Vice President Gore Announces New Efforts to Protect Our Oceans

Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release Thursday, June 11, 1998


Participates in National Ocean Conference, Hosts Discussion With Conference Panels

Washington, DC -- Vice President Gore announced today four new effortsto chart a sustainable future for the nation's oceans before participatingin the Administration's National Ocean Conference.

"In the 21st century, the world will look increasingly to the oceansfor food, fuel, new medicines, and other resources," Vice President Goresaid. "Already, we see troubling signs that marine resources areover-stressed. We must be careful stewards and ensure the oceans areprotected for all time."

Upon arrival in Monterey, the Vice President toured the Monterey BayAquarium Research Institute's (MBARI) vessel, viewed a demonstration of itsremotely operated vehicle, and announced the following efforts to protectthe nation's oceans:

Also Thursday, the Vice President joined the National Ocean Conferenceand received a report from panel participants. The conference panelsincluded: Oceans and Commerce; Oceans and Global Security; OceanEnvironment and Health; and Ocean, Exploration, Education and Research. Inaddition, the Vice President led a discussion with all four panels.

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