Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications
March 31, 2000
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Cancer Control Month Proclamation
March 30, 2000
Medicare Trustees' Report Shows Unprecedented Progress Under the Clinton-Gore Administration
Social Security Trustees Report Shows Progress But Identifies Remaining Challenges
March 28, 2000
President Clinton and Vice President Gore: Restoring Natural Quiet to the Grand Canyon
March 24, 2000
Education and Sharing Day Proclamation
March 19, 2000
National Poison Prevention Week
March 18, 2000
Taking Action to Strengthen America's Energy Security
Details of the Clinton/Gore Actions to Enhance America's Energy Security
March 17, 2000
Clinton Administration Reaches Historic Agreement with Smith and Wesson
President Clinton's Message for Saint Patrick's Day
March 16, 2000
Programmatic Impact of Congressional Budget Resolution
Clinton Urges Congress to Pass a Budget that Invests in Key Priorities
March 15, 2000
March 14, 2000
The Human Genome Project: Benefiting all Humanity
Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair of the U .K.
Civilian Research and Development (R&D) --An Unprecedemted Commitment b>
March 13, 2000
New Analysis Supports the Clinton Administration's Prescription Drug Plan
March 12, 2000
President Clinton Calls on City Leaders to Join in the Fight Against Gun Violence
March 10, 2000
March 9, 2000
President Clinton and Senate Democrats Unified in Vision for New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
March 8, 2000
New Report: The Minimum Wage: Increasing the Reward for Work
Enforcement of the U.S.-China WTO Accession Deal
The U.S.-China WTO Agreeement will help promote Reform, Accountability, and Openness in China
The U.S.-China WTO Accession Deal: A Strong Deal in the Best Interests of America
Raising the Minimum Wage: an Overdue Pay Raise for America's Working Families
March 7, 2000
March 6, 2000
Statement by the President about the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
White House Announces Semi-Finalists for 2000-2001 White House Fellowships
March 3, 2000
President Clinton and Vice President Gore: America's Agenda for the Information Age
New Partnerships Deliver Vaccines to Developing Countries
Working for a Strong, Enforceable Patients' Bill of Rights
March 1, 2000
Irish-American Heritage Month Proclamation
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Women's History Month Proclamation
Celebrating Women's History Month
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