December 20, 2000
The Women's Bank occupies a one-room building in western India. The teller's counter is an old kitchen table covered with cloth. Bank clerks record all transactions by hand on yellowed sheets that resemble worn-out telephone books. When I visited in 1995, I saw poor women who had walked 12 to 15 hours from their villages to take out loans -- some as small as $1 -- to invest in dairy cows, plows or goods that could be sold at market.
The most vivid image that has stayed with me from that trip happened there. Although the women in that room were from rural areas with little contact outside their communities, and although most of them certainly didn't speak English, they all stood together and sang as one "We Shall Overcome."
Later that year, I traveled to Beijing as part of the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women, an event that drew 50,000 women from around the world, 7,500 of them Americans. In Beijing, the United States joined 189 other states agreeing to the "Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action," a document that addressed 12 areas of concern regarding the advancement and status of women.
The issues were: women and poverty, education, health, violence, armed conflict, the economy, power and decision-making, institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women, human rights, the media, the environment and girls. Determined that we would return from Beijing steeled to act rather than write a report and put it on a shelf, the President named an Interagency Council on Women on the eve of our departure for China.
"The Women's Conference is going to talk about education and domestic violence and grass-roots economics, employment, health care and political participation," said the President. "And we don't intend to walk away from it when it's over. I'm going to establish an interagency council to make sure that all the effort and good ideas actually get implemented when we come back home."
I was pleased to serve as the honorary chair of the conference in Beijing, and agreed to continue in the same role on the President's Interagency Council. Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala led the Council for two years, at which time Secretary of State Madeleine Albright took over. The progress we've made in the intervening half decade is a testament to their leadership, and cause -- particularly now as the members of this administration move on -- for celebration.
This week, in the East Room of the White House, several hundred people gathered to do just that -- to celebrate the commitment that this administration has made in Beijing.
In the audience were women who had traveled with us to Beijing, many of them representing non-governmental organizations. There were people who have worked to pass legislation combating domestic violence, ending the trafficking of persons, especially women, and supporting microcredit. There were members of the press who turned a bright light on the egregious human rights abuses still plaguing women.
There were those who created the Vital Voices network, and who are now helping women find their rightful place building democracies and free market economies around the world. And there were NGO leaders who have stood, spoken, and inspired us to act so many times. As many of us prepare to leave, it will fall to them to ensure that the next administration continues these fights.
Finally, there were cabinet members and other administration officials -- no administration has ever had so many women appointees. Donna Shalala jokes that there are pieces of legislation passed by this administration that were never seen by a man until they reached my husband's desk.
The shift in foreign policy has been dramatic under Albright. She took concerns about the human rights of women and made them an integral part of U.S. foreign policy. In her words, "We changed the way people think."
Recently I was talking to a man who commented that most observers talk about the development of technology as the single most important change of the 20th century. He looked at me and said, "The most important change is the role of women."
I agree. But I must inject a note of caution: Looking into the 21st century, the question I find most important is this: What will we do with our new role?
Earlier this year, many of us traveled to the United Nations for Beijing + 5, the special session called to review and appraise the progress made in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action. I was honored to speak at the session, and when I finished my remarks, two women in the audience stood up and began to sing. Spontaneously, every other women in that vast auditorium joined them, raising their voices to sing "We Shall Overcome."
It happened again this afternoon -- this time in the White House. As our celebration ended, every woman in the room gathered round the podium and sang again. We have come so far in five short years, but as the words to the song imply, we aren't there yet. And we won't be until women in every country participate fully and equally in their families, their communities and their governments.
To find out more about Hillary Rodham Clinton and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at
December 13, 2000: Column on Trip to Ireland and Vital Voices Announcement
December 6, 2000: Column on Passing Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Bill
November 29, 2000: Column on "An Invitation to the White House: At Home With History"
November 22, 2000: Column on Trip to Vietnam
November 15, 2000: Column on the 200th Anniversary of the White House
November 8, 2000: Column on New York Senate Race
November 1, 2000: Column on the Importance of Voting
October 25, 2000: Column Urging Congress to Pass Legislation Important to the American People
October 18, 2000: Column on Trafficking of Women and Children
October 11, 2000: Column on Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act
October 4, 2000: Column on Reauthorization of AmeriCorps National Service Program
September 27, 2000: Column on Reauthorization of VAWA
September 20, 2000: Column on Ritalin
September 13, 2000: Column on Youth Violence and the Entertainment Industry
September 6, 2000: Column on Expanding Healthcare Benefits
August 30, 2000: Column on Making Education Our #1 Priority
August 23, 2000: Column on Pine Ridge, New Markets Tour
August 16, 2000: Column on Decision 2000
August 9, 2000: Column on the Congressional and Presidential Tax Plans
August 2, 2000: Column on Newborn Hearing Screening
July 26, 2000: Column on the 10th Anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act
July 19, 2000 : Column on Treasures Visit to Ellis Island
July 12, 2000: Column on Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors
July 5, 2000: Column on the Ninth Millennium Evening,
June 27, 2000: Column on Quality Education for Hispanic Youth
June 21, 2000: Column on Save America's Treasures: Val Kil Cottage, New York
June 14, 2000: Column on the Violence Against Women Act
May 31, 2000: Column on National Trails Day
May 24, 2000: Column on National Moment of Remembrance
May 17, 2000: Column on Howard Theater
May 10, 2000: Column on Million Mom March
May 3, 2000: Column on the White House Conference on Teenagers
April 26, 2000: Column on Arbor Day
April 19, 2000: Column on Earth Day
April 12, 2000: Column on International Family Planning
April 5, 2000: Column on Women Entrepreneurs and Microcredit
March 29, 2000: Column on Teen Smoking
March 22, 2000: Column on Pediatric Drugs
March 15, 2000: Column on Child Support
March 8, 2000: Column on Children and Guns
March 1, 2000: Column on Teacher Training, Recruitment and Retention
February 23, 2000: Column on D.C. Campaign to prevent Teen Pregnancy Launch
February 16, 2000: Column on Vital Voices Event at the White House
February 9, 2000: Column on Prescription Drug Coverage
February 2, 2000: Column on Child Care
January 26, 2000: Column on College Opportunity
January 19, 2000: Column on Human Trafficking
January 12, 2000: Column on Housing Vouchers and Affordable Housing
January 5, 2000: Column on the New Millennium
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