Proclamation by the President: Columbus Day, 2000 (10/7/00)
                                THE WHITE HOUSE

                          Office of the Press Secretary

                                      __________              _____
Immediate Release                                            October 7,

                            COLUMBUS DAY, 2000

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                              A PROCLAMATION

     During this first year of the new century, the American people have
devoted time and thought to the people and events of our Nation?s past so
that we might better prepare for the challenges of the future.  While
Christopher Columbus' epic voyage took place almost three centuries before
the founding of our democracy, his journey helped shape our national
experience and offers important lessons as we chart our own course for the
21st century.

     One of the most valuable of those lessons is the importance of
sustaining our spirit of adventure, our willing-ness to explore new
concepts and new horizons.  Columbus, after careful study and planning,
rejected the conventional thinking of his time, sailed for the open seas,
and succeeded in opening up a New World for the people of Europe.  Like
Columbus, our founders rejected the familiar paths of the past and ventured
boldly to create a new form of government that has profoundly shaped world
history.  Explorers, pioneers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs -- all
have found a refuge in America and a chance to achieve their dreams.

     Today we have other worlds to explore -- from the deepest oceans to
the outermost reaches of space to the genetic code of human life.  The same
adventurous spirit that propelled Columbus? explorations will enable us to
challenge old assumptions, acquire new knowledge, and broaden the horizons
of humankind.

     Columbus' story illustrates the importance of diversity.  Columbus was
born and raised in Italy; he learned much of his seafaring knowledge and
experience from Portuguese sailors and navigators; and he put those skills
in service to the King and Queen of Spain, who funded his explorations.  By
establishing a safe, reliable route between Europe and the New World,
Columbus opened the door for subsequent explorers from Spain, France, and
England and for the millions of immigrants who would be welcomed by America
in later centuries.  But the encounters between Columbus and other European
explorers and the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere also underscore
what can happen when cultures clash and when we are unable to understand
and respect people who are different from us.

     While more than 500 years have passed since Christopher Columbus first
sailed to these shores, the lessons of his voyage are still with us.
Brave, determined, open to new ideas and new experiences, in many ways he
foreshadowed the character of the American people who honor him today.

     In tribute to Columbus? many achievements, the Congress, by joint
resolution of April 30, 1934 (48 Stat. 657), and an Act of June 28, 1968
(82 Stat. 250), has requested the President to proclaim the second Monday
in October of each year as "Columbus Day."

     NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States
of America, do hereby proclaim October 9, 2000, as Columbus Day.  I call
upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate
ceremonies and activities.  I also direct that the flag of the United
States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor
of Christopher Columbus.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-fifth.

                              WILLIAM J. CLINTON

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