CHART: Balance on Current Account, '94-'00
Balance on Current Account
In the third quarter of 2000, the U.S. current-account deficit on international transactions increased
to $113.8 billion.
2nd Quarter 2000
(billions of dollars)
3rd Quarter 2000
(billions of dollars)
Provided by Bureau of Economic Analysis as of December 14, 2000.
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services
The Nation's international deficit in goods and services decreased to $33.2 billion in October, from $33.7 billion (revised) in September, as imports decreased more than exports.
September 2000
$ billion
October 2000
$ billion
Provided by U.S. Census Bureau as of December 19, 2000.
CHART: International R&D/GDP Ratios
R&D Expenditures as a percent of GDP
The U.S. ratio of R&D to Gross Domestic Product is expected to increase to 2.65% in 1999, but will remain at a level less than Japan (3.06% in 1998) and more than Germany (2.29% in 1998).
Previous Current Provided by
National Science Foundation, SRS
as of December 2000.
1999 (preliminary)
CHART: Monthly Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Imports
Net Oil Imports
Includes crude oil and petroleum products net of exports.
July, 2000
Million Barrels per Day
August, 2000
Million Barrels per Day
Provided by Energy Information Administration / Monthly Energy Review as of November 7, 2000.
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