Appendix G

Appendix G: CIC Strategic Plan Development Group


John Toole (ARPA) and Paul Young (NSF)


Dan Benigni (NIST)
Bob Bonometti (OSTP)
John Cavallini (DoE)
Lee Holcomb (NASA)
Randy Katz (ARPA)
Don Lindberg (NLM,NCO)
Merrell Patrick (NSF)
Stephen Squires (ARPA)


Bob Aiken (DoE)
Peter Arzberger (NSF)
Don Austin (NCO)
Aubrey Bush (NSF)
Bernie Chern (NSF)
Y.T. Chien (NSF)
Mel Ciment (NSF)
George Cotter (NSA)
Wally Ermler (DoE)
Howard Frank (ARPA)
David Jefferson (NIST)
Tom Garvey (ARPA)
Lance Glasser (ARPA)
Dave Gunning (ARPA)
Dan Hitchcock (DoE)
Sally Howe (NCO)
Fred Johnson (NIST)
Tom Kitchen (DoE)
Jerry Linn (NIST)
Bob Martino (NIH)
Paul Smith (NASA)
George Sweryniak (DoE)
Robert Voigt (NSF)
Craig Wier (ARPA)

Information and Communications - Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Implementation Plan, Sections 1-2

Implementation Plan, Sections 3-4

Appendix A


Appendix A - A.4

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G


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