When it comes to the job of protecting children from smoking, it is up to Congress to finish the job. When the new Congress returns in January, we are going to work hard to make sure that comprehensive tobacco legislation becomes law.
Vice President Al Gore
November 19, 1998
Today, Vice President Gore unveiles new initiatives to help prevent children from smoking, including a new advertising campaign and a challenge to schools across the country to adopt model community-based prevention programs. He also announces a major new tobacco research plan for the 21st century, including $142 million over five years for state and community-based programs and new transdisciplinary centers for tobacco research.
A Comprehensive Tobacco Research Strategy. Celebrating the American Cancer Society's annual Great American Smokeout, the Vice President will unveil a comprehensive research strategy for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), including $142 million over the next five years for new tobacco research. The Vice President is:
A New Advertising Campaign That Targets Underage Smoking. The President and Vice President strongly support efforts to reach children before they start smoking. The Vice President will make two important announcements about new efforts to tell kids that smoking can kill you:
Passage Of National Tobacco Legislation Will Be A Top Priority For The Administration In The Next Congress. While a state tobacco settlement may be reached early next week, the President and Vice President believe that the state settlement is only a first step and the next Congress must still finish the job. Enacting national tobacco legislation will be one of the Administration's top priorities for the next Congress. The new Congress has the chance to put politics aside and do what the last Congress failed to do --by acting now to prevent three million children from starting smoking and saving one million lives over the next five years.
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November 19, 1998
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