Expanded Table of Contents - Draft
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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Climate Change

Chapter 3 - Environmental Management


    Building A New Environmental Management Framework
    • Key Findings
    • Review of Current Environmental Management Reforms

    Attributes of a New Environmental Management Framework
    • Improve Performance
    • Ensure Stewardship
    • Involve Communities
    • Engage Workers
    • Provide Information
    • Adopt Integrated Approaches
    • Use Market Mechanisms

    Recommendations, Action Steps and Related Activities
    • Information: Using Information to Improve Performance and Accountability
        - Measure Environmental Progress
        - Define Common Metrics for Environmental Performance
        - Link Environmental, Economic, and Social Information
    • Industry: Improving Performance
        - Differentiate by Sector and Size
        - Promote High Performance
        - Align with the Economy
          Market Mechanisms
          Environmental Management Systems
          Third-Party Certification of Environmental Performance
    • Place: Linking Strategies
        - Foster a Collaborative Regional Approach to Environmental Protection
        - Involve Individuals and Communities in Improving Environmental Performance
        - Identify Risks and Protect Communities Against Disproportionate Impacts
    • Process: Apply New Approaches to Persistent and Emerging Problems

Chapter 4 - Metropolitan and Rural Strategies

Chapter 5 - International

Chapter 6 - Appendices


PCSD - Final Report - Table of Contents - Draft

Appendix - Draft

Expanded Table of Contents - Draft

Executive Summary - Draft

Chapter 2 Climate Change - Draft

Chapter 3 Environmental Management - Draft

Chapter 4 Metropolitan and Rural Strategies - Draft

Chapter 5 International - Draft

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