Statement by the President: The Completion of Strong Guidelines for Environmental Review of Major New Trade Agreements (12/13/00)
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary
                        (Belfast, Northern Ireland)

For Immediate Release
December 13, 2000

                        STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT

     I am pleased to announce the completion of a strong set of guidelines
for environmental review of major new trade agreements.  These detailed
guidelines, required by an Executive Order I issued last year, will ensure
that we fully integrate environmental considerations into our negotiation
of new trade agreements, and will provide unparalleled opportunities for
public involvement in trade policy.  America?s experience has proven that a
strong economy and a healthy environment go hand in hand, and these new
guidelines will help protect the global environment as we work with other
nations to build prosperity worldwide.  Bringing environmental issues into
the mainstream of our trade policy has been a top priority for my
Administration.  The guidelines issued by the United States Trade
Representative and the Council on Environmental Quality are another major
milestone in this effort.


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