May 26, 1999


“ President Milosevic should know that he cannot change the fundamental terms that we have outlined, because they are simply what is required for the Kosovars to go home and live in peace.”

President Bill Clinton
May 20, 1999

After two months of NATO bombing, the stresses on President Milosevic are worsening. Fractures are beginning to appear in Milosevic's regime, including demonstrations, desertions, and public opposition by political leaders. There are also some indications that Milosevic is seeking a way out. Milosevic's ethnic cleansing policies have resulted in the worst crimes against humanity in Europe in 50 years.

Fractures Beginning to Appear in Serbia. President Milosevic and his regime are feeling the effects of the NATO air campaign. Political leaders and the public have begun to openly express their opposition to Milosevic's policies. The Serbian army last week suffered its first large-scale mutiny in Kosovo, and Serbs are expressing their discontent with the conflict through demonstrations and desertions. There have also been indications that Milosevic is seeking a way out.

The Worst Crimes Against Humanity in Europe in 50 Years. The following atrocities are a result of Milosevic's ethnic cleansing policy in Kosovo and are some of the worst in Europe's history:

May 1999

May 31, 1999

May 21, 1999

May 24, 1999

May 18, 1999

May 25, 1999

May 26, 1999

May 5, 1999

May 27, 1999

May 6, 1999

May 8, 1999

May 12, 1999

May 10, 1999

May 13, 1999

May 28, 1999

May 19, 1999

May 11, 1999

May 14, 1999

May 20, 1999

May 15, 1999

May 17, 1999

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