THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 24, 2000 PRESS BRIEFING BY JAKE SIEWERT The James S. Brady Briefing Room 12:27 P.M. EDT MR. SIEWERT: I have one introduction and then I'll take your questions. One introduction, and I guess I'll give you one update. We have a new National Security Council press spokesperson, Mary Ellen Countryman, who is right here, a veteran of the embassies in Tokyo and Milan -- I don't know how you get good assignments like that, but you must be talented -- and also a veteran of the television news business. She worked at Fuji TV, for those of you in the back there. So we're excited to have her here, and she'll be helping out P.J. and Mr. Cruise. Just a quick update on an issue that I got asked a little bit about yesterday, which was these so-called "cookies," which a GAO report had talked about. We've been in touch with the agencies that were mentioned in that report. There were nine that had a problem, a specific problem. Six of them are correcting the problem right now, and four have already done so. We're going to keep working with the other agencies to ensure that they are in compliance with our directive on this privacy matter. The ones that do not have notice are all in the process of removing them; the ones that do have notice, we're still working with them to make sure that the notice complies with the directive itself. That's it. Q Jake, what can you tell us about the President's meeting today on the Middle East? MR. SIEWERT: The President met with -- is meeting, is in the process of meeting with his advisers. As you know, the National Security Council principals meet from time to time to discuss issues of concern, and they met this morning on the Mideast and they're meeting with the President now to give him an update on the situation. As you know, he attended several meetings in the last couple of weeks with those principals. Q Does that cover the peace process and the Yemen bombing, or just the peace process? MR. SIEWERT: The meeting was focused on the Mideast peace process, involved the people from State, like Dennis Ross and others who have been integrally involved in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit. Q Is this a decision-making meeting, or just -- MR. SIEWERT: I think it's meant to provide the President with an update. Obviously, the President's been in touch with a number of the parties in the last couple of days. He spoke to Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat over the last three or four days, and this is meant to give him an assessment of where we are in the wake of the Arab summit, where we are in the wake of Sharm el-Sheikh and assess where we go from here. Q Based on what the President has seen happen in the Middle East over the past week, since it was a week ago today that he brokered this agreement at Sharm el-Sheikh, does he think that Sharm el-Sheikh has now proven to be a waste of time? MR. SIEWERT: No, we think that Sharm el Sheikh, the agreements that were reached there, particularly on security, offer the best prospects for restoring calm in the region, and that implementing those steps is still the best way to cool tensions in the area. And we remain in touch with the parties, and are working to have them implement those -- the agreement that was agreed upon in Sharm el-Sheikh. If they implement those measures, we'll be in a better position to begin to restore calm and eventually work our way back to the political process. Q Well Jake, what remains of the Sharm el Sheikh agreement as far as implementation? The airport has been closed, there's more violence. There seems to be less and less of the things that they agreed to actually being implemented as each and every day goes by. MR. SIEWERT: Well, as you know, some of the steps were taken immediately after Sharm el-Sheikh, and there have been some meetings, trilateral meetings on security. We're going to continue to do everything we can to urge them to work together on security, to take the steps that were agreed upon in Sharm el- Sheikh, because in the long run, there's no other way to begin to restore some calm in the streets and reduce tension there. Q Jake, just so that we understand, what are the specific steps on security that you would like to see them take? MR. SIEWERT: Well, they were outlined. I think the President ran through them in Sharm el-Sheikh. We talked about re-arrest, we talked about reducing points of friction. There were a number of different steps. We talked about re-openings to restore some calm there. But that was outlined for you at Sharm el-Sheikh. I'm not going to try to itemize them all right now. And I think there were more -- there were very specific discussions on that, led by the DCI in Egypt, and I think both parties understand what was discussed and what was agreed to, and where we could take action to reduce tension in the area. Q Jake, there's a Boston Globe story today which seemed to suggest that the Palestinians were disagreeing that certain agreements had been made in Sharm. Do you have any response to that? MR. SIEWERT: There was a specific set of discussions on security issues. It's true that no one signed anything at Sharm el-Sheikh, but we expect the parties agreed to a statement that the President read which outlined very specific measures that could be taken to restore calm and to reduce tension there. Q Jake, can you tell us what North Korea pledged to do, pledged not to fire -- did they pledge not to fire missiles at the United States? And if so, how is that different from the previously-announced freeze? MR. SIEWERT: I've seen those reports. We will wait for a more thorough briefing from the Secretary of State when she returns before we comment on those. She did have a full and thorough discussion of a wide range of issues, including missile launches, and as you know, she's still in Pyongyang and will be meeting with her counterparts in Seoul tomorrow from Japan and South Korea. After those consultations, she'll be traveling back to the United States and giving the President a fuller update. She has been in touch with the National Security Adviser, and we obviously have National Security Council staff on that trip. So we've been getting regular updates, but I think before we make any decisions or characterize where we are, I think we want to wait and hear directly from her when she returns. Q But we know you have been briefed on whatever has been said about missile launches. MR. SIEWERT: As I said, I think before we characterize those, that any of the substance of those discussions, we want to give the President a chance to get fully briefed before we brief the media. Q Are you any clearer on Chairman Kim's proposal? I mean, after Putin met with Chairman Kim, we seem to be unclear what he was offering. MR. SIEWERT: Obviously, these meetings were designed to provide a greater deal of clarity to the offer that he made to Putin. That was one of the purposes of her going. So she obviously had a discussion on that. As I said, it was a full and thorough discussion of the missile issue and other issues. She will report back to the President, and at that point we may be able to provide a little bit more detail on that. But that was one of the reasons that she undertook this trip -- to find out a little bit more, to hear firsthand from the North Koreans what it was that they proposed to do. Q Jake, there's some talk on the Hill of eliminating or cutting back annual appropriations to the foreign operations bill for the Palestinian Authority. Obviously, the Chairman of the committee, Mr. McConnell is not for that, but some of the Republicans are. What's the administration's position on that, and what effect do you think this debate is having on issues? MR. SIEWERT: I haven't actually seen that report, but we'll wait and take a -- I'll check and get back to you on that. I just haven't seen that report at all. Q Jake, at the briefing yesterday, you seemed unsure as to whether the President would sign the terrorism damages legislation. MR. SIEWERT: Yes. Q Is he going to? MR. SIEWERT: Yes, I had not made it to the back of my briefing book, but we expect the President will sign that bill. The final version of that legislation addressed some of the concerns that we had, and we worked very hard with Congress to address those. We appreciate the work they did. And this bill allows us to provide compensation for families of victims of terrorism and does not compromise our national security or international obligations. Q Jake, let me try again. Does the administration continue to support the annual allocations now in the foreign operations bill for -- MR. SIEWERT: I don't know of any reason why our request in our own budget would have changed. I just haven't seen what they proposed. I'm just not aware of that particular report. I'll check on it for you. Q Jake, Senator Stevens seems to be getting ready to offer a package on all the remaining appropriations bills. I'm just wondering whether you guys are closer to compromise with Congress on those bills. MR. SIEWERT: No, there are still huge gaps between what we have asked for and what the Republicans have offered. Those discussions continued yesterday. The Budget Director was on the Hill yesterday and met with some of the appropriators, but we have big differences on school construction, which the President will be talking about more today. We need to see a serious commitment to that school construction package, both appropriations and the tax piece. We also need to see a serious commitment to class size. There are a number of riders on that bill. The New York Times did an excellent job detailing some of the riders that were in there today that have been thrown on for particular special interests. And we're going to take a hard look at some of those riders that are extraneous. We'd like to see some progress made on the Mexico City language, and we'd also like to see the immigration provisions attached to that. So we have vast differences. In the end, the form isn't going to matter quite as much as the substance, but we're up there talking about the substance now, but there are pretty wide gaps between what we would like to see and what Republicans have offered. Q The Republicans are also talking about a tax bill, about $260 billion over 10 years. That's similar to what the President wanted as far as tax relief? MR. SIEWERT: Yes, but it's very different composition. So far that discussion has been primarily a discussion amongst Republicans of what they would like to see. They know what our tax priorities are. We outlined them in the budget. It's not clear at all that they're incorporating much of the President's suggestions on the tax -- on the tax side, but Secretary Summers addressed some of this morning, over at Treasury. We would like to see some tax relief. We'd like to see tax relief that helps families pay for child care. We'd like to see tax relief that helps modernize schools. We'd like to see tax relief that helps people -- middle class people. And we'd like to see that new markets tax legislation that we've been working on with Speaker Hastert. But Republicans can't simply pick a number and fill in the details and then ask us to sign it because it's close to the number that we proposed in February. This needs to be some sort of back and forth where we discuss something that's mutually agreeable. Q But there are several things in the package's outline that have broad bipartisan support. The administration has been favorable to the Portman-Cardin IRA provisions, new markets is in there. MR. SIEWERT: Yes, we'd like to promote savings through something like the legislation that passed the House. We'd very much like the new markets legislation, but right now we have Republicans basically meeting amongst themselves and deciding whether or not -- Q But is there something specific in the package -- MR. SIEWERT: There needs to be -- Q -- that the administration dislikes and wants to see eliminated? MR. SIEWERT: We'd just like it to be a balanced overall package, and that is going to take some discussion between the White House and members of Congress, and Democrats on the Hill. Q Discussion or revision? MR. SIEWERT: We haven't seen a package. They've just simply thrown out a number and said that they've gotten to a number and they're all set. Thanks. Q On this breast cancer bill signing business, a couple questions. Why isn't the White House permitting a public signing ceremony? What was the First Lady's role, and did the First Lady talk to the President about the decision not to have a public ceremony? MR. SIEWERT: On the last question, I don't think so. On the first question, we make decisions all the time about which bills to sign publicly and which bills to sign privately. There were a couple bills just last week that were very important. The Children's Health Bill and also the Ryan White Act that we would have liked to have scheduled publicly, but we weren't able to make it work on the schedule. That's just a decision. We weigh a number of factors when these bills come up, and we made a decision to sign this in private. I'm not aware of the First Lady talking to the President at all about that. Q Why, why though? Because it would seem awkward? MR. SIEWERT: I don't know that was the consideration. But I think that whenever we make decisions about bills -- we have a number of -- probably a couple dozen bills awaiting the President's signature now -- we always try to decide what the best forum is and what's not the best forum. In the end, what matters to us more is the substance of these bills, and this is an important bill. There's more than enough credit to go around. A lot of people worked very hard on this bill, and in the end, it does some good things for people who are suffering from breast cancer or cervical cancer. And the President spent a lot of time working on this. He did two radio addresses, addressed it a number of different times. But as I said, their are bills as important as this, like Ryan White and the Children's Health Care bill that we didn't sign publicly. So, it's just something -- if we let you into all the meetings where we made all these decisions, I think you'd see that this is not dissimilar to what -- Q How much of a factor is it that Rick Lazio would be here for the ceremony? MR. SIEWERT: As I said, I don't know how to calculate the various impact that various considerations had in this, but in the end, we just made a decision to do this privately. Q Well, was it an attempt to deny him the limelight? MR. SIEWERT: I don't think so, no. I mean, he certainly is free to -- I think he is today -- spend some time talking about his role in putting together this bill, and I think he's doing that very thing today. Q Did the First Lady have a big role in helping get the bill passed? MR. SIEWERT: Yes, she was instrumental in helping provide -- working with the President, working with Congress to get this bill -- as you know, it was stalled on some very technical issues up on the Hill. She spent some time on it; her staff spent a lot of time on this. And the President ended up devoting two different radio addresses to it and spending a lot of time on trying to get it done. Q Do you know if her staff -- since you're talking about her help -- do you know if her staff actually worked with any members of Congress on this, getting -- can you be more specific about help here? MR. SIEWERT: I don't know in great detail. I know that Congressman Eshoo from California was instrumental in helping forge the final compromise on the legislation that was worked out, and I know that we worked -- the White House worked very hard with her. I don't know specifically who in the White House was doing that work. Q Did the First Lady make phone calls or lobby members personally, or get involved in the nitty-gritty? MR. SIEWERT: I'll check. I know she worked -- I'm almost certain she talked to members of Congress about it, personally. But I'll have to check. I could probably give you a full inventory of her involvement on that. Q Mr. Lazio is also sponsor of a bill that's coming down on wartime violation of Italian-American Civil Liberties Act. Do you know if there will be a public signing of that bill? (Laughter.) MR. SIEWERT: I don't, actually, but we'll check and I'll get back to you. Q Oh, good. Today? MR. SIEWERT: Today? I don't know. Is it here yet, do we know? Q I don't think it is. MR. SIEWERT: Okay. Well, we'll check and see. Q Jake, on Thursday Diwali, the Festival of Lights -- it's like Christmas for India -- now, the Indian-American community in America is calling on the President to fulfill his promise which he made at a fundraiser in California that the White House will celebrate --, or at least he will issue a statement. Any idea if he can issue a statement on Diwali from the White House so the hundreds of -- MR. SIEWERT: I don't know. I'll check on that. That's the first I've heard of that issue. But -- Q Jake, did the White House have any influence on the CIA's decision to release documents surrounding the period of the coup that brought Pinochet to power; that decision reverses Tenet's earlier position in August that he would withhold those documents. MR. SIEWERT: I think our role in the press reports was somewhat overstated. The system worked here and the DCI and the National Security Advisor agreed to a further review of the documents that were withheld in August. Based on that review and discussions that he had with Mr. Berger, the DCI decided to release additional documents. Those documents have now been redacted to protect intelligence sources and methods, and so we'll have a final release of those documents on Monday, November 13th. But in the end, the DCI made the right decision, we think. Q Was it Mr. Berger's position that additional documents should, indeed, be released? MR. SIEWERT: I think as a result of the review that we undertook by the NSC staff, the State Department discussions within the entire team there, the DCI made a decision to release those documents. I'm not going to characterize all the decision-making that took place there. MR. CROWLEY: It's close collaboration by the DCI and the National Security Advisor, both to extend the review and then we'll reach this decision. Q Jake, the President has seen The Washington Post editorial, the endorsement for Vice President Al Gore. How much in the open the President going to come out in the next week or 10 days for the Vice President, like The Washington Post? MR. SIEWERT: That was an excellent editorial. We've read it. (Laughter.) The President underlined a number of passages that he thought were particularly forceful and cogent. We could probably make that available if any of you want to reprint it. (Laughter.) I'm not certain that we have anything new to announce in terms of the President's plans. He continues to work on behalf of Democratic candidates. In fact, he's, I think, as we speak, on his way to an event for a state party. We don't have any new travel plans to announce, but we'll continue to consult with the Gore campaign about how the President could be most useful. I expect he'll be engaged in -- I think I told some of you that he's been doing -- taping some, as the Gore campaign said, some radio ads and some radio scripts that will be helpful in terms of energizing Democratic voters. We may do some of that today. And we'll continue to talk with them about how he could be most useful in helping the Vice President and other Democratic candidates win in the fall. Q Does the White House have any reaction to Morocco severing diplomatic ties with Israel today, and will the President be talking to King Abdullah about that? MR. SIEWERT: I don't know that he'll be talking to him specifically about that. He'll certainly be talking to King Abdullah about what we can do to restore calm in the region, to implement what was agreed upon at Sharm el-Sheikh. And as you know, the King was an important player, played an important role in Egypt at those discussions. The President met with him a couple of times and he was helpful in trying to forge some common ground between the Israelis and Palestinians. So that's -- the general topic of how to move forward and how to restore calm will certainly come up in the discussions, but I'm not certain that that's specific diplomatic -- Q Does the White House have any reaction? MR. SIEWERT: I don't know. I'll check. Q Oh, and one more thing. Yesterday you said you didn't know anything about the potential summit in November. But wasn't that discussed at Sharm el-Sheikh? MR. SIEWERT: A potential -- Q Summit between -- MR. SIEWERT: We certainly talked, and in fact, the President said that there would be some further consultations in the wake of Sharm el-Sheikh, and I'll refer you to the State Department for how and where those might happen. But the discussion -- there were obviously a lot of different discussions and options put on the table at Sharm el-Sheikh. In the end, what we agreed to was that there would be some further consultations at a time that seemed appropriate at a lower level between negotiators from each side. Q Jake, the crisis in Peru isn't getting any better. The Vice President resigned. Are you following that very closely here in the White House? MR. SIEWERT: We're following it closely. In the end, what we would like to see is that the OAS process that's been under way for some time now between the government and the opposition move forward, and we're supporting that process that we think offers the best prospect for a peaceful and democratic transition. President Fujimori said he would step down, and we want to do everything we can to make sure that the elections that are held in the wake of his resignation are free and fair and democratic. Q Do we have any idea why he went back to Peru? MR. SIEWERT: I am not in any position to assess his motivations. I've seen some reports, but I'll leave it to others to sort that out. Q Representative Burton is asking for White House sleepover records. Do you have a timetable for that? MR. SIEWERT: We're working with him on that. We received the subpoena from the committee, and the Counsel's Office is in the process of reviewing and collecting documents that are responsive to that request. Frankly, if we -- Q Will it take longer than a few weeks? MR. SIEWERT: I don't know. But the Chairman has a lot of requests, and we do everything we can to respond to them. Q Do you know how many requests he's had over the years? MR. SIEWERT: It's certainly more than I can count on one or two hands, but I don't -- Q Jake, a follow-up on That. There have been some Freedom of Information Act requests to the White House. What's the official response to that? MR. SIEWERT: We've received those; I'll have to check with Counsel's Office to see what the status of those requests is. Q Excuse me if this has come up earlier in the briefing, but what about the security alert in the Persian Gulf? What can you tell us about that? MR. SIEWERT: I think the Department of Defense is in the best position to answer those questions. We obviously maintain a large force in that region, and it remains a high threat environment. If we learn of specific threats against our forces, we take appropriate steps. For security reasons we don't discuss those in any great detail, publicly. Q Can you tell us which countries are affected? Because there are some conflicts with different reports. MR. SIEWERT: I think the Pentagon is briefing at 1:30 p.m., and they're probably in a better position to fill out the exact details of what they've ordered. Q Has the President expressed any concern about reports that the Navy might have reduced security in Yemen and areas like that over the past few years, prior to the Cole? MR. SIEWERT: Well, we have a review underway that the Pentagon ordered, and we'll take a look at a comprehensive review when we get it. But he's being updated from time to time on what happened there and the status of the investigation. But I think in terms of an overall assessment, we'll look to the review that the Pentagon ordered. MR. CROWLEY: But the genesis of your question goes to a specific set of security measures for one ship visit, it's not related to an overall pattern of ship visits to Aden? Q The Middle East was obviously the number one topic, or you said it was the number one topic at the principals' meeting. Was the heightened state of security also part of the agenda? MR. SIEWERT: I honestly don't know the answer to that because they went straight from that meeting into see the President, and that meeting was ongoing when I came out here. Q There were some reports yesterday that there were discussions of preemptive strikes against Osama bin Laden, also in connection with this Persian Gulf issue. Are those reports founded on anything other than -- MR. SIEWERT: I don't know where those reports came from and who put them together. It wasn't based on anything we've said here. Q Jake, on the school construction tax credit, would the President sign a bill that stripped the Davis-Bacon Wage Standards from that? MR. SIEWERT: I'll have to check. Obviously, we think that's important. I don't think so. I mean, I think we think that's an important piece of that bill. But in the end, we're going to have to take a look at an overall package -- we haven't seen one yet. We haven't seen anything -- so far, we haven't seen an indication that the Republicans are even willing to consider a school construction package. But we think that the prevailing wages standard is an important piece of that legislation. Q Why? MR. SIEWERT: Why? Because -- Q It would be part of the Tax Code if it were written in as currently suggested. It's never been in the Tax Code before. MR. SIEWERT: Well, there are a number of different ways it could be structured, but obviously, we think that school construction bonds that are authorized ought to use the traditional Davis-Bacon standard. Q Jake, are you able to say whether any progress is being made on the President's pledge to track down those responsible for the bombing in Yemen? MR. SIEWERT: We don't comment on the status of investigations as they're pursued, for obvious reasons. But obviously, the President is looking to his team to do the best job that they can in tracking down the people responsible for that bombing. Q Jake, going back to security, a number of embassies were closed two weeks ago. What is the future of now those missions and embassies in Muslim and Arab countries? And if the President recalled any ambassadors from those embassies. MR. SIEWERT: I don't think we've either -- you should double-check with State, but I don't think we've recalled any ambassadors, and I don't think we have any embassies that are closed in that region, although I think there's an unrelated closure somewhere in Southeast Asia. But you should check with State. They're probably in a better position to give you that. Q New threats, any -- MR. SIEWERT: Not that I'm aware of. I just talked to State before we came out here and they said that they had reopened most embassies in the region, although they've taken, obviously, some security procedures -- MR. CROWLEY: It is the ambassadors, themselves, that will make that judgment, based on their own assessments at each individual post. Q Senator Lott seems to think that they'll be able to wrap up the appropriations process by Friday. Do you think that's a fair assessment, and can you tell us the status of the CR? MR. SIEWERT: I hope so. That would be good. We could all enjoy the weekend. I have no idea. It depends on their willingness to entertain seriously some of the ideas that the President is going to talk about at 2:00 p.m. and that we've been talking about here since February. But so far, as I said, we haven't gotten a real willingness on the part of Republicans to move forward on school construction, on class size, on some of the anti-environmental riders, on hate crimes, immigration. We have a long list. There's no reason why it couldn't be done quickly, but it's going to depend on a willingness on their part to address some of the concerns we have about the flaws of the current appropriations bills. Q On foreign ops, Jake, how does the administration fell about keeping the Mexico City restrictions in place until March and then ending them then? MR. SIEWERT: I saw a report on that. I'll have to check on that specific proposal. But the language that's current in their Mexico City is unacceptable. The language that was in from last year, which they've recycled for this year. Q The language you signed last year? MR. SIEWERT: Yes. Q Okay. It's unacceptable this year. MR. SIEWERT: Yes. We didn't -- at the end of the session last year, we wanted some money for -- obviously for the foreign operations of this -- we also wanted some -- the debt relief money that we're also seeking to find this year, but that was one of the places where they weren't willing to compromise last year, and we're not willing to this year. Q What is the status of the amnesty bill which is in the Congress -- part of the now, I think, budget on the Hill? MR. SIEWERT: We would like to see that bill enacted. This is the immigration amnesty, correct? We would like to see that bill enacted as part of the Commerce/Justice bill. That would be the most appropriate vehicle for that bill, and so far, Republicans have only offered a sort of half hearted effort to fix that problem. Q Jake, what is the administration's argument, because some people have argued that this is rewarding law breakers by giving amnesty to illegal immigrants that came in. MR. SIEWERT: Congress has taken similar measures in the past, and I noticed that there are Republicans as esteemed as Jack Kemp and others who are firmly in support of this bill. So I don't -- there are obviously a lot of different views on this, but this is something the Catholic Church has said is important, pro-immigration Republicans have said is important. We think it's important. It's a simple issue of fairness. There are a lot of other people who have gotten exceptions to this particular rule Congress has enacted this year. And we've signed legislation that would expand opportunities for new immigrants to come to the United States and work in high tech jobs. These are people who have been here, oftentimes more than a decade, working in the United States, and we think it's time to address some of the inequities that the current system, the immigration system, has in place right now. PRESS: Thank you. MR. SIEWERT: Thank you very much. END 12:55 P.M. EDT
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