Statement by the Vice President on the passing of Bruce Vento (10/10/00)
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Vice President
For Immediate Release                              Contact: (202) 456-7035
Tuesday, October 10, 2000


     Today, the people of Minnesota and the United States lost a great
public servant.  For nearly a quarter century, Bruce Vento represented his
beloved home state in the Congress with integrity and compassion.

     Bruce came to the House of Representatives with a wealth of life
experiences, from working as a restaurant employee and a laborer to serving
as a public school teacher for more than ten years.   His own hard-working
roots led him to fight hard for all families, and his hometown of St. Paul,
his state and our nation are better off because of him.

     I was honored to join Congress with Bruce Vento as part of the
bicentennial class of 1976, and I was proud to work with him on a host of
issues that affected our constituencies.  In particular, Bruce became a
leader in the fight for a cleaner environment, for better and more
affordable housing and for reform of the financial services industry.
Through his service on the National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Committee, Bruce championed the preservation and expansion of national
parks, wilderness areas, wildlife refuges and other environmental
treasures.  His conservation legacy will endure for many generations to

     Bruce Vento waged a valiant struggle against the disease which took
his life, and we are all saddened by the loss of such a decent man.  Tipper
and I pray that his wife, Susan, sons Michael, Peter, and John, and his
constituents will find comfort in their many memories of his courageous
spirit and good works.


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