Energy efficiency
Energy storage, conditioning, distribution and transmission
Improved generation
Monitoring and assessment
Pollution control
Remediation and restoration
4. Information and Communication
Computer systems
Information management
Intelligent complex adaptive systems
Software and toolkits
Medical technology
Agriculture and food technologies
Human systems
Discrete product manufacturing
Continuous materials processing
Micro/Nanofabrication and machining
Avionics and controls
Propulsion and power
Systems integration
Human interface
9. Activities Related to Critical Technologies
Federal goverment activities
Government-industry partnerships
Non-goverment initiatives
Appendix A, National Critical Technologies List
Appendix B, Technologies Selection and Analysis
National Critical Technologies Review Group
S.1 National Critical Technology Areas
1.1 National Critical Technology Areas
A.1 Description of Technology Categories
A.2 National Critical Technologies List
B.1 Research and Development (R&D) Priorities
B.2 Future Joint Warfighting Capabilities
2.1 Energy, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
3.1 Environmental Quality, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
4.1 Information and Communications, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
5.1 Living Systems, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
6.1 Manufacturing, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
7.1 Materials, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
8.1 Transportation, Technology Position and 1990-94 Trend
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