August 6, 1999
FROM: | Jacob J. Lew Director |
SUBJECT: | Revised Reporting Guidance on Year 2000 Efforts |
1. Quarterly Reporting Requirement. The quarterly reporting requirement is contained in Attachment A and is due August 13, 1999, and November 15, 1999. Please note several important changes to the quarterly reporting requirements.
2. Monthly Reporting Requirement. To facilitate reporting, the monthly requirement is incorporated into the quarterly report as Section I, B. Monthly reports are due on the 15th of September, October, and December. For the August and November quarterly reports, agencies need not submit separate monthly reports.
Office of Management and Budget OIRA Docket Library NEOB Room 10102 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 |
Status of (Department/Agency's) Year 2000
Quarterly Progress Report
Due August 13 and November 15,
I. Progress on Mission Critical Systems.
Total Number of Mission Critical Systems |
Number Compliant |
Number to be Replaced |
Number to be Repaired |
Number to be Retired |
II. Other Progress
B. Provide a description of progress to make data exchanges compliant with all entities external to your agency, including other Federal agencies and the private sector. Include:
C. Provide a summary description of efforts to assure that telecommunications systems and networks owned or managed by your agency are compliant. Also provide a date by which you expect all telecommunications systems and networks used by your agency to be compliant and describe any difficulties you are encountering.
D. Provide a summary description of efforts to assure that buildings owned or managed by your agency are compliant. Also provide a date by which you expect all of the buildings used by your agency to be compliant.
E. Provide a summary description of progress to assure that other systems or equipment, including biomedical equipment and laboratory devices and any other products or devices using embedded chips that your agency uses are compliant. Describe any difficulties you are encountering in ensuring that such equipment is compliant.
F. Please include any additional information that demonstrates your agency's progress.
III. Federally supported, State-run Programs. Describe efforts to ensure that Federally supported, State-run programs (including those programs run by territories and the District of Columbia) will be able to provide services and benefits. In particular, Federal agencies should be sensitive to programs that will have a direct and immediate affect on individuals' health, safety, or well-being. Include a description of efforts to assess the impact of the year 2000 problem and to assure that the program will operate. In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture must provide the following information for those programs listed in Attachment D.
B. A list of States, if any, for which the Y2K problem is likely to cause significant difficulties in the State's operation of the program. Also provide a list of States which are not likely to encounter significant difficulties.
C. For those States likely to have significant difficulties, a brief description of any action that the Department is taking to assure that the program will operate.
D. For each program, provide an estimate by fiscal year of the Federal share of State costs associated with efforts to achieve Y2K compliance (report totals in millions and tenths):
Fiscal Year |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
Total |
Cost Estimate |
IV. High Impact Plans. For each of the 43 high impact programs for which your agency is the lead, as listed in Attachment C, provide: 2
B. A brief description of the process to ensure that the program will be ready, which may include internal testing, data exchanges, and end-to-end testing, and provide a date when that process was or will be complete.
C. A date or dates to inform the public of program readiness. Include dates even if they have passed.
V. Change Management and Verification Efforts
B. Describe your agency's change management process to assure that the effect on year 2000 readiness is considered prior to establishing new requirements or changes to IT systems. 3
C. Describe any ongoing testing your agency is undertaking to ensure readiness of systems, such as integration testing, end-to-end testing, and retesting of key systems to further ensure readiness.
VI. Regulatory Review. Describe your agency's process for reviewing regulations to consider the effect of the regulation on the Year 2000 readiness of regulated entities and to consider alternatives to minimize that effect. 3
VII. Business Continuity and Contingency Plans (BCCPs). Provide information on progress in developing and testing BCCPs in your agency. 4 Include:
B. Describe how your agency is coordinating its BCCP with its Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning efforts.
VIII. Other Management Information.
Fiscal Year |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
Total |
Current Cost |
C. If there have been dramatic changes in cost, please explain.
D. Describe any concerns with availability of key personnel, including ensuring that key staff will be available during the weeks before and after the transition to the year 2000.
E. Describe any problems that are affecting progress.
Attachment B
43 High Impact Federal Programs
Lead Agency |
Program |
Agriculture (USDA) |
Child Nutrition Programs |
Food Safety Inspection |
Food Stamps |
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children |
Commerce (DOC) |
Patent and Trademark processing |
Weather Service |
Defense (DOD) |
Military Hospitals |
Military Retirement |
Education |
Student Aid |
Energy (DOE) |
Federal electric power generation and delivery |
Health and Human Services (HHS) |
Child Care |
Child Support Enforcement |
Child Welfare |
Disease monitoring and the ability to issue warnings |
Indian Health Services |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program |
Medicaid |
Medicare |
Organ transplants |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) |
Housing loans (GNMA) |
Section 8 Rental Assistance |
Public Housing |
FHA Mortgage Insurance |
Community Development Block Grants |
Interior (DOI) |
Bureau of Indian Affairs programs |
Justice (DOJ) |
Federal Prisons |
Immigration |
National Crime Information Center |
Labor (DOL) |
Unemployment Insurance |
State |
Passport Applications and Processing |
Transportation (DOT) |
Air Traffic Control System |
Maritime Search and Rescue |
Treasury |
Cross-border Inspection Services |
Veterans Affairs (VA) |
Veteran's Benefits |
VA |
Veteran's Health Care |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
Disaster relief |
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) |
Federal Employee Health Benefits |
Federal Employee Life Insurance |
Federal Employee Retirement Benefits |
Railroad Retirement Board |
Retired Rail Worker Benefits |
Social Security Administration |
Social Security Benefits |
U.S. Postal Service |
Mail Service |
Selected Federally-supported, State-run Programs
Program | Department | |
1. | Food Stamps | USDA |
2. | Medical Assistance Program | HHS |
3. | Unemployment Insurance | DOL |
4. | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | HHS |
5. | Child Nutrition Programs | USDA |
6. | Child Support Enforcement | HHS |
7. | Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) | UDSDA |
8. | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program | HHS |
9. | Child Care | HHS |
10. | Child Welfare | HHS |
1 This information is to be provided on a monthly basis, but is to be included in the quarterly reports of August and November in lieu of monthly reports.
2 OMB Memorandum 99-12, "Assuring the Year 2000 Readiness of Federal High Impact Programs," March 26, 1999, asks agencies to report on the status of their programs monthly until a public announcement is made. The requirement above is for additional summary information to be included in the August and November quarterly reports.
3 See OMB Memorandum 99-17, Minimizing Regulatory and Information Technology Requirements," May 14, 1999.
4 See OMB Memorandum 99-16, "Business Continuity and Contengency Planning for the Year 2000," May 13, 1999.
5 These estimates should include the costs of information technology remediation as well as non-information technology products and systems such as air conditioning and heating. Costs for outreach activities to non-Federal entities should also be included. Agencies should also include costs associated with business continuity and contingency planning as well as the implementation of those plans. In addition to regular appropriations, agency costs should include monies received by the agency for Y2K from the contingent emergency Y2K fund appropriated in P.L. 105-277, the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999. However, agency cost estimates should not include any non-Y2K costs that were funded from P.L. 105-277. Finally, these costs should not include upgrades or replacements that would otherwise occur as part of the normal systems life cycle. They should not include the Federal share of the costs for State information systems that support Federal programs. DoD should report obligattional authority requirements for business and weapons systems.
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