Women as Citizens
on Trip to Vietnam (11/22/00)
Remarks at Beijing +5/ UNIFEM Forum on Microcredit (6/5/00)
Remarks at
the Vital Voices Reception at the White House (2/15/2000)
Column on Vital Voices Event
at the White House (2/16/2000)
Remarks at
the Vital Voices Conference on Women and Democracy, Reykjavik, Iceland
Remarks at
Roundtable of Women Entrepreneurs at the ACUS Caterina Textile Plant in Warsaw,
Poland (10/5/99)
Remarks at
the First Ladies Conference in Ottawa, Canada (9/30/99)
Column on Women and Girls in North
Africa (3/24/99)
Remarks at
the UNIFEM Luncheon, United Nations, New York (3/4/99)
Remarks on
Women's Rights at the United Nations on International Women's Day (3/4/99)
Remarks at
the 21st Century Women's Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria (10/11/98)
Remarks at Vital Voices
of the Americas - Women in Democracy, Uruguay (10/2/98)
Remarks on
Women's Civic Leadership at the First Ladies Conference in Santiago, Chile
Remarks at
the Playboard/Kaboom Playground Partnership Event, Belfast, Northern
Ireland (9/3/98)
Remarks at the Vital
Voices Conference in Belfast (9/2/98)
Column on Chinese Women (7/1/98)
Roundtable on
the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Senegal (4/2/98)
Column on Women of Africa (4/1/98)
Remarks to the
Central Asian Conference on Women in Politics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Remarks on Civil
Society at the Ivan Franko Opera Ballet, L'Viv, Ukraine (11/11/97)
Remarks at the Joyce
McCartan Memorial Lecture (10/31/97)
Remarks on Empowering
Women, Buenos Aires, Argentina (10/16/97)
Column on Women
in Africa (4/2/97)
Remarks on Women and
Democracy at the Nile Center in Kampala, Uganda (3/28/97)
Remarks on Women, Human
Rights and Democracy at the University of Capetown (3/20/97)
Remarks on International
Women's Day (3/12/97)
Remarks on
Democracy and Women, Sydney, Australia (11/21/96)
Keynote to the United
Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China (9/5/95)
Remarks to the NGO Forum,
Huairou, China (9/6/95)
Remarks on Women's
Empowerment to the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi, India (3/29/95)
Remarks at Lahore
University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan (3/27/95)
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