The Largest Expansion of College Opportunity Since the GI Bill

Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI bill

Since 1993:

  • NEW HOPE Scholarships
  • NEW Lifetime Learning Tax Credits
  • NEW Education IRA Accounts
  • NEW AmeriCorps Service Opportunities
  • NEW Direct Student Loan Options
  • MORE Work-Study Opportunity
  • HIGHER Pell Grant Maximum Awards
  • MORE Pell Grant Awards
  • LOWER Student Loan Costs
  • NEW GEAR-UP College Preparation and Mentoring
  • MORE College Outreach and Support for Disadvantaged Students

For 2001:

  • NEW College Opportunity Tax Cut
  • NEW College Completion Challenge Grants


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Read More on the 2000 State of the Union Address

The Longest Peacetime Economic Expansion in History, including 20.4 Million New Jobs

The First Back-To-Back Budget Surpluses in 43 Years

The Largest Expansion of College Opportunity Since the GI Bill

The Smallest Welfare Rolls in 30 Years

The Lowest Overall Crime Rate in 25 Years

Deactivated 5,000 Nuclear Warheads From the Former Soviet Union

Lowest Child Poverty Rates in 20 Years

Lowest Hispanic and African American Unemployment Ever Recorded

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