Minutes of PCSCB hearings 11/13/98

December 30, 1998


Meeting of Friday, November 13, 1998 (1)


Transcript available. The meeting was transcribed. A copy of the transcription is available upon request to Dick Emery, the Executive Director of the Commission.

Introduction.--The meeting was held in the Truman Room of the White House Conference Center, 726 Jackson Place, NW, Washington DC. Sitting at the table with the Commissioners was William Dinkelacker, Designated Federal Official from the Department of the Treasury. Robert Litan, Writer, was seated at the witness table with Philip R. Dame, OMB. Mr. Dame was there in place of Dick Emery, Executive Director of the Commission. As required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the meeting had been announced in the Federal Register, and the meeting was open to the public. Co-chair Corzine and Commissioners Brittain, Collender, Leone, Metzler, O'Clearicain, and Rattner were not present for the meeting.

Purpose. The purpose of the meeting was to provide guidance to Robert Litan for his preparation of the next draft of the Commission's report.

Discussion. Co-chair Kathleen Brown opened the meeting at 9:10 a.m. and requested approval of the minutes for the meeting of Saturday, September 19, 1998, in Washington. The Commission approved the minutes. Ms. Brown announced that the December 4 meeting of the Commission had been canceled and asked the Commissioners to hold Friday, December 18, for a possible meeting, if one were necessary. She also announced that the deadline for the report had slipped to early January, and that January 8, 1999, was a tentative date for presentation of the report to the National Economic Council principals.
    Discussion of Mr. Litan's draft began about 9:30 a.m. and continued until about noon. The discussion covered the seven areas identified in Mr. Litan's cover memo and other areas. He agreed to prepare a revised draft reflecting the day's comments and additional comments he receives. The revised draft was to be ready for distribution to the Commission by Monday, November 30, 1998.

    Mr. Dinkelacker asked whether the Commission wanted a CD-rom distributed with every report. The CD-rom would include the final report, the final website material (testimony, staff papers, and other information), and the verbatim transcriptions of the meetings. After some discussion, Mr. Dinkelacker agreed to present alternative options to the Co-chairs for their review.

    On behalf of herself and Mr. Corzine, Ms. Brown thanked the Commissioners, the staff at OMB and Treasury, and the members of the public for their support in carrying out the work of the Commission.

    The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.

1. Because this was the last meeting of the Commission, it never met again to approve the minutes. These minutes were approved by the Executive Director.

President's Commission to Study Capital Budgeting

Meeting and Hearing Minutes

Minutes from 9/19/98

Minutes from 1/30-31/98

Minutes from 11/13/98

Minutes from 3/6-7/98

Minutes from 12-13-97

Minutes from 4/24-25/98

Minutes from 5/8-9/98

Minutes from 6/26-27/98

Minutes from 7/24/98

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