President Clinton Meets With Top Scientists to Discuss Climate Change

President Clinton Meets With
Top Scientists to Discuss Climate Change
July 24, 1997

"The science is clear and compelling: We humans are changing the globalclimate...No nation can escape this danger. None can evade its responsibilityto confront it."

-- President Clinton, Address to UN General Assembly
Special Session on the Environment, June 26, 1997

Following up on their remarks to the United Nations General Assembly SpecialSession on the Environment, today President Clinton and Vice President Gorewill hold a round table discussion with eminent scientists, including threeNobel laureates, to discuss the science of climate change and the need to takeaction to mitigate this problem. Today's discussion begins a series ofAdministration efforts and events to increase public awareness of theseriousness of this problem and the consequences that are likely to result ifwe fail to act.

As a party to the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change, the UnitedStates is engaged in long-term negotiations on climate change. This round ofnegotiations is scheduled to culminate in Kyoto this December with a treatysetting a legally binding target and timetable for the reduction of greenhousegas emissions. Today's meeting reflects the President's strong commitment totake action on climate change and to lay the scientific facts before theAmerican people prior to the Kyoto Conference.

Why Climate Change is a Problem:

Scientists agree that global warming and disruptions in the world,s climatecould cause a substantial increase in infectious diseases such as malaria,increase the incidence and intensity of floods and droughts, raise sea levelenough to inundate thousands of square miles along the U.S. coastline, decreasefood production in some of the world's poorest nations, and threaten thesurvival of many plant and animal species.

Joining the President and Vice President today in the audience will be cabinetmembers and Administration representatives including Secretary Pena, Departmentof Energy; Secretary Shalala, Health and Human Services; Secretary Herman,Department of Labor; Secretary Daley, Department of Commerce; Carol Browner,Environmental Protection Agency; James Lee Witt, Director of the FederalEmergency Management Agency and others whose agencies could play a role indealing with the impacts of climate change.

The following scientists will participate in today's round table discussionwith the President and Vice President:

Climate Change

Opening Remarks at Climate Change Discussion

Joint Press Briefing on Climate Change

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