background are, in
terms of their total mass, species diversity, and metabolic range, among the
dominant life forms on the earth.
Genomics and the improvements in
microscopic technology are leading to remarkable new discoveries about
microbial community structure, intercellular communication in nature, and
strategies for survival. An example of this is the relatively recent
discovery that microorganisms in extreme environments (including prosthetics
within living organisms and in space stations such as Mir) are found in
biofilms (3). For microorganisms, biofilms offer protection from environmental
stresses and allow them to withstand even killing doses of antibiotics. It has
been estimated that biofilms play a significant role in transmission and
persistence of human disease. Another example is the realization, after the
genomic sequence was complete, that a quarter of the genome of the bacterium
Thermotoga maritima has come, apparently by lateral transfer, from a
different domain of life, the Archaea (4). A third discovery was the remarkable
ability of the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans to withstand
normally lethal doses of ionizing radiation by fragmenting its genome and
repairing it over a period of time after the exposure.
Genomic analysis has made
scientists refine their ideas of microbial evolution. Recent discoveries,
including the finding that a quarter of the Thermotoga maritima genome
appears to have been derived from horizontal gene transfer from Archaea (4)
have led to the realization that our current algorithms for understanding
microbial evolution are not adequate for deciphering evolutionary relationships
in prokaryotes (5). By developing new algorithms and attempting to culture new
microbial species, computational biologists and microbiologists, respectively,
seek to address these new challenges to our understanding of evolution of
prokaryotic life on earth. Further analysis of sequenced genomes may make it
possible to distinguish linear inheritance from horizontal gene transfer
through the genetic and computational analysis and modeling of metabolic
pathways. Thus, the ability to analyze entire genomes has allowed scientists to
recognize and begin to address in fundamentally new ways some of the surprising
intricacies of microbial evolution.
Functional genomic analysis of
microbes is a tool for understanding life in the universe. Understanding
the origin and evolution of life on earth is paramount for the search for life
elsewhere. Given that the most primitive surviving lifeforms are microbial, and
that microbes have played a dominant role in the evolution of the terrestrial
biosphere for the past 4 billion years, it is reasonable to assume that
microorganisms exist in other locations within the space environment. Genomic
analysis provides the framework to develop models for understanding the limits
of life and the nature of habitable environments and thus, is essential for
understanding the potential for life elsewhere in the universe and developing
the strategies to detect it.
Genomic analysis of pathogenic
microbes may lead to new ways to treat disease. Not only will knowing all
of the genes in a pathogen allow the identification of novel therapeutic and
vaccine targets, but this information can be used to identify novel types of
antibiotics or growth regulators that normally function to control the growth
of organisms in mixed microbial communities. Having the genomic sequence of
pathogens makes it possible to examine the diversity and evolution of
pathogens, identify mechanisms of drug resistance, understand how pathogens
interact with their hosts, and characterize pathogen virulence factors. Genomic
analysis has also contributed to the realization that more needs to be known
about the diversity of microorganisms living within and on humans, plants, and
animals and the significance of that diversity in maintaining health (2).
Genomic information is beginning to provide insights into the natural history
and epidemiology of infectious diseases and, thereby, into disease prevention.
Because of the clear significance of genomic analysis to human health, over
half of the microbial sequencing projects to date have involved human
pathogenic microbes. By comparison, little publicly funded genomic research has
been done on agriculturally relevant pathogens, although the genomic analysis
has the same potential value for plant and animal health.
Functional genomic analysis of
microbes has contributed to our understanding not only of microbial but also
human cellular function. Because pathways have been conserved through
evolution, the ability to study a simple eukaryote such as S. cerevisiae
at the genomic level, has allowed the identification and study of a variety of
genes known to be associated with human diseases (6). Additionally, functional
genomics tools, such as the yeast two-hybrid systems, open up the possibility
of identifying important interacting proteins from many different organisms,
including plants and human cells (7).
The potential use of microbes in
biological warfare underscores the need for genomic analysis. The threat
that microbes, perhaps supplemented by modern genetic engineering technologies,
might be used in terrorist acts is one that must be taken very seriously.
Analysis of the genomic sequence of these microbes can greatly aid detection,
characterization, forensic "attribution" (e.g. where did a biological agent
come from and what are its modifications), and specific response to exposure.
Public access to the genomic sequence data for these microorganisms is critical
for integration of this information with available medical and epidemiological
information and the most rapid development of technology to address the needs
in this area.
Although genomic analysis of
microbial genomes has yielded surprising discoveries, there is a great deal
more to be learned. In each microbial genome that has been sequenced, 40
50 % of the putative open reading frames encode proteins of unknown
function and 20 to 30% encode proteins seen only in that species. These results
suggest that the number of genes (and, therefore, species) yet to be identified
is likely to be enormous. The availability of genomic sequence has led to a
dramatic change in how biology is done. Now, instead of making single mutants
to study complex pathways, biologists can start with the complete set of genes
and end with an understanding of the structure and function of whole cells.
Finally, the rapid development of functional genomics technologies, such as DNA
microarrays and mass spectrophotometric analyses of protein complexes are
making it possible to build a multidimensional and integrated picture of living
cells in real time, a task that only a short time ago would have been
impossible to imagine.
It is an understatement to say
that microbial genomics has contributed to major scientific discoveries.
Through genomics, we have new ways of looking at the world and asking questions
of enormous value to research in areas such as evolution, metabolism,
microbiology, agriculture, bioengineering, and medicine. Genomics has turned
scientists into explorers as never before and enabled them to discover new
worlds in the microscopic organisms that have been living beneath our feet,
over our heads, and within and on our bodies all this time.
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. The DOD investment in microbial genomics is driven by both
biomedical and non-biomedical interests and by military operational
requirements. In the biomedical area DOD is interested in developing
technologies that would provide health support and services to military
personnel and that would counter the threat of endemic infectious diseases and
biological warfare (BW) agents. A major focus of the DOD investment in
microbial genomics is, therefore, directed at developing genomic-based
information about infectious agents, including potential BW agents, that can be
exploited for the rational design of therapies, vaccines, detection, and
medical diagnostic strategies.
In the non-biomedical area, DOD is
interested in biotechnological approaches for developing new materials and
managing the impact of DOD operations on the environment. Information emerging
from functional genomics research should enable new technologies for
development of novel biosynthetic schemes for producing materials of interest
to DOD and should provide a better understanding of processes governing the
fate and effects of contaminants in marine and terrestrial sediments. Genomic
information about novel, naturally occurring plasmids could enable the
development of new biotechnology-based tools for manipulating
To benefit fully from the
information provided by genomic sequence analysis requires tools that enable
prediction of the structure, function, regulation, and physiological impact of
gene products. To this end, DOD has programs that fully integrate genomic
sequence and functional genomics research.
Past and current
programs/research supported by DOD.
Parasites: The DOD plays a
significant role in a consortium of agencies dedicated to sequencing the entire
genome of the malaria parasite P. faciparum. Such sequence information
is being exploited to determine whether there are genes coding for
parasite-specific proteins that might be (a) inhibited by drugs specifically
designed to prevent or cure malaria infections, and (b) the basis of DNA-based
malaria vaccine being developed by DOD.
Microbes: DOD initiated the
effort to sequence the genome of Bacillus anthracis and has recently
begun a new effort to determining the sequences of nine, novel plasmids found
in marine sediment microbes. Other microbes and pathogens are sequenced as
needed to assist in the development of vaccines, drugs, and/or diagnostic
Functional Genomics: These
efforts include interdisciplinary projects between experimentalists and
theorists that focus on developing analytical tools to model and simulate the
dynamic behavior of genetic (transcriptional) regulatory networks. A related
approach is to assemble simple artificial regulatory circuits to establish
proof of principle capabilities for designing transcriptional networks and
evaluating our understanding of how naturally occurring networks operate. An
additional effort in "molecular field biology" is focused on developing a
taxonomy for protein structural domains and folds that will enhance the ability
to convert genomic sequence information into a structural and functional
database. In both the BW-defense program and infectious disease research
program, functional genomics projects are essential for both developing
vaccines, drugs and diagnostics, and for supporting the safety and efficacy
information required by the FDA for product licensure.
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. DOE has played a significant leading role in the development of
the field of microbial genomics. DOE's interest in microbial sequencing
focuses on elucidating microbial processes that affect the environment (carbon
management), produce energy (methanogenesis, etc.) and participate in the
remediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals, radionuclides, and other
legacies of a 50 year history of nuclear weapons production. This interest
developed as an offshoot of the Human Genome Program initiated by the Office of
Biological and Environmental Research (OBER) in 1986. The DOE Microbial Genome
Program was begun late in Fiscal Year 1994 with awards to The Institute for
Genome Research (TIGR), the University of Utah, and Genome Therapeutics Corp.
The OBER program has supported the completion of genomic sequencing for 11
microbes and 12 more are in various states of progress (see Appendix 1). The
impact of these projects on microbiology has been dramatic, with no discovery
more indicative than the repeated observation that 25-40% of the newly
discovered genes have unknown functions and thus presumably participate in
as-yet unknown processes within the cell. In addition, the availability of the
complete genomic sequence has led to a drastic paradigm shift in the way
microbial biology is done: primarily, moving from studying one gene or one
protein to being able to quantitate the response of every gene to changing
conditions. This shift has allowed rapid identification of genes that may be
important in a wide range of responses.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by DOE. The microbial sequencing projects
supported by OBER have had a broad impact. OBER has been careful to
chose microorganisms for sequencing that fit with their mission while also
having a modest genome size (less than 8 Mb), readily obtainable DNA, and
either tractable genetics or the potential for molecular genetic approaches. In
addition, the organisms chosen were non-pathogens and scientifically
interesting, i.e. because of their phylogenetic placement. Although OBER
selected organisms based on the above criteria, the genomic analysis of these
organisms has had a much broader impact in the areas of evolution, molecular
and structural biology, and genetics than could have been predicted. Most
recently, the demonstration of a high degree of horizontal gene transfer in
Thermotoga maritima (Nelson et al., 1999) has contributed to a broad
discussion of the notion of species in the bacterial lineage.
The process by which OBER chooses
and supports microbial genomes occurs in several steps. Because there is still
a vast repertoire of candidate organisms that satisfy all these criteria, OBER
has convened a series of "Which Bugs" workshops to solicit external expert
guidance to identify the most promising microbes for sequencing. The core
process in the DOE Microbial Genome Program is to invite pre-applications,
which following a review for programmatic relevance are usually then returned
with an invitation to submit a formal application. Formal applications are peer
reviewed at panels and funding is supplied to the most meritorious, following
an overall program relevance review and within the limitations imposed by the
available budget. Although about $18 million has been spent directly on
microbial genome projects through FY 1999, the OBER during this time has spent
about $31 million for microbial sequencing and research at academic
institutions and non-profit organizations. Just over $6 million (about 1/6 of
the total) has been allocated to scientists at DOE National Laboratories.
DOE also supports bioinformatics
relevant to microbiology. DOE, along with the NSF and the NIH, supports the
Protein Data Bank (PDB) at Rutgers University; PDB stores 3-D structures for
proteins from a variety of sources including microbes. DOE also supports a
Comprehensive Microbial Resource at (TIGR) which is a database and set of tools
that enables comparative genomic and functional genomic analyses. DOE also
supports the Ribosomal Data Base at the Michigan State University Center for
Microbial Ecology as well as computational efforts at the
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to
recalculate the rDNA phylogenetic tree.
Other offices within DOE have also
supported microbial research. When all the expenditures for microbial related
research within DOE are summed, about $70-75 million is spent each year on
microbial research. The Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) has, for a number
of years, supported research on fermentation microbiology, extremophiles and
their metabolism, and biomaterials and biocatalysis, particularly
energy-related enzymes. BES is also supporting the sequencing of one microbe
involved in carbon and nitrogen fixation. The Office of Energy Efficiency has
supported research on microbial renewable energy production, hydrogen and
ethanol production, and cellulose and lignin degradation. The DOE Office of
Environmental Management and Waste Remediation has supported work on microbial
degradation of organic contaminant wastes. More recently, the DOE Office of
Nonproliferation and National Security has begun to support research on
microbes that could be biowarfare or bioterrorist threat agents.
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. NASA seeks to understand the nature of life in the universe and
to assure crew health and productivity for increasing periods of time and at
increasing distances beyond Earth. NASA's primary interests are in functional
genomics of extreme environments, including the space environment,
computational biology, bioinformatics, in situ genomic analyses, medical
genomics, and genomics as a basis for bioengineering. A high priority activity
is to develop the tools that enable correlation of environmental changes with
changes in gene expression, and correlate these with resultant gene products,
metabolic effects, and structural changes over multiple generations.
NASA's astrobiology program seeks to
understand life in the universeits origins, evolution, distribution and
destiny. Microbial genomics plays an important part in all of these endeavors.
Through genomic archaeology, clues to the nature of the earliest life on Earth
can be gleaned, and insights into the process by which life and the environment
co-evolved on the early Earth can be obtained. These studies provide important
scientific information in their own right, but also develop a basis for
comparing and interpreting information obtained from other worlds in our solar
system and beyond it. Most of Earth's biological evolution was dominated by
microbes. If life exists beyond Earth, there may be many more worlds dominated
by microbial life than by higher life forms. Functional genomic studies of
microbes in extreme environments on Earth, especially those conducted in
situ, provide models for understanding the limits of life and the nature of
habitable environments. This information is essential in understanding the
potential for life elsewhere in the universe and for developing strategies to
detect it.
Microbial genomics is essential to
supporting human exploration beyond Earth. Microbes represent a health hazard
for exploration crews, either in their natural state or through possible
mutations brought about by novel selection pressures, including the closed
environment of the spacecraft, microgravity and space radiation. For the
future, habitable artificial ecologies designed to operate beyond Earth over
decadal time periods will almost certainly employ microbes as part of their
life support strategies, including those that are bioengineered for specific
functions. Finally, microbial genomics plays an important role in understanding
whether terrestrial life can establish a successful evolutionary future beyond
Earth by natural or engineered means and how that may be achieved.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NASA.
Astrobiology: NASA's
investment in genomics within the discipline of astrobiology is centered on
discovering phylogenetic relationships to determine our last common ancestor,
to investigate life's earliest metabolic capabilities, and to infer Earth's
earliest environments. These studies are required to understand the origin and
evolution of life on this planet as a beacon for the search for life elsewhere,
as described in the NASA Astrobiology Roadmap. NASA has played a major role in
supporting Carl Woese's research leading to the definition of a phylogenetic
tree based on genomic analysis. This work, with DOE support, culminated in the
recent complete sequencing of thermophilic Methanococcus jannaschii, the
first sequenced archaea, proving that archaea are the third domain of life
(bacteria and eukarya being the other two). Work in this area is continuing in
areas such as sorting out the role of horizontal gene transfers in evolution
and defining early branches of the eukaryotes.
Bioastronautics: NASA's
Fundamental Biology Program and Biomedical Research and Countermeasure Program,
within the Life Sciences Division, have a strong interest in supporting
genomics research, focused on integrated and functional genomics to understand
complex biological pathways and systems, and their interactions, in support of
human spaceflight. Such an approach is critical, for example, to ultimately
understand the myriad physiological changes that occur in bacteria, plants and
animals during space travel. Recent examples of such work include: 1) the use
of micro-array DNA chip technology to identify sets of genes which respond to
altered gravity exposure in plants and animals, 2) targeted gene modification
in animals to determine the role of these genes in plant and animal physiology
during microgravity exposure, 3) the use of a functional genomics approach to
sequence and characterize the expression and regulation of genes involved in
key evolutionary events and to test the function of these genes in both
same-species and cross-species transient expression assays, and 4) the use of
functional genomics to investigate changes in bacterial gene and protein
expression with microgravity exposure, and to assess the virulence potential of
these pathogens in microgravity.
NCRR - National
Center for Research Resources
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. NCRR provides a broad array of technologies, tools, and materials
to carry out research in microbial genomics. Biomedical Technology Centers
support research, development, and access to advanced technologies and
techniques needed to analyze microbial genomes, such as synchrotron radiation,
mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic imaging and spectroscopy. The Shared
Instrumentation Grant Program (SIG) funds grants for the acquisition of
state-of-the-art instrumentation to groups of NIH-supported investigators. NCRR
also provides support for the exploration of new technologies and new
approaches in microbial genomics as well as support for shared resources that
supply organisms and information to investigators for studies in microbial
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NCRR. Two NCRR-supported mass spectrometry
centers are developing new techniques for directly identifying proteins from
complexes that bypass the potential limitations of gel electrophoresis. One
process, multidimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry,
has recently been applied to analyze all the ribosomal proteins in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Another technique, whole-cell stable isotope
labeling, which can be applied on proteome-wide basis, has been applied to high
abundance proteins from yeast. The Yeast Resource Technology Center has been
established to exploit the yeast genome. This comprehensive approach should
serve as the model for future efforts on other eukaryotes as their genome
sequences become available. Specifically, the Center integrates a set of
state-of-the-art analytical technologies, including mass spectrometry and
two-hybrid analysis and microscopy, to analyze protein complexes.
The SIG program provides key
instruments needed to analyze microbial genomes including high-throughput
protein and DNA sequencers, sequence detector systems, and DNA chip
technologies (microarray systems). Three ABI 377 DNA sequencers, funded by SIG,
were used to complete the genome of E. coli K12. Gene-chip scanning
equipment has been used in conjunction with an Affymetrix collaboration to
develop an E. coli Gene Chip. Currently, a SIG-supported microarray
technology is being used to mass produce an E. coli microarray for the
research community.
NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute
A. Summary of NHGRI's interests
in microbial genomics: NHGRI supports the development of a wide range of
technologies that are applicable to the study of microbial genomes, including
improved technologies for DNA sequencing and for large-scale functional
analysis of eukaryotic genomes. NHGRI's specific interest in microbial genomics
is in the analysis of the S. cerevisiae genome, including support of
large-scale functional analyses and the Saccharomyces Genome Database
B. Past and current microbial
genome programs sponsored: NHGRI identified five non-human organisms in
which to invest in the development of genomic resources, primarily the complete
genomic sequence. Two of these, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, are
microbial organisms. Through the efforts of an international consortium, the
genomic sequence of S. cerevisiae was completed in 1996; NHGRI supported
the generation of 20% of this sequence. The complete sequence of E.
coli, generated entirely through NHGRI support, was published in
1997. There are no other microbial sequencing projects currently supported by
With the completion of whole genome
sequences, over the past few years NHGRI has begun to develop programs in the
analysis of genomic sequences. While NHGRI is no longer actively supporting any
significant level of research on E. coli, it currently supports research
projects on genome-scale functional analysis of S. cerevisiae. In FY
1998, NHGRI invested $4.5 million to support a mix of technology development
($1.0 million), pilot and production-scale ($3.5 million) activities, approximately half of which were funded through
specific solicitations. NHGRI also maintains a significant investment ($1.3
million in FY1998) in the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) at
The research projects being
supported include: 1) Gene disruptions: U.S. component of an international
consortium to generate disruptions in each of the ~6000 genes; development of
conditional mutations in essential genes; 2) Large-scale analysis of gene
expression (RNA and protein) using a variety of methods including DNA
microarrays, kinetic RT-PCR, and mass spectrometry; 3) Other large-scale
studies exploiting microarrays, including the function of intergenic regions
and analysis of complex traits; 4) Construction of portable libraries; and 5)
Cross-referencing of yeast with human and mouse genes.
In addition to these projects that
are focused primarily on S. cerevisiae, NHGRI supports a myriad of
technology development activities that could be applicable to the study of
microbial genomes. Most notable is the major emphasis on research to reduce the
cost of DNA sequencing. Other relevant activities include efforts to develop or
improve technologies for functional analyses, including analysis of RNA and
protein expression, protein interactions, genetic mapping and sequence
variation, and mutagenesis. Many of these activities include the development of
informatics tools.
C. Plans for the investment in
microbial genomics and collaborations: NHGRI recently published its new set
of five year goals for 1998-2003 (
One of the new goals is directly relevant to microbial genomics: Goal 4 -
Technology for Functional Genomics. NHGRI's primary interest is in the area of
technology development, where the emphasis is on technologies that can be used
on a large scale, are efficient and are capable of generating complete data for
the genome as a whole. These technologies should be either broadly applicable
to any genome, or applicable to one or more of the eukaryotic organisms that
are the focus of NHGRI support. Application of these technologies to
large-scale studies has been and will continue to be, for the most part,
considered on a limited basis, as resources allow. In addition, given the broad
interest and applicability of these studies across the NIH, coordination and
collaboration with other NIH Institutes/Centers, will be maximized. This having
been said, NHGRI has had particular interest in supporting large-scale
functional studies in S. cerevisiae and this interest is likely to
continue. These studies serve as a model of these types of projects in other
eukaryotic organisms, both from a technical point of view and because of the
challenge that analyzing this type and scale of data poses.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. The NIAID supports a large amount of research on microbial
pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminthes, that are
responsible for diseases of public health importance both domestically and
globally. Consistent with the Institute's mission, the goal of this
research is to enhance our understanding of the etiology, epidemiology and
pathogenesis of infectious diseases and to translate this research into
effective therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to control these disease
threats. The Institute has recognized the enormous potential of genomics in
accelerating the pace of research on infectious agents, including for studies
leading to the identification and role of infectious agents in chronic diseases
(neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal; neoplasms etc.). Having
access to a microorganisms entire genome sequence will provide the sequence of
every biochemical pathway, every virulence factor, every drug target and every
protein antigen. The Institute also recognizes the challenge and opportunity
posed by handling and decoding all of this information. The Institute is
committed to sustaining its support of projects to sequence disease causing
pathogens as well as to increasing its support of resources for functional
genomics studies.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NIAID. To date, the NIAID has funded the
projects to sequence the complete genomes of approximately 20 bacterial
pathogens, two of which have been completed, viz. Chlamydia trachomatis
and Treponema pallidum. In addition, the Institute funds projects to
partially sequence the genomes of parasitic protozoa. With NIAID support, one
chromosome each from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and from
Leishmania major has been completely sequenced. A listing of the genome
projects supported by the NIAID is available on the Institute's Web site The NIAID is also funding work in
the areas of bioinformatics and functional genomics of pathogens. The Institute
currently supports, through an Inter Agency Agreement with DOE, a database for
sexually transmitted pathogens ( This database
builds on the genome sequence information derived from the large-scale
sequencing of Treponema pallidum, Chlamydia and other STD organisms. A
number of NIAID-supported investigators are using the genome sequence
information to prepare microarrays for gene expression analyses.
C. Future investments and
collaborations in microbial genomics. The Institute has recently reviewed
its support of large-scale genome sequencing projects. As a result of this
review, the NIAID has drafted a policy statement that indicates a number of
changes in the mechanism of support and the terms of award for these projects.
An NIAID-convened Blue Ribbon Panel on Genomics, held on May 12-13, 1999,
endorsed the policy. The policy was approved by the National Advisory on May
25, 1999. In brief, the policy indicates: 1) large-scale genome sequencing
projects will be supported under the cooperative mechanism; 2) applicants are
required to obtain prior approval from NIAID before submission; and 3)
Institute organism priorities for large-scale sequencing projects. The new
policy is intended to stabilize funding for large-scale genome sequencing
projects at least at the current level of $12M/year. The Institute will publish
the Council-approved policy on mechanisms of support for large-scale genome
sequencing projects in the NIH Guide in the very near future. In addition, the
Institute will announce its list of prioritized organisms for future projects.
The NIAID is developing its plans
for providing resources to enable investigators to take advantage of the
large-scale genomic sequence information. These resources will provide at least
some of the following:
It is anticipated that a contract
resource will be funded beginning in FY2000.
The NIAID collaborates with a number
of other federal and international agencies as well as private foundations in
support of microbial genomics. Examples of these collaborations include:
co-funding of the malaria genome sequencing project with DOD, the Wellcome
Trust and the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund, coordination of genome sequencing
projects with the Wellcome Trust, discussions with the World Health
Organization's Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
for genome projects on parasites and invertebrate vectors of disease.
NIDCR - National Institute of Dental and
Cranial Research
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. Despite remarkable scientific advances in the control of
infectious diseases in general medicine, infections of the oral cavity, such as
periodontitis, caries, infections of dental implants, and viral stomatitis
remain a formidable problem in contemporary dentistry. This challenge is
further magnified by sub-populations who are immunocompromised because of drug
use, systemic viral diseases such as AIDS or inadequate saliva production. To
meet these challenges, the NIDCR supports basic, clinical, translational,
epidemiological and developmental research on infectious diseases of the oral
Sequence analysis of the entire
genome promises to yield a comprehensive picture of the structure and function
of oral microorganisms. In this regard, genome analysis may be able to
elucidate previously unrecognized pathogenic mechanisms that can be blocked by
drug therapies, and immunogenic components ideal for vaccine development. In
addition, data from these studies will enable extensive comparisons to be made
between bacterial genera and species, thereby identifying the genetic basis for
virulence and ability to survive in the oral cavity.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NIDCR. The NIDCR currently supports the
complete sequencing of four oral pathogenic bacteria and a yeast. Three of
these bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola,
and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, are associated with
periodontitis (gum disease). The other bacterium, Streptococcus mutans,
is a principle cause of dental caries. The yeast, Candida albicans, is a
common opportunistic pathogen that causes a painful and debilitating oral
mucositis in patients with AIDS/HIV infection or who are otherwise
The total NIDCR/NIH amount invested
in these projects in FY1998 was approximately $1.8 million and in FY1999 is
approximately $4M. The NIDCR is partnering with The Welcome Trust, United
Kingdom, to support the sequencing of Candida albicans.
C. Future investments in
microbial genomics. The NIDCR plans to support complete genomic sequencing
of several other bacteria and important pathogens of oral infectious diseases
in the next three years. These include the periodontitis pathogens
Fusobacterium nucleatum, Bacteroides forsythus, and Prevotella
intermedia, and Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguis,
which are oral bacteria involved in the formation of dental plaque
and, endocarditis, a serious infection of the heart. The genomic sequences of
these bacteria may illuminate their biology and ways to control the
pathogenesis of disease caused by such endogenous organisms.
NIGMS - National Institute of General Medical
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. Within NIGMS, the Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology
(GDB) supports research in the area of microbial genomics. NIGMS supports basic
biomedical research that is not targeted to specific diseases or disorders. The
Institute places great emphasis on the support of individual,
investigator-initiated research grants and, in general, does not solicit
proposals for specific research initiatives. The Division of Genetics and
Developmental Biology (GDB) is responsible for support of virtually all
projects that deal with the organization, transmission, and function of the
hereditary material. The research grants currently supported by GDB range from
studies of fundamental genetic mechanisms, such as DNA replication and gene
expression, to studies of population genetics and the more complex regulatory
systems that underlie cell growth and development. The majority of these grants
support conventional, hypothesis-driven research projects. Consequently,
proposals submitted to the NIH for global sequencing or functional analysis of
a microorganism are usually assigned to other institutes. However, as described
below, GDB does support projects in the area of genomics when the genomics
components are directed towards answering fundamental genetic questions. NIGMS
also supports projects aimed at developing novel technologies that will benefit
many investigators. Some of these projects, including several in the SBIR
Program, are directed towards improving the methods used for yeast functional
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NIGMS. NIGMS is currently supporting genomic
sequencing of the facultative methylotroph, Methylobacterium
extorquens(see Appendix 1). The project's overall goal is to
identify the genes responsible for the unusual phylogenetic amalgam of
metabolic pathways that exist in this organism by sequencing 95% of its DNA.
NIGMS-sponsored genomic-scale
functional analyses are currently underway in Escherichia coli and
Pyrobaculum aerophilum. The goal of the E. coli project is to
determine the function of all open reading frames in the genome. NIGMS support
for this project reflects the major role that E. coli has played as a
model for the study of fundamental genetic mechanisms. The goal of the P.
aerophilum project is to develop tools for functional genomics in a
thermophilic archeon. This organism is of particular interest because of its
unusual physiology and its position on the phylogenetic tree of
NIGMS also supports a variety of
functional genomics studies in S. cerevisiae, including those aimed at
application of the two-hybrid system to yeast genomics. Major efforts are being
made to specify all of the protein-protein interactions in yeast as well as to
develop the three-hybrid system in order to detect all RNA-protein
interactions. Smaller scale Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects
are directed towards establishment of a database for yeast functional genomics
and development of a yeast antibody-display system. Other yeast SBIR projects
that terminated during the past year have included efforts to develop a
dual-bait two-hybrid system and to produce reporter genes for simultaneous
monitoring of expression levels of several genes at once. An exploratory study
is also underway to develop a genetic system for cloning yeast genes of unknown
C. Future investments in
microbial genomics. NIGMS recognizes that training the future scientists to
work in the broad area of genomics is critical. Research training at NIGMS is
funded primarily by institutional pre-doctoral training grants. These awards
are intended to provide broad, interdisciplinary training in areas such as
molecular and cellular biology and genetics. Thus, support has not been
provided for training in more focused areas such as microbial genomics although
training of this type could occur as one component of a genetics pre-doctoral
award. However, the Institute has recently decided to initiate a new training
program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The goal of the program
will be to enhance the quantitative skills of students in the life sciences.
The initial awards are targeted for July 1, 2001. Although its success remains
to be determined, it is very likely that the new program will include training
in bioinformatics that will be relevant for individuals intending to pursue
careers in microbial genomics.
Library of Medicine - National Center for Biotechnology
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. NCBI's interests lie in the computational analysis of
microbial genomes. In addition to curating and maintaining GenBank, NCBI
supports an in-house effort in computational biology and bioinformatics focused
on the analysis of microbial genomes.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NCBI. Comprehensive analysis of microbial
genome is a long-term, multi-step project. The first phase involves
characterization of all the genes and the encoded proteins and requires, as a
pre-requisite, a non-redundant database of microbial protein sequences. The
core of the NCBI's effort in this direction is the database of Clusters
of Orthologous Genes (COGs) that was developed at the NCBI beginning in
1997 and currently includes about 50% of the genes from 20 complete genomes of
unicellular organisms (bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes). Each COGs consists of
genes from at least 3 different genomes that have been deduced to be likely
orthologs, i.e. genes are directly related by vertical evolutionary descent.
These orthologous genes, by inference, are likely to be functionally
The 4 inter-related research aims in
NCBI's work on microbial genomes are to:
- create representative sets of proteins for
complete genomes and classify them using the COG approach
- use COG analysis to refine the
representative set (e.g., to include genes that have been missed in original
analyses or have frame-shifts due to sequencing errors).
analyze proteins not falling
into COGs
identify distant relatives to
COGs (This ties in with another major project at the NCBI, namely the
development of a Conserved Domains Database)
identify organism-specific
families of paralogs, i.e. genes related by gene duplication and not by
vertical evolutionary descent
- work with "expert groups" to
provide curated information on specific genes, protein and functional systems,
e.g. virulence factors, restriction/modification systems.
- provide computable
structural/functional features for all proteins, including signal peptides,
transmembrane regions, regions of low complexity, and coiled-coil
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. The Biotechnology Division at NIST is mandated to develop the
generic measurements, models, data, and standards needed to accelerate the
commercialization of biotechnology, serving industry, academia, the federal
government and international commerce. Within the scope of this mandate, the
Biotechnology Division is providing national traceability for measurements in
human identification, forensics, and DNA diagnostics, for example, and accurate
and reliable data and predictive models. The Biotechnology Division will
anticipate and address the next generation measurement needs of the nation by
performing cutting-edge research in this area.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NIST. NIST efforts in microbial genomics
derive from its support of research in functional genomics as well as
bioinformatics and technology development related to these areas. An
example of this is the CARB-TIGR Proteome Project, (supported in part by
funding from NIH) to determine the crystal structures of microbial
open-reading-frames of unknown function with the intention of gaining insight
into the function of the unknown proteins. It is expected that as an outcome of
this study, proteins that are expressed in low concentrations or have short
lifetimes in these organisms will be identified, potentially providing new drug
targets, new industrial catalysts, or novel protein folds and
NIST also supports research in the
area of protein detection. Practical proteomics systems that detect and
characterize the effects of pharmaceuticals on protein synthesis and
accumulation in animal test systems or that can provide the increased
sensitivity and dynamic range needed for protein detection in humans are being
developed by Large Scale Biology/BioSource through support by the Advanced
Technology Program (ATP). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is the tool being
used to identify and quantitate proteins. This technology will enable the
creation of genomic-scale protein databases.
Many industrial firms are taking
advantage of the unique capabilities of microbial metabolic pathways to carry
out chemical transformations that add value to existing products or synthesize
completely new products. Examples include the synthesis of chiral precursors
for use in pharmaceutical industry, or manufacture of L-amino acids for feed
supplements in agriculture. In many cases, these pathways are not very well
characterized. The Laboratory program at NIST, mostly through base-funded
in-house activities in the Biotechnology Division, focuses on developing
measurement methods, databases, and generic technologies that facilitate the
use of microbial metabolic capabilities by industry. Internal funds and
resources are leveraged in this activity through participation in the
Interagency Working Group on Metabolic Engineering, which supports extramural
work mostly in academic laboratories, and by ATP intramural funds that are
obtained by establishing linkages to generic aspects of the extramural work
funded by ATP. Several industry-led ATP projects include a focus on novel
approaches to metabolic engineering for industrial products such as organic
acids and polymers.
Data and Model Systems for Metabolic
Engineering this intramural ATP project supports research in metabolic
engineering of organisms aimed at producing industrially relevant products,
such as chemical feedstock replacements, polymers and chemical products. In
this project, the enzymes in the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway, or
chorismate pathway, are being studied using a variety of physical, biophysical
and chemical techniques, such as calorimetric, kinetic, x-ray crystallographic
and molecular modeling methods, to establish the role of each enzyme in the
pathway and the details of each catalytic mechanism. This information will be
used to identify areas for enzyme modification in order to optimize the
production of product, such as increasing the catalytic turnover, minimizing
feedback inhibition, and maximizing the lifetime and reaction rates of the
enzymes. This project began in FY 1998 with about $500K/yr support from ATP and
an additional investment of about $800K/yr from the NIST Biotechnology
Hand-held Devices for DNA Analysis
The development of powerful, low cost devices for convenient DNA
analyses is supported by ATP. Affymetrix, Inc and Molecular Dynamics are using
advanced manufacturing technologies to fabricate DNA microarrays and
electrophoresis instruments. The resulting devices should contribute to the
speed and convenience of DNA analysis, facilitate the study of human genetics,
aid in managing diseases, such as cancer and AIDS, contribute to new drug
discovery and provide DNA diagnostics to the health and other industrial
sectors, and, in general, help to reduce costs in the trillion dollar U.S.
health care industry.
Immediate DNA Detection
Development of a cartridge-based method of detecting specific DNA sequences at
Molecular Innovations was supported by the ATP, in which DNA in a sample is
extracted, probed for medically relevant genetic sequences, and only then made
visible via a series of reactions that agglutinate dyed beads into colored
particles. In another ATP project, Third Wave Technologies was supported for
the development of a rapid method for mutation screening that is already saving
scientists time and money in the laboratory. Large numbers of samples can be
scanned to identify those that are most likely to have mutations. Both of these
low-cost fast detection technologies can be instrumental in screening for
specific microbial DNA traits. The ATP "Tools for DNA Diagnostics" program
supports these and other programs expected to benefit microbial genomics
Other technology development funded
by NIST ATP supports rapid sequencing and integrated systems for
real-time analysis. Technology for rapid DNA sequencing based on Matrix
Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass
spectrometry was designed by GeneTrace Systems, Inc. with support from the ATP.
The development combines automated DNA sequencing reactions with MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometry. New chemistries, robotics, instrumentation and software reduces
the analysis time of a sample from hours to seconds, and the cost from
$300-$5000 to a few dollars. Integrated systems for real-time analysis are
being developed by Perkin-Elmer Corp. Applied Biosystems. This
project is aimed at advancing real-time detection of biologically-based
contamination of plants, food, water, and other environmental samples by using
probes that fluoresce only in the presence of specific sample DNA.
Finally, NIST supports
bioinformatics through its involvement with the Protein Data Bank. The Protein
Data Bank (PDB) is an international repository of three-dimensional
macromolecular structural data, funded by NSF, DOE and NIH. NIST is a member of
a consortium, the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB),
comprised of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, the San Diego
Supercomputer Center of the University of California, San Diego, and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, who manage the PDB. NIST has
the responsibility of maintaining data uniformity and standards of the data in
order to facilitate more complex and comprehensive querying of the
exponentially increasing data. The RCSB took over the management of the PDB in
FY 1999. NIST Biotechnology Division invests an additional $500K/yr in this
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. NSF supports microbiological research in a broad range of areas,
including environmental and evolutionary biology, metabolic engineering,
genetics, mathematics, oceanography, computer sciences, and chemistry to name a
few. A recent search of award abstracts for microbial-related research resulted
in the identification of almost 5400 grants awarded since 1989. NSF's
interest in microbial genomics parallels its support of microbiological
research, including plant-associated microbes, microbes of interest in basic
research, microbes that occupy critical or compelling environmental or
evolutionary niches, microbes developed for metabolic engineering, and microbes
that are models for the higher eukaryotic systems supported by NSF, such as
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by NSF. NSF supports microbial genomics through
a number of established programs. The Microbial Genetics program in the
division of Molecular and Cellular Biology supports genomic sequencing and
functional genomics of Halobacterium, Neurospora crassa, Synechococcus
elongatus, and E. coli. The Bioengineering program supports
functional genomics projects related to metabolic engineering in E.
coli. Other programs such as Science and Technology Centers (2 of which are
microbiology-based) and Biological Databases and Informatics, the Office of
Polar Programs, and Oceanography also fund research related to microbial
genomics. In an effort to support broad collaborative research across science,
engineering, and education, NSF has developed several cross-directorate
programs. These include Life in Extreme Environments (LExEn), Microbial
Observatories and Biocomplexity programs, which support research in microbial
systems and communities, while also fostering genomic-level analysis. Finally,
programs in Education and Human Resources (EHR) have supported laboratory
research, curriculum development, and education in the area of microbiology and
genomics, including the Genome Radio Project.
NSF's funding of large-scale
sequencing efforts began in the early 1990's with support of the
Neurospora genome project, an undergraduate training program and
EST-sequencing project based in the EHR-Research Improvement in Minority
Institutions program. Neurospora crassa is a filamentous ascomycete with
complex developmental stages whose genome appears to be very different from
that of S. cerevisiae. This project is currently supported by Microbial
Genetics. Microbial Genetics also supported the sequencing of the
largest Halobacterium plasmid and supports the sequencing of
Halobacterium sp. Halobacterium is a halophytic archeon that is
of interest because of its phylogenetic position within the archaea, its
subcellular structure, and its ability to grow in high salt environments. The
Synechococcus sequencing and functional genomics project is a
collaborative project at Texas A&M and the University of Idaho.
Synechococcus is a cyanobacterium whose circadian rhythms have been
studied extensively both at the molecular genetic and physiological levels and
whose genome is smaller than the related, sequenced cyanobacterium
Synechocystis. NSF's investment in microbial genomics overall is
$2.6M with $2.1M in currently funded grants.
NSF-funded E. coli
comparative and functional genomics projects include: the comparison of 11
different but related bacterial strains to evaluate the molecular evolution
of E. coli-related genomes; a study of the integration of two different
computational platforms to enable the identification of conserved regulatory
elements across whole bacterial genomes; a collaborative project studying
metabolic pathways aimed at an in silico prediction of phenotypes from
genotype leading to the development of a model of genetic circuits; and a
genomic-scale screen for membrane proteins in E. coli. NSF's
current investment in functional genomics is approximately $900K.
NSF has a major investment in the
ever-increasing computational and database needs that provide infrastructure
not only for microbial genomics but for many areas of life science. Examples
include projects dealing with genomic mapping data, the Ribosome Database
Project (RDP), a microbial biodegradation database, and the Protein Data Bank
(PDB). All seek to accommodate the rapid growth in storable information, allow
complex querying, and facilitate access to data as well as linkage to and
integration with other databases. The latter program is funded jointly with NIH
and DOE. The current NSF investment in this area is about $4.5M.
NSF has a strong interest in and
commitment to education and has funded approximately $4.7M in the area of
genomics curriculum development, with about $3.3M in current funding, including
an interdisciplinary program for graduate training in bioinformatics and the
Genome Radio Program. Again, these apply not only to microbial genomics but to
genomics more broadly.
NSF funds two large centers in the
area of microbiology, including the Biotechnology Center at the University of
Washington that is sequencing the Halobacterium genome and the Center
for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University. The NSF investment in these
centers since fiscal year 1992 is $38M. Novel strategies for increasing
microbial isolation capabilities are supported by a recent NSF award through
the Major Research Instrumentation program. Researchers at the Advanced Microbe
Isolation Laboratory at Oregon State University will develop automated
approaches for culturing and identifying novel microorganisms from natural
C. Future investments and
collaborations in microbial genomics. Microbial genomics is an important
component of NSF's future plans. Linking the genome sequence to function
of microbes in natural ecosystems is an emerging theme. Currently, programs
such as Microbial Genetics, LExEn, Biocomplexity, and others will be
responsible for these proposals. A new microbiology postdoctoral program whose
goal is to develop a cohort of scientists trained in non-model microbial
systems and microbial systematics will be announced for FY2000. NSF also has a
post doctoral fellowship program in Biological Informatics to address the need
for scientists trained in computational biology and bioinformatics.
NSF collaborates with a number of
agencies in microbial genomics, and bioinformatics, and infrastructure
projects. For example, NSF, DOE, and NIH jointly provide funding for the
Protein Data Bank to a consortium that includes NIST. NSF, USDA, DOE, ONR, and
EPA support Metabolic Engineering, which funds genetic circuit
A. Agency interests in microbial
genomics. The USDA recognizes that microbial genome sequencing and
subsequent functional genomics will provide enormous benefits to the
agricultural sector. As a mission-linked agency, the USDA supports research in
the biological, environmental, physical, and social sciences on regional and
national problems relevant to agriculture, food, forestry, and the environment.
Genomics is, and will continue to be, a tool of growing importance for studying
and solving agricultural-related problems; it is expected to be the driving
force for research in the life sciences over the next decade. The USDA
anticipates dedicating increased resources to microbial genomics. Without a
substantial investment, U.S. agriculture risks losing its competitive edge in
the global economy.
B. Past and current
programs/research supported by USDA. The Agricultural Research Service
(ARS) funds intramural research at USDA laboratories across the country. Except
for characterization of novel emerging organisms (primarily viruses), ARS has
no programs dedicated to complete sequence analysis for discovery of novel
genes or gene products. ARS does however support gene sequence analysis and
post-sequencing functional genomics for problem-related research. About 25
viruses or virus groups are being studied in sequencing/genomics programs of
various types supported by ARS. They include animal, plant and insect viruses
and viroids. Fifteen bacteria or related organisms were identified in programs
utilizing genomics. Members of some of these, such as Salmonella and
Campylobacter, have already been sequenced in their entirety (through
other funding sources); existing ARS programs will focus on the functional
genomics of these organisms. At least 14 genera of fungi were identified in
various projects utilizing genomics approaches.
The Cooperative State Research,
Education and Extension Service (CSREES) funds extramural projects in microbial
genomics. Proposals are funded through the National Research Initiative
Competitive Grants Program (NRICGP), which is the USDA's major extramural
competitive research grants program. In the NRICGP, investigators that propose
whole-genome sequencing currently can submit proposals to two program areas:
Animal Health and Well-Being, Plant Pathology. To date, fiscal constraints,
rather than a lack of need or desire have limited CSREES' funding of
microbial genome projects. In Fiscal Year 1998, the NRICGP's Animal Health
and Well-Being Program provided partial support ($200,000; 1 year) to sequence
an avian strain of Pasteurella multocida. In the current Fiscal Year
1999, the NRICGP will support a gene discovery project for Neospora
caninum ($300,000; 3 years). Approximately 10,000 EST's and 15,000
Genomic Sequence Tags (GST's) will be sequenced and annotated. This effort
is synergistic with ongoing genomics work with a related apicomplexan
parasite, Toxoplasma gondii (supported by the NIH).
The USDA is continuing to sponsor an
International Agricultural Microbes Genome Conference to meet the growing needs
of this field. The conference will promote communication between and among
researchers conducting plant, animal, and soil microbial genome research.
Plenary lectures and a poster session will cover: sequencing; technology and
bioinformatics; and functional genomics/applications. The meeting will take
place in San Diego on January 13-14, 2000. Additional information is available
C. Future investments and
collaborations in microbial genomics. Genomics research will steadily
increase in ARS. Funding requests have been substantial each year to increase
research in all areas of genomics. Twelve new high-throughput sequencers have
been purchased for various ARS sites to increase gene sequencing and other
genetic analyses. ARS plans to identify the best candidates for genomics
analysis among the multitude of agricultural microbes. Promising candidates for
complete sequencing projects from the plant bacteria include members of the
Rhizobium/Bradyrhizobium and related soil organisms, the fruit
pathogens, Xanthamonas and Xyllela and the Phytoplasmas
(mycoplasma-like plant pathogens). In animal health programs, Anaplasma
marginale, Pasteurella haemolytica and Serpulina
hyodysenteriae would be attractive candidates currently under study in
ARS. Among the genomics-related programs of fungi, several strong candidate
strains were identified. These included Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Aspergillus
and Phytophthora, all of which include members of significant
agricultural importance. ARS-funded programs on the parasites in the genera
Neospora and Eimeria also have strong genomics components, making
these potential focus organisms. ARS will coordinate the selection of any
target organisms with other agencies to avoid unnecessary
For Fiscal Year 2000, there is
strong interest within CSREES to launch a competitive microbial genomics
initiative for microorganisms relevant to U.S. agriculture. CSREES envisions
initially supporting high-throughput sequencing of the genomes of
microorganisms (including viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa). Pathogenic
and beneficial microbes of animals, plants and soils would be included.
Evaluation criteria for relevance include: economic importance; unique
biological or environmental features; genetic tractability; and evolutionary
significance. The biological question to be addressed will be of critical
importance. In studies of pathogenicity, for example, two or more closely
related genomes may need to be sequenced. Larger genomes of protozoa and fungi
may be partially funded if future plans for completing the work are
The USDA is very interested in
pursuing interagency efforts, similar to the successful collaborations
established for genome sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice, for
a microbial sequencing initiative and post-sequencing/functional genomics.
Collaborations are sought from all interested Federal agencies whose mission
areas intersect and complement those of the USDA.
The contributors to this report have
identified a number of areas that, based on the current federal investment in
microbial genomics, represent gaps or opportunities for significant
contributions to the development of this field. A few of these gaps and
opportunities are more salient for some agencies than others, however, the need
for infrastructure support, training in genomics, computational biology, and
increased integration in policy development was common to all agencies. While
some of the gaps/opportunities are specific to microbial genomics, many of them
are common issues for all genomic research.
Gaps and Opportunities Specific
to Microbial Genomics
Microbes whose genomes are of
scientific interest or practical importance that are currently not well
represented in public sequencing efforts
Agriculturally important
microbes, both plant and animal pathogens and microbes that are neutral or
beneficial to plants and animals, such as nitrogen-fixing
Mollicutes (mycoplasmas,
phytoplasmas or spiroplasmas), some of which cause economically important plant
and animal diseases, are not part of planned or ongoing sequencing
Phylogenetically important
microbes at evolutionary branch points, such as Planctomyces and
Verrucomicrobium that will help understand the evolution of microbial
Difficult-to-culture microbes
Functional genomics of
microbes in extreme environments, including the space
Computational Biology and
Informatics for Microbial Genomics
- Development and maintenance of
user-friendly, organism-based, relational databases.
- Coordination of databases to enhance
connectivity, translatability, and interaction among microbial genome and other
- Development of a microbiology and microbial
genomics site that coordinates genomics and educational activities, such as the
DOE or NHGRI Human Genome web sites (see Appendix)
Training to lay the groundwork
for Microbial Functional Genomics
- Microbial biology and genomics at all
- Microbial systematics.
Technology and Reagents for
Microbial Genomics
- Development and distribution of
community-wide resources, e.g. knockout or conditional mutants of model
organisms; chip and microarray analyses that are available to the academic
- Development of a national cDNA
- Development of novel culture techniques for
currently unculturable microorganisms
- Development of techniques for in situ
genomic analysis of microbial ecosystems to characterize community diversity
and gene expression in natural populations
Policy issues for Microbial
- Policy on uniform data release for microbial
sequencing projects.
- Policy on sharing reagents, e.g. novel
strains, clones, primer sets or sequences of primers used in published
articles, etc.
- Ongoing coordination of microbial genome
activities, including targeted microbes, database support, training programs,
General Infrastructure Gaps and
Opportunities for Genomics
- Development of high-throughput technology
for sequencing and functional genomics, including development of software for
analysis of complex data sets. Priority should be given to development of
technology that can be made accessible to the broad range of scientists.
- Access to genomic resources, including
reagents, microarrays, mass spectrometers (MALDI-TOF), etc.
- Continued development of computational
biology and bioinformatics.
- Training in the broad area of genomics at
all levels.
- Training in bioinformatics and computational
biology at all levels.
- Training at all levels for students,
teachers, and researchers to access, use, and develop new technologies.
- Enhancement of technology transfer in the
area of genomics to the broader industrial community and more rapid access to
these technologies by academic researchers.
- Whole-genome random sequence of
Haemophilus influenzae Rd. R. D. Fleischmann, M. D. Adams, O. White, R.
A. Clayton, E. F. Kirkness, A. R. Kerlavage, C. J. Bult, J. F. Tomb, B. A.
Dougherty, J. M. Merrick, K. McKenney, G. Sutton, W. Fitzhugh, C. Fields, J. D.
Gocayne, J. Scott, R. Shirley, L. I. Liu, A. Glodek, J. M. Kelley, J. F.
Weidman, C. A. Phillips, T. Spriggs, E. Hedblom, M. D. Cotton, T. R. Utterback,
M. C. Hanna, D. T. Nguyen, D. M. Saudek, R. C. Brandon, L. D. Fine, J. L.
Fritchman, J. L. Fuhrmann, N. S. M. Geoghagen, C. L. Gnehm, L. A. McDonald, K.
V. Small, C. M. Fraser, H. O. Smith, J. C. Venter. Science 269: 496-512,
- The search for unrecognized pathogens. D. A.
Relman. Science 284: 1308-1311, (1999)
- Bacterial biofilms: a common cause of
persistent infections. J. W. Costerton, P. S. Stewart, & E. P. Greenberg.
Science 284: 1318-1322, (1999)
- Evidence for lateral gene transfer between
Archaea and Bacteria from genome sequence of Thermotoga maritima. K. E.
Nelson, R. A. Clayton, S. R. Gill, M. L. Gwinn, R. J. Dodson, D. H. Haft, E. K.
Hickey, J. D. Peterson, W. C. Nelson, K. A. Ketchum, L. McDonald, T. R.
Utterback, J. A. Malek, K. D. Linher, M. M. Garrett, A. M. Stewart, M. D.
Cotton, M. S. Pratt, C. A. Phillips, D. Richardson, J. Heidelberg, G. G.
Sutton, R. D. Fleischmann, J. A. Eisen, O. White, S. L. Salzberg, H. O. Smith,
J. C. Venter & C. M. Fraser. Nature 399: 323 329, (1999)
- Is it time to uproot the tree of life? E.
Pennisi. Science 284: 1305-1307, (1999)
- Action of BTN1, the yeast orthologue of the
gene mutated in Batten disease. D. A. Pearce, T. Ferea, S. A. Nosel, B. Das,
& F. Sherman. Nat. Genet. 22: 55-58, (1999)
- Hepatitis C virus core protein binds to a
DEAD box RNA helicase. N. Mamiya, H. J. Worman. J Biol Chem 274: 15751-6,
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