Chapter 4
Additional Editing
This chapter tells you how to perform additional editing tasks associated with the MAX Data
Entry System. (Chapter 3 of this manual presents basic editing techniques.) This chapter
contains the following modules:
Using Growth Rates
How Discretionary Outlays are Calculated
Using the Setup Outlay Calculations
Copying Outlay Setup Information From the Previous Budgetary Resource Line
Adding a Comment to an Amount
Changing a Comment
Deleting a Comment
Printing Data from an Account on the PC
Saving an Account as a New Version
Restoring Account Data
Using Growth Rates
Step |
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
1 |
Select the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule-Policy (A). |
Displays the account at the beginning of
the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule you selected (policy). |
2 |
Position the cursor bar on the CY budget
resource amount. |
Highlights the amount. |
3 |
option. |
Displays the Growth Rates box.
4 |
TAB to the CY row. Enter the CY growth
rates (percentages). Then use the TAB
key to advance through the fields. |
Calculates the budget resources amounts
for BY - BY+8 using the growth rates. |
How Discretionary Outlays Are Calculated
Instructions Automatic Outlay Calculations
Discretionary outlay data are automatically calculated by the MAX system. (You
must first add in outlay lines needed.)
You must:
For Baseline, enter the enacted budgetary
resource level (CY) split by BEA, Sequester/Exempt, Pay/Non-pay categories
in Schedule S.
For Policy, enter the enacted budgetary
resource level (CY) by BEA category in Schedule A.
enter the outlay dollar amounts associated
to end of PY balances in either lines 9122 (Outlays from end of PY balances
of authority), 9322 (Outlays from end of PY balances of spending authority
from offsetting collection) or 9822 (Outlays from end of PY balances of limitation).
[MEMORANDUM ENTRIES -- MAX will automatically add these amounts to the calculation
of line 9X21.]
use the Setup Outlay Calculations option (Under
the EDIT menu) to:
-- enter spend-out rates for the CY budgetary
resource, and
-- enter spend-out rates for the BY budgetary
Using this information, the application generates
the CY through BY+9 outlay for new and prior lines. You also have the option
of using MAX's automatic outlay generation feature to calculate mandatory
You can alter the discretionary outlays by adjusting
either the BA/limitation or spendout rates.
Using the Setup Outlay Calculations
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
Select the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule (baseline or policy). |
Displays the account at the beginning of
the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule you selected (baseline or
policy). |
Position the cursor bar on a budgetary
resource amount (e.g., CY amount on line
4300); then select the EDIT-SETUP
Displays the Setup Outlay Calculations
box. |
TAB to the CY row. Enter the CY spend-out rates (percentages). Then use the
TAB key to advance through the fields in
the CY row. |
Calculates the total for the CY spend-out
rates for this row (which should not total
to more than "100%"). |
TAB to the BY row. Enter the BY spend-out rates (percentages). Then use the
TAB key to advance to the fields in the
BY row. |
Calculates the total for the BY spend-out
rates for this row (which should not total
to more than "100%"). |
When you are satisfied with the spend-out
rates entered, select the OK button. |
Recalculates the amounts for the outlay
lines based on the information entered in
the Setup Outlay Calculations box. |
Automatic outlay calculations apply only
to discretionary lines in the BA, Limitations, and Outlays schedules.
Copying Outlay Setup Information From the Previous
Budgetary Resource Line
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
Select the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule (baseline or policy). |
Displays the account at the beginning of
the BA, Limitations, and Outlays
schedule you selected (baseline or
policy). |
Position the cursor bar on the budgetary
resource line you want to copy outlay
setup information to; then select the
Displays the Setup Outlay Calculation
box. |
Select the Copy From Previous Line
button. |
Copies the spend-out rates from the
previous line. |
Select the OK button. |
Recalculates the outlays amounts based
on the copied spend-out rates. |
Spendout rates must be used to calculate discretionary
outlays, but you have the option of using spendout rates to calculate mandatory
This function takes outlay calculations from
a previous line and copies them to a target row (i.e., where the
cursor bar is located) further down in the account file. Consequently, you
must perform this function working from top to bottom in the account file.
You cannot copy outlay calculations "up" in the account file.
The Outlay Setup information is applied to
subfunction/BEA lines.
Adding a Comment to an Amount
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
With an account file open on your PC,
position the cursor bar on the amount to
which you want to add a comment. Then
select the EDIT-COMMENT option. |
Displays the Cell Comment Editor box
with the cursor in the Comment field.
(Also displays the applicable line title
and column heading.) |
Type in the text of the comment (there is
an 80-character limit). |
Select the Attach button. |
Redisplays the account file with the user-selected amount marked with an asterisk
("*") immediately to the right of the
value. This indicates a comment has
been added to this specific amount value. |
Comments can only be attached to amounts. The
comment may be up to 80 characters (that is, letters, numbers, or special
characters). Any amount with a comment attached to it will have an asterisk
beside it. There is a maximum of 10 comments per account. Comments you add
remain with the amount when the account is uploaded to the OMB Host.
Changing a Comment
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
With an account file open on your PC,
position the cursor bar on the amount
whose comment you want to change.
(Note: The amount must be marked with
an asterisk ("*") immediately to the right
of the value.) Then select the EDIT-COMMENT option. |
Displays the Cell Comment Editor box
with the cursor in the Comment field.
(Also displays the applicable line title
and column heading.) |
Use a combination of the DELETE,
"typeover" typing mode) keys, as well as
re-typing, to edit the comment text as
applicable. |
When you are finished, select the Attach
button. |
Redisplays the account file with the user-selected amount marked with an asterisk
("*") immediately to the right of the
value. |
Deleting a Comment
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
With an account file open on your PC,
position the cursor bar on the amount
whose comment you want to delete.
(Note: The amount must be marked with
an asterisk ("*") immediately to the right
of the value.) Then use the EDIT-COMMENT option. |
Displays the Cell Comment Editor box
with the cursor in the Comment field.
(Also displays the applicable line title
and column heading.) |
Select the Delete button. |
Redisplays the account file with the user-selected amount no longer marked with
an asterisk ("*"). (This indicates a
comment does not exist for this amount.) |
This Page is Left Blank Intentionally
Printing Data From an Account on the PC
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
With an account open on your PC, select
the FILE-PRINT option.
Displays the Print Account box which
lists six print options:
a. Account Information (this option is
already marked with an "X")
b. Account Error Listing
c. Treasury Data
d. Schedules A and S Totals
e. Only Selected Schedules
f. Only Selected Years |
Select the desired print option. (You may
select any combination of these six
options.) |
Places an "X" in the squared brackets
corresponding to the desired option(s). |
Select the Print button. |
Sends the user-specified report(s) to
print. |
You can only print the information from the
open account. To print more than one account, select FILE-OPEN option and
highlight the accounts you want to print and click-on the Print button. You
can also print from the OMB Host. (Refer to the "Submitting Reports on the
OMB Host" module in chapter 2.)
If you make a mistake in marking an option
for printing, position the cursor bar on that option and click-on it to "unmark"
Print Setup
Step |
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
1 |
Displays a Printer Selection box. |
2 |
Select your printer and click on the Setup
button. |
Display a Page Setup box with available
options. (The dialog boxes are the same
ones you would see in Windows software) |
3 |
Select the options desired and click on the
OK button. |
Displays a Printer Selection box.
4 |
Click on the OK button. |
Saving an Account as a New Version
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
With an account open on your PC, make
your modification(s) as applicable. |
Select the FILE-SAVE AS option. |
Displays the Save Account As New
Version box with the version field
highlighted. |
Click on the down arrow in the version
field to see options available. |
Displays the choices for version types:
MASTER, Alt 1, Alt 2, and Alt 3. |
Select the version type you desire. |
a. Select the Save button.
b. Select the Save and Close button. |
Saves the changed version of the account
and leaves it open with the last cell
changed highlighted.
Saves and closes the changed version of
the account; then displays the MAX Data
Entry application with no account
loaded. |
The accounts in the master version
are the official accounts used to print the budget. Each account can be placed
in up to three alternative versions. Each alternative version serves
as a temporary repository where you can store a copy of an account someone
else has reserved.
At the start of an exercise, OMB loads master
versions with data. Also, at the start of an exercise no alternative versions
exist because they were deleted at the end of the previous exercise.
How might you use the concept of alternative
versions? Say you are an agency user who reserves and downloads the master
version of an account on Monday morning. On Tuesday you attempt to upload
your changes to the OMB Host but find that your examiner changed the account
on Monday afternoon. You want to place your copy of the modified account data
on the OMB Host, but not write over your examiner's changes. What you do is
upload the account into the account's first alternative version. At this time
your examiner can view the data at his convenience.
Restoring Account Data
When you do this... |
...the system does this. |
If you make modifications to an account
file you do not want to save, select the
Displays the Restore Account Data box. |
Select either Restore Account from Last
Saved data or Restore Cells to Calculated
Values. |
Select the Restore button. |
Restores account from last save -- The
system undoes all changes made to the
account since the last save, including line
numbers, line titles, and amounts.
Restores cells to calculated values -- The
system remove all overridden values in
the account. |
This function is equivalent to closing (without
saving) and re-opening the account.
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