THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release December 29, 2000 PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES DONALD L ROBINSON TO THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE President Clinton today announced the recess appointment of Donald L. Robinson to serve as a member of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS). Dr. Robinson was nominated on September 25, 2000. Dr. Donald Robinson, of Washington, D.C., is the Director of the Washington Internship Program of Boston University, where he is an adjunct professor of Political Science. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Houston and at Texas Southern University. Dr. Robinson is Coordinator of the Mickey Leland Congressional Intern Program in Washington of the Center for Public Policy at the University of Houston. He is one of the founders of the Congressional Internship Program. He also is President of Robinson Associates, Inc., a corporation which provides educational and legislative consulting and management services. Dr. Robinson lectures on public policy, intergovernmental relations, and the legislative process at the Executive Seminar Centers of the Office of Personnel Management, the Veterans Administration, and the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. He has designed, produced, and taught in training programs for the Select Committee on Congressional Operations of the U.S. House of Representatives, which provided orientation to new employees of the House of Representatives and to newly elected Members. Dr. Robinson received his B.A. and M.A. from Northwestern University and his Ph.D. from American University. NCLIS is a permanent, independent agency of the federal government composed of fourteen members, serving five-year terms, and two ex officio members. NCLIS is charged by law (P.L. 91-345) to advise the President and Congress on national and international library and information services policies and plans. 30-30-30
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