Philanthropic Hero Biography
Regina Jennings
Westover, West
Through careful savings and wise investments, Regina
Jennings, a custodian at West Virginia University College of Law, was able to
amass a life savings of over $93,000. Rather than spend it on herself, she
decided to donate the majority of it to the law school where she worksone
of the largest gifts the school has ever received. Regina made the gift because
of her fondness for the school's staff and professors and for her deep
appreciation of higher education.
"The law school faculty and students were so incredibly
nice and genuine," Jennings recalls. "I had the chance to really get to know
some folks. They always talked to me and asked me how I was doing. Over
the years, Jennings developed a friendship with WVU law professor and former
state Supreme Court Justice Franklin Cleckley. "I sometimes would work into the
evenings, and Mr. Cleckley would always be there too
.he was always very
kind." Jennings said she was especially impressed with Cleckley because of his
deep respect and love of law.
Ms. Jenning's gift will be used to renovate a room at
the law school. When completed next spring, the facility - to be formally named
for Jennings - will house a sophisticated teleconferencing system to allow for
distance education. A portion of the funds will also be used to establish an
endowment. |