NEW MEXICO VAWA GRANTS TO BE ANNOUNCED ON 9/25/00 STOP Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grants 4 continuation grants to be awarded to: Eight Northern Indian Pueblos $75,471* Jicarilla Apache Tribe $108,931* Pueblo of Laguna $74,674* Pueblo of Santa Ana $72,517* Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grants 3 Rural Continuation grants to be awarded to: American Indian Law Center $150,000* Morning Star House, Inc. $474,776* San Juan Pueblo $350,000* Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies 1 continuation grant to be awarded to: Taos Pueblo $100,000* Civil Legal Assistance 1 continuation grant to: El Refugio, Silver City $304, 391* * Final award amount to be determined pending final budget review.
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