Co-hosted by Federal Demonstration Partnership,
Stanford University, and the University of California System
Providing Input to the Presidential Review Directive #4 Renewing the Federal Government-University Research Partnership for the 21st Century
December 1, 1999
8:40 Opening Remarks: France Cordova, Professor and Vice Chancellor
Research, University of California-Santa Barbara confirmed
Charles Kruger, Vice Provost and Dean of Research, Stanford University
9:00– Session 1: Setting the Stage: Principles and Philosophy
This session deals with the fundamental principles underlying the government-university relationship in support of research and considers the disharmony and disconnect between Federal costing policy and science policy objectives.
Moderator: David Mears, University of California confirmed
Dr. Arthur Bienenstock, Associate Director for Science, White House
Office of Science and Technology Policy confirmed
Dr. Irv Feller, Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University
10:30- Break
10:45- Session 2: Agency and Institutional Expectations: Why
Is Cost Sharing a
12:45 Problem Now?
Four key players in the government-university research partnership explore their expectations and concerns regarding current federal cost-sharing policies.
Moderator: Robert Killoren, Assistant Vice President for Research,
Penn State invited
Federal Agency Administrator Perspective: Chuck Paoletti, Executive
Acquisition Management, Code 2A, Office of Naval Research confirmed
University Administrator Perspective: Julie Norris, Director, Office
of Sponsored
Programs, MIT confirmed
University Faculty Perspective: France Cordova, Professor and Vice
Chancellor for
Research, University of California-Santa Barbara confirmed
Federal Program Officer Perspective: Constance Atwell, Associate Director
Extramural Activities, NINDS, NIH confirmed
12:45 Lunch
1:45- Session 3: Financial Implications
This panel explores the financial implications of cost-sharing from the perspectives of different players in the government-university relationship identifying the concerns and issues different parties must confront within their institutions.
Moderator: Geoff Grant, Stanford University confirmed
Gil Tran, Policy Analyst, Office of Federal Financial Management, OMB
Mike Thibault, Deputy Director, DCAA confirmed
Wally Chan, HHS, Division of Cost Allocation, confirmed
Tim Warner, Vice Provost for Budget, Stanford University confirmed
Jane A. Youngers, Director, Office of Grants Management, University
of Texas-HSC-San Antonio, confirmed
3:15 Break
3:30- Session 4: Presidential Review Directive Public Comments
--- Future
5:00 Directions - Where Do We Go From Here?
This session provides an opportunity for public comment on the cost-sharing section of the Presidential Review Directive #4 Renewing the Federal Government-University Research Partnership for the 21st Century. Several activities currently underway will also be discussed.
Discussion Leader: Joe Kull, Chief Financial Officer, National Science
Issues to consider:
A. FDP/AAU/COGR/NASULGC Cost-Sharing Policy Activity: Mary Ellen Sheridan,
Assistant Vice President for Research, and Director, University Research
Administration, University of Chicago confirmed
B. FDP Effort Reporting Demonstration Project: Bob Hardy, Division Director,
of Contracts, Policy, and Oversight,
National Science Foundation confirmed
5:00 Closing Remarks:
Dr. Artie Bienenstock, Associate Director for Science
White House, Office of Science and Technology Policy confirmed
5:30 Adjourn
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