Corrected (Title change) 2000-10/10 Briefing on North Korea visit
                              THE WHITE HOUSE

                       Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release               October 10, 2000

                             PRESS BRIEFING BY
                               WENDY SHERMAN

                  The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

10:55 A.M. EDT

     MR.  CROWLEY:   Good  morning,  everyone.   We've had a very important
visitor  here  at the White House this morning, Vice Marshal Cho Myong Rok,
the  first Vice Chairman of the National Defense Commission of North Korea.
And  here  to  give  you a readout of the meeting with the President and to
also  amplify on his visit to Washington as a whole, we have Wendy Sherman,
who  is  Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State, our North
Korea Policy Coordinator, and Counselor to the Secretary of State.  We also
have  Ambassador  Chuck Kartman of the State Department who handles missile
issues  for  us;  and  the  new  Senior  Director  for Asian Affairs of the
National Security Council Jack Pritchard.

     Starting off will be Ambassador Wendy Sherman.

     AMBASSADOR SHERMAN:  Good morning.  As you know, this is the beginning
of  the  visit.  The North Korean delegation, led by Vice Marshal Cho Myong
Rok,  came  to  Washington  last night, staying at the Mayflower Hotel.  We
greeted  him  there.   He is the Special Envoy of Chairman Kim Chong-il and
comes  here  as  his  personal  representative.   He began his day with his
delegation  including  First  Vice  Foreign  Minister  Kang  Sok Ju, with a
courtesy call on the Secretary of State.

     I should note that he came to that meeting in a business suit and came
to  the  meeting with the President of the United States, which just ended,
lasting  about  40-45  minutes, in full military uniform.  We think this is
very  important  for  the United States, for American citizens to know that
all segments of North Korea society, obviously led by Chairman Kim Chong-il
in  sending  this  Special  Envoy,  are working to improve the relationship
between  the  United  States  and  North  Korea  and  this  is obviously an
important message to the citizens of North Korea as well.

     The  President  and  Vice  Marshal Cho had a very positive, direct and
warm  meeting  this morning.  They both agreed that the Inter-Korean Summit
has  created an opportunity for this historic meeting here today, and spent
some time talking about the importance of that inter-Korean dialogue.  Vice
Marshal  Cho  did bring a letter from Chairman Kim Chong-il with him to the
President  to  describe  the important point we are in, in our relationship
with each other, and the hope that we would improve it further.

     The  Vice  Marshal conveyed, on behalf of Chairman Kim Chong-il to the
President  some  ideas on how to build on the progress that we have made in
our  bilateral relationship.  As I said, we are in the early stages of this
visit.   The Vice Marshal and his delegation will have further meetings and
discussions  today.   They  will see some of Washington, D.C., as Dr. Perry
and I saw some of Pyongyang when we were there in May of 1999.

     The  Secretary  will  host  a  dinner  on  the  8th floor of the State
Department  today,  then she will hold a bilateral meeting tomorrow morning
to  discuss the progress that we have made today and to begin to reflect on
some of the ideas that the Vice Marshal brought with him today.

     I  think  this  was  an  excellent  start to this meeting, and we look
forward to continued very positive, frank and warm discussions as we try to
improve  the  relationship  between  our two countries.  I would be glad to
take a few questions.

     Oh, I should note one other thing.  The Vice Marshal noted that he had
spent  his  life  in  uniform.  By the end of the visit with the President,
after  having  made a very forceful and warm presentation to the President,
the President noted that he thought he would be a pretty good politician.

     Q     What  message  do  you  think  he was trying to send by changing

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   Well,  he  is the Vice Chairman of the National
Defense  Commission,  which is the key body in North Korea, not only that's
part  of  governance,  but  also  the senior military official.  He is Vice
Chairman  to Chairman Kim Chong-il.  And so I think he was coming as he is,
the  Vice  Marshal,  and  he  was also, I think, conveying a very important
message  to  us  and to the citizens of North Korea and of the region, that
this  effort  to  improve  relations  is one that is shared not only by the
civilian side, by the foreign ministry, but by the military as well, and we
think that is very important and look forward to the meeting with Secretary
Cohen, which will take place on Wednesday afternoon.

     Q     Could you shed a little bit of light on the letter which Mr. Cho
conveyed  from  Kim  Chong-il  to  President Clinton?  That was personal or
businesslike, what -- could you -- how could you characterize it?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   To be perfectly frank, I only looked at it very
quickly  before  I came into this room.  So my impression is that it is, of
course, the kind of letter one would expect from the head of one country to
the  head  of  another country.  And it is exactly what you would expect in
that regard.

     Q    Could you tell us how far the North Koreans have actually come in
meeting  the  requirements  of  the  U.S. for being taken off the terrorist
list,  and do you expect that during the course of the visit here, that the
gap would be filled through your discussions with Marshal Cho?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   We  have  taken  together,  working  with North
Koreans,  I  believe  they  have  taken  some  very positive steps forward.
Ambassador  Michael  Sheehan,  who is our coordinator for counterterrorism,
has  met  with  the  North  Koreans  on  more than one occasion, along with
Ambassador Kartman who is our special envoy and senior negotiator.

     And  in  those  meetings, we have made clear the steps that we believe
North Korea must take in order for the President to say to Congress that he
believes  we  should  begin the process of removing them from the terrorism
list.   The statement that was released on Friday, which was a joint public
statement, of noting the importance of foreswearing terrorism, harboring of
terrorist  groups,  individual  and collective acts, was something that all
states  of  the  international  community,  of the United Nations, ought to
follow  through  on.  We think this was an important public statement about
the intentions of North Korea in how they will proceed into the future.

     There  are  still  a couple of other things that they must do, and I'm
hopeful  that  those  steps will be taken in the near future.  I can't give
you a specific timetable; that's really a decision for them to make.

     Q    What are those couple of other steps?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  Our  law is very clear about the kinds of things
that need to take place, and I would refer you to it.

     Q     Can  you talk about the North Korean missile program?  There had
been  some  talk  back in July about the possibility of a deal whereby they
would  reduce  their  missile  program  or  put  off  their missile program
entirely  in exchange for some sort of international agreement to give them
launch  capacity  for satellites.  Any further discussion of that idea?  Is
that still on the table?  Did that come up in this meeting?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   We  certainly  expect that during this visit we
will  discuss the idea that, purportedly Chairman Kim Chong-il presented to
President  Putin in their meetings.  I think there is no question, based on
the  discussions  this  morning, that our concerns about missiles, not only
that  specific  idea,  but many other ideas and concerns, will be discussed
during this visit.

     Q     What was discussed specifically about missiles today between the
President and Marshal Cho?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   We're at the very beginning of the meeting.  We
were  putting  the  concerns  on  the table, but this was not a negotiating
session,  this  was  not  a substantive bilateral.  This was meant to be an
introductory  and very historic meeting between the President of the United
States  and a personal, special envoy of Chairman Kim Chong-il, and I think
this was a very good beginning to our visit.

     Q     Can I ask, then, at one venue that might be addressed during Mr.
Cho's visit?

     AMBASSADOR HERMAN:  As I said, we will have discussions that will take
place  at  several different levels, including with the Secretary of State,
with me, with my colleagues during these two days.

     Q     And  you  said they're putting those concerns on the table.  Did
President  Clinton  specifically mention those concerns, or those questions
in the meeting this morning?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  Of course.  President Clinton reviewed the range
of  concerns  that  the  United  States  has in a very appropriate, summary
fashion  for  this  kind of an introductory meeting, and urged that we work
hard  over  the  next two days to continue to build on the progress that we
have made in previous negotiations and meetings.

     Q    What was their reply?  What was their reply to that?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  I think that we all expect there to be continued
discussions while they are here.

     Q     Do  you have set up a schedule to visit Madam Secretary Albright
with North Korea?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   We are going to take this process one step at a
time,  and  we're  beginning  with these very important talks here over the
next two days.

     Q     You  stressed  in  the weeks since the South Korean-North Korean
summit  that  you  need to see concrete results from North Korea before you
believe it's changed.  And before this meeting, you said it was historic in
itself.   But  have you got any inkling after this visit there was anything
substantive  and  concrete  that  the  Vice  Chairman has brought which can
convince you now that something is indeed happening?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   I  think  it  would  be premature to define the
results  of  the meeting before the meetings have taken place.  So I'm sure
you  will hear from us again.  But as I did say earlier last week, the very
fact  that  Chairman  Kim  Chong-il would send a special envoy of such high
rank  to  the United States to convey his ideas and his personal message is
an  important and historic step in a process for improving the relationship
and  supporting  President  Kim Dae Jung in reaching peace and stability on
the Korean Peninsula.

     Q     Did  they ever shake hands in their meeting?  They didn't before
the cameras.

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   Yes, they did.  When he walked in the door, and
when he left.

     Q     Usually,  North  Korea does not have diplomat  relationship.  So
how  would you treat the North Korean delegation here?  And there still are
terrorist organizations in --

     AMBASSADOR SHERMAN:  When Dr. Perry and I traveled to Pyongyang in May
of  1999,  we  were  received with great hospitality, with respect and with
great  cordiality,  and  we hope that we will do the same and are doing the
same for the North Korean delegation visiting here.

     Q     The  President  said on Friday last week that any reconciliation
with  North  Korea also has to be good for South Korea and Japan.  Will the
President  specifically  deal  with  Japan's concern about the Japanese Red
Army hijackers and the alleged kidnapping of Japanese nationals?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   As  I  said, the President and the Vice Marshal
agreed  that the Inter-Korean Summit made the opportunity for this historic
visit  possible.   And  the  President  spoke  to the broad concerns of the
international  community,  obviously  including  Japan,  that  need  to  be
addressed in order to improve our bilateral relationship.

     Q    Did the President or the Vice Marshal bring up --

     Q    How specific was the President about the Japanese concerns?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   As I said, this was a beginning meeting, and we
will  have  ongoing  meetings  over the next two days, and I don't think it
would be appropriate to get into a line-by-line detail.

     Q     Did  the  President or Vice Marshal bring up the subject of U.S.
troops in South Korea and their continued presence there?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   As  I  said once again, we discussed a range of
issues  in  this  meeting,  but it was in a summary introductory fashion to
really  start off the meetings and the discussions we're going to have over
the next two days in a very positive way.

     Q     When  you went out of your way to say at the end, if I heard you
correctly,  that  the  President mentioned that the Vice Marshal might also
make  a  good politician, that suggests at least a degree of camaraderie in
the  meeting.   Can  you  describe in any sort of way the atmospherics, how
they  talked  and dealt with one another.  And was there sort of any warmth
or -- just give us an atmospheric reading, if you could.

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  Sure.  I think that the beginning of the meeting
started  off  with  everyone  with the talking points that they had brought
with  them,  as most meetings like this do, I think rather quickly began an
exchange  of  views  and  a  true  discussion  back  and  forth between the
President  and  the  Vice  Marshal.   The  Vice Marshal spoke on his own in
response, without prompting or the need for talking points.  He clearly had
come  with  a very strong message from Chairman Kim Chong-il.  They had met
just  before  he left for the United States.  He knew his brief exceedingly
well,  and  made  a  very  forceful and very strong statement of the set of
ideas that he was bringing with him.

     The  President,  as  you know, the President is a very engaged leader,
and  he was in this instance as well.  There was some humor in the meeting.
There  was  some back and forth, and I think both came away with a sense of
wanting to work harder, even harder to work to improve the relationship.

     Q     Can  you tell us what they're going to be seeing this afternoon?
Have they expressed any interest in going to any particular sights, and how
will they go around Washington this afternoon?

     AMBASSADOR SHERMAN:  We, between Protocol and Diplomatic Security, and
the  East  Asia  Pacific  Bureau  will host them in any touring they do.  I
expect  that  they'll  see  some  of  the  very  critical monuments here in
Washington,  as  we  did  in  Pyongyang,  and  they  may  see some signs of
everybody's  daily life as well.  I think they're working through with them
exactly what they want to see.

     Q     Did  they  say what they want to see?  Do you have any idea what
they want to see?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   Oh,  I think they want to see Washington.  They
want to get a sense of the lives of people here in the United States.

     Q     Can  you tell us something about the ideas that were included in
that letter, some of the suggestions that President Kim sent along?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:    I think it would be premature to do so.  Among
other things, I really haven't had a chance to study the letter.  We wanted
to  come  right  out  of the meeting with the President and come in and see

     Q     Well,  once  you've read the letter, could you release a copy to

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   I  think that's really a decision for the White
House to make.

     Q     Do  you  believe that North Korea has the intention to hand over
Japanese Red Army?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   As  I  said  earlier,  we  have  had very frank
discussions  with  North  Korea about what we believe is required under our
law.   They're  very  well aware of the steps that need to be taken, and we
will continue discussions while they are here about those steps.

     Q     Do  you expect the President to meet with the Vice Marshal again
before he leaves?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   There is nothing scheduled at this time in that
regard.   We  expect  that  he  will be meeting with the Secretary of State
again,  and  with  the Secretary of Defense, and we will, of course, make a
progress report to the President.

     Q    Was the issue of recovering remains of casualties of U.S. service
personnel  from  the  Korean War discussed?  And are there any other things
that may come out of these meetings dealing with that unresolved chapter in
U.S.-Korean history?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  I'm very glad that you brought that up.  This is
a  very important part of our relationship with North Korea.  It is an area
in  which,  of  late, they have been trying to cooperate to help us recover
remains.   This was very much on the mind of the President.  He spoke to it
urged  that  we  continue  the  work  together  to try to resolve this very
critical issue that means so much to so many American families.

     Q     So  that we don't mischaracterize what you said today, could you
just,   without  going  into  detail,  summarize  the  range  of  concerns?
Everything from the remains of soldiers in Korea to missiles?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  Right.  I would say from soldiers to missiles to
terrorism  to  what  we have built on in the past in terms of our bilateral
relationship, our presence, our nuclear
concerns  -- the whole range.  And I wouldn't say that he detailed each one
of  them  in this meeting, but he certainly referred to the range of issues
that  we have worked on that Ambassador Kartman and my colleagues have also
worked on over the months and years.

     Q    Any discussion about the liaison office in Washington D.C.?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:   I think we will discuss a whole range of issues
over  the  next  two days, including issues of normalization and diplomatic

     Q    How long was the meeting, again?

     AMBASSADOR SHERMAN:  About 45 minutes.

     Q     A large part of the administration's missile defense program has
focused  on  the threat posed by North Korea.  How does this meeting affect
the future of the missile defense program?

     AMBASSADOR  SHERMAN:  We really did not reflect on that in the context
of  this  meeting.   Clearly,  in the President's consideration of national
missile  defense,  threat was one of the concerns.  North Korea was part of
that  concern.  We have made that very clear to them.  That concern remains
and it is why it is such an important subject of our discussions with them.

     THE PRESS:  Thank you.

                           END          11:10 A.M. EDT

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