Appendix B Other Policy Options Considered


The following policy concepts were considered and debated in varying detail by the Task Force but recommendations were not made for a number of reasons. The Task Force also agreed not to make recommendations on policy approaches that are believed to have significant greenhouse gas benefits recognizing the significantly greater analytical resources available to the Presidential Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Personal Motor Vehicles. Although the advisory group completed its work without issuing a consensus final report, policymakers can refer to the advisory group's docket to make additional recommendations to move the nation closer to transportation goals in this area.


  • Utilize Government Travel Procurement Policy to Establish Markets and Promote Development and Production of Low Emission Vehicles (Market Mechanism).
  • Award Government Procurement to Producers of Vehicles Employing New Technologies (Market Mechanism).
  • Remove Regulatory Barriers to the Development of New Demand-responsive Para-transit Services (Regulatory Changes).
  • Transportation Pricing Reform: Gasolilne Tax (Market Mechanism).
  • Pay-As-You-Go Insurance (Market Mechanism).
  • Transit-Friendly Government Procurement (Market Mechanism).
  • Corporate Average Fuel Economy (Regulatory Change).
  • Personal Motor Vehicle Miles Travelled & Emission Based Registration Fees (Market Mechanism).
  • Commuter Choice (Market Mechanism).


  • A Tradable Emission Reduction Incentive for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (Market Mechanism).
  • Biomass Energy Production on Conservation Reserve Program Land (Programmatic/Institutional Change).
  • Create a Renewable power Marketing Authority (Programmatic/Institutional Change).
  • Electricity Sector Reform (Programmatic/Institutional Change).
  • Provide Preferred Access to Government Technology Partnerships, and Regulatory Flexibility for Companies that Demonstrate Compliance with Environmental Performance Goals (Market Mechanism and Regulatory Changes).
  • Provide Incentives to Assist in Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies for Commercial and Residential Application (Market Mechanism).
  • Develop Federal Guidelines for Evaluating New Generation and Distribution Resources (Fossil and Renewables) on a Life Cycle Basis Including Externalities from Residual Emissions (Regulatory Change).
  • Establish a Market for New Generation Under Whatever Industry Structures Emerge that Rewards Clean Power by Requiring Fuel Price Risks As Well as the Cost of Enviornmental Controls to be Borne by Investors--Not Rate Payers (Market Mechanism & Regulatory Changes).
  • Promote High-Efficiency Fossil, As Well as Renewables and Efficiency, Technologies as "Clean Air Measures" by Establishing Clean Air Act Incentives for These Measures. (Regulatory Change).
  • Expand Market for High-Efficiency Fossil, As Well As Renewables and Efficiency, Technologies through Regional Air Quality Programs - e.g. Ozone Transport Commission, NOx Reduction Program, Grand Canyon Visibility. (Regulatory Change).
  • Establish Strict Overall Performance Goals for all Environmental Emissions (e.g. CO2, NOx, SOx, Toxics per Ton of Product) (Regulatory Changes).

Cross-Cutting Options

  • Negotiate International Greenhouse Gas Treaty With Emissions Trading (Market Mechanism).

Appendix C: Endnotes
Table of Contents


Energy and Transportation Task Force Report


Chapter 1: Findings

Chapter 2: Task Force Goals & Indicators

Chapter 3: Policy Recommendations

Appendix A Scenario Narrratives

Appendix B Other Policy Options Considered

Appendix C Endnotes

Appendix D List of Figures

Appendix E List of Tables


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