Doing All of This With a Government That Works Better For Less

Doing All of This With a Government That Works Better For Less

Eliminating Red Tape

  • President Clinton and Vice President Gore have eliminated 16,000 pages of Federal regulations as part of the Vice President's National Performance Review.
  • [source: National Performance Review]

Smallest Government Workforce Since the 1960s

  • There are 375,000 fewer employees in the Federal government workforce than in 1993 -- giving us the smallest Federal workforce since the Kennedy Administration.
  • [source: Budget of the U.S. Government FY 2000, �Historical Tables� (table 17.1); Budget of the U.S. Government FY 2000, �Analytical Perspectives,� (table 10-1) p. 248]

Lowest Government Spending Since 1974

  • At 18.7 percent, Federal Government spending as a share of the Gross Domestic Product is at its lowest level since 1974.
  • [source: FY 2000 Historical Tables of the Budget (table 1.2); Treasury Department, FY00 Final Monthly Treasury Statement]

Increasing Participation in Our Democracy with the Motor Voter Law

  • President Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act during his first year in office -- making voting easier for millions more Americans, and leading to the registration of more than 28 million new voters.
  • [source: Federal Election Commission, 6/99;6/97]


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