Archive of White House Speeches and Briefings on the Middle East
Archive of White House Speeches and Briefings on the Middle East
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11/30/98 President Clinton's remarks at conference to support Mid East peace and development
10/23/98 White House briefing (Albright, Berger) on the completion of the Wye Accords
10/19/98 President Clinton's remarks upon departure for Wye Conference center

President Clinton's remarks at beginning of Mid East plenary session

President Clinton's remarks following meeting with Netanyahu and Arafat

5/11/98 President Clinton's statement that there is as yet no meeting with Arafat and Netanyahu
5/9/98 White House statement of President Clinton's invitation to Arafat and Netanyahu
1/14/97 President Clinton's remarks on the Israel-Palestinian Hebron Agreement
10/3/96 White House statement on President Clinton's extending Free Trade to West Bank and Gaza Strip
9/29/96 President Clinton's remarks announcing Middle East Summit Meeting
12/11/95 Clinton and Prime Minister Peres at the White House
11/6/95 President Clinton's remarks at Prime Minister Rabin's funeral
9/28/95 President Clinton's remarks following signing of Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement
11/12/93 Clinton welcoming Rabin to White House
10/1/93 President Clinton's statements along with Hassan of Jordan and Peres of Israel

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