PRESIDENT'S RACE INITIATIVE TO HOLD THIRD REGIONALCORPORATE FORUM IN LOS ANGELES WITH U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY DALEY Washington, D.C.U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley will join Race Advisory Boardmembers Angela Oh and Bob Thomas to host the Race Initiative's third regional corporate forumonFriday, January 30, at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles MayorRichard J.Riordan will deliver opening remarks at the Forum, and White House director of Public LiaisonMariaEchaveste will help lead a roundtable discussion with corporate executives. The forum will bring together regional, corporate executives to discuss the economic valueof diversity,ways to effectively build relationships between majority and minority-owned businesses, andbestpractices for fostering productive, racially diverse workplaces. "Minority businesses full participation in the national economy is essential to America'ssuccess in theglobal marketplace of the 21st century" said Secretary Daley. "Limited opportunities equallimitedgrowth. Diversity -- in market selection, industry penetration, information dissemination andbusinesscapitalization -- is vital to our country's economic growth and well being as we enter the nextcentury." Corporate leaders scheduled to participate in the Los Angeles meeting include the following:Judy Belk,Vice President, Levis Strauss; Guy Rounsalville, Executive Vice President & ChiefCounsel, WellsFargo Bank; Luchus P. Smith, Senior Vice President Corporate Human Resources,Home Savings ofAmerica; Sharon K. Faltemier, Vice President People & Communications, Boeing,Rocketdyne,Faltemier Propulsion and Power Los Angeles; Lemel Daniels, Vice President,Merrill Lynch; SueHagen, director of Human Resources, Dole Food Company; Rosa Wong,President and CEO, Far EastNational Bank; Paula S. Mack, Diversity Consultant, Pacific Bell; Steven A. Soto,President & CEO,Mexican American Grower's Association Los Angeles; Martha DiazAzkeneazy, President, PuebloConstruction Service; and Vivian Shimoyama, President, National Association ofWomen BusinessOwner. WHAT: Race Initiative Regional Corporate Forum WHEN: Friday, January 30, 1998, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. WHERE: Regal Biltmore Hotel 650 S. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California COVERAGE: Press availability during the opening and at the conclusion of theforum. The President's Initiative on Race is a year-long effort to create a stronger, more just, and more united American community. For additional information, write the President's Initiative on Race at: New Executive Office Building, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20504 or visit the One America website: |